I know, I know, Festivus is on December 23rd, not 22nd, which means that there is one month and one day before the Airing of the Grievances and Feats of Strength, but Thursdays are impossible for me to write anything. Therefore, the Grievances Shall Be Aired Today. Of course, because it’s me, I have to […]
Nicole’s Mom’s Sugar Cookies, a.k.a., the best sugar cookies known to humankind
Yesterday we had another big snowfall; I don’t even know how many that makes so far this year – four? five? I have already lost count – but I watched the thick, fluffy flakes fall from the sky and it was like a switch turned on in my brain. As I had mentioned in my […]
Tis the season to start shopping
I know many of you loathe November with the fire of a thousand suns, and for those of you I offer you a big hug and also the not-really-news that it is already half over! It feels like it was just Halloween, just a day or two ago, and here we are, less than six weeks away […]
Spooky stuff!
Happy Halloween! After years of elementary school rules wherein costumes were only allowed after lunch on October 31, we have entered the realm of junior high. Every day this week has a theme – yesterday was Pajama Day, for example, and Thursday is Twin Day – and today, happily and appropriately enough, is Costume Day. […]
For best results
On my tube of toothpaste is written the following: For best results, squeeze the tube from the bottom and flatten as you go up. For best results? First of all, I do not think that how an individual squeezes a toothpaste tube is going to affect, in any way, the efficacy of said toothpaste. I […]
Red wine and cowboy boots
Well, hello there, Friday. You beautiful thing, come give mama a kiss. I desperately try not to wish my life away but I have been looking forward to today. It hasn’t been a long week, not really. If anything, I feel like time is rushing by like one of those super speed videos; I can […]
Indoor Versus Outdoor Egg Hunts
I know you were all on the edge of your seat, wondering how those fake eggs worked out, in terms of colouring. I think they turned out very well: They were a bit messier than working with traditional put-the-colour-tablet-in-the-cup-of-water-and-dip-the-egg-in variety, since there were plastic bags and liquid dye involved, but nothing has been permanently stained, […]