All The Appointments; Twelve Weeks In

Last week my son had an appointment with an allergist, and the skin prick test did not indicate that he is allergic to the food that we thought caused a reaction a few weeks back. The next step is a blood test, and I have to schedule my own routine blood test, along with my […]

A Very Fuzzy Birthday; Eleven Weeks In

Every single time I water my outdoor garden containers, an incredible storm rolls in, complete with hours of pouring rain. It feels symbolic, but I can’t quite make the leap. It has been a dreadful week for news, which I am not going to go into. The bright spot is that Covid cases are on […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Pandemic Beauty Edition

All of the Zoom meetings, and Houseparty virtual wine evenings, and Facetime conversations have reminded me of a conversation I had a few years ago with an older, female member of my husband’s family. Someone had introduced her to the concept of the selfie, and so in an attempt to join in to Selfie Land, […]

Grievances, Big and Small; Ten Weeks In

Big Grievance: Masks Despite my diatribes about shopping carts, I like to think that I am a very open-minded person. Unless a person is blatantly racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or similar, I am usually able to see things from their point of view, even if I disagree, be it about politics, parenting, books and movies, or […]

We Are All On Edge

One of the benefits of having a personal blog for twelve years (twelve years! Egads.) is that people really know where I stand on important issues. It is no secret that I have Very Strong Feelings about Returning Shopping Carts, and so when several friends pointed out the above Shopping Cart Theory, I had to […]

Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You; Nine Weeks In

Things have been starting to open up around here, in a slow way and with many rules and restrictions in place. Last Monday (Monday? I think? All the days blur together.) I received a phone call, which, if it’s not a telemarketer or an automated voice telling me that I haven’t paid my taxes and […]

Pandemic Mother’s Day and Panic; Eight Weeks In

I had to physically go to my calendar and count, because it seemed wrong today; eight weeks? This is the ninth week now? The calendar has reassured me that yes, those are the numbers we are working with today. Eight weeks in quarantine, or, semi-quarantine, I guess. Can you say you’re in quarantine if you […]