Happy New Year! As I write this, on my desk are two brightly-coloured paper hat, two Hawaiian leis, and two noisemakers that the boys brought home from an early New Year’s Eve party. Picture loud, family-friendly dance music and what appeared to be several thousand – although it was probably only twenty – children all […]
Boyhouse Year in Review 2018
Today I am going to de-Christmas the house. This is an all-time record for me; I don’t think I’ve ever had the decorations and tree up until December 31. Usually I take them down much earlier, but I felt the need to prolong the festivity, just a little bit. I am still on vacation for […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The “We Need A Little Christmas, Right This Very Minute” Edition
In the last week, I have seen the following outfits on young girls: a one-shouldered bodysuit paired with jogging pants, the type that are tightly elasticized around the ankles, super high-rise lululemon tights with a hoodie, the bottom hem of which ended two inches below the bra line, Cougar boots, and a very high ponytail, […]
Festively Limping To The Finish Line
I won’t ask if you are all ready for Christmas, because I know you already are! a friend (HI GLENN) said to me last week, and it’s true, my gifts were all purchased over a month ago, cards have been sent out weeks ago, everything is wrapped, and yet. This last week, these last few days […]
Advent Calendars: Waxy Chocolates, Fanciness, Happiness, and Kindness.
When you were a kid, what kind of – if any – Advent calendar did you have? We had the kind that you could buy at the grocery store or Sears; each window opened to reveal a small waxy chocolate in the shape of a gift or a tree or – for Christmas Eve and […]
Life Changing Decisions; A Whole New Me
After several months of dissatisfaction, and weeks of reflection and much internal dialogue and agonizing, I have made a huge, life-altering decision. I have decided to grow out my layers. This feels akin to when one decides to stop taking birth control and try for conception: there is an exciting, yet scary, time ahead of […]
Buddhas, Black Friday, and Bikinis
I’m torn between not wanting time to go any faster than it already does, living mindfully in the moment, savouring every day, and also counting down the next three weeks until Christmas vacation. On the one hand – mindfulness! On the other – hoo boy, am I looking forward to the break. Were you on […]