Be Thankful For What You Got; Eighteen Weeks In

You guys, I have a new toy! It’s a Peloton! Me, six months ago: Those Peloton things are ridiculous. I mean, if you want to spin, go to spin class. Half the fun is being around other people! Me, six weeks into global pandemic: Do we have room for a Peloton? I probably should have […]

Lots of Adventures; Seventeen Weeks In

Dental Adventure I had a dental cleaning scheduled for Monday afternoon and I was a bit nervous, due to the thought of having someone’s hands in my open mouth but you know what, all my nerves evaporated when the hygienist came into the room in full hazmat gear. Mask, face shield, hair covered, medical gown […]

Luck Be A Lady; Sixteen Weeks In

This past week, among other things, I read a book recommended to me by an old grad school friend called Success and Luck. As the title suggests, it explores the role luck plays in individual – and collective – success, success being defined here as the financial or economic type. Yes, there are many definitions […]

Does Anyone Else Remember Hammerman; Fifteen Weeks In

Last week, for no discernible reason, I remembered that MC Hammer had a cartoon television show called Hammerman; the actual show I do not remember at all, probably because I didn’t actually watch it, except that it featured magical shoes. Due to the magic that is the internet, I could watch an episode, or at […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Hair Styling Tools Edition

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that all of us – women, at least, but perhaps men too – have some sort of underlying hair trauma. By that I mean that we all have some sort of issue with our hair: maybe we had the Dorothy Hamill look back […]

We Were On A Break!; Fourteen Weeks In

One of the worst story lines and subsequent catchphrases that ever came out of a television show was Ross and Rachel’s “we were on a break.” Back my early twenties, when Friends was popular and we all had the Rachel hair style, many, many parallels could be drawn between that show and my life, including […]

Learning New Things and Saving Money; Thirteen Weeks In

You guys, look what I got! Do you SEE what that is? GEL SANITIZER! I haven’t seen gel sanitizer since before the pandemic started. I’ve only been able to purchase the really liquidy kind made by local alcohol companies and the spray kind made with hydrogen peroxide. Last summer a little Pharmasave opened up just […]