- At the end of October I always head to Bath and Body Works to purchase festive hand soaps for Tiny Secret Festive Season, and this year was no exception. I prefer regular liquid soap to the foaming variety for reasons that are mostly hard to articulate, with one exception: foaming soap never seems to pump nicely, instead I seem to always have to apply what I consider to be excessive force just to wash my hands. The result of this is that the soap often shoots out wildly, in the best case scenario into my sink, in the worst case scenario onto my sweater. As I shopped for my soaps this year, I noticed that all the soaps were of the foaming variety; when I asked the salesperson about it, she directed me to one small shelf near the back, where the selection was very small and the bottles themselves very bland, and not festive at all. According to her, foaming soaps outsell regular by twenty to one, and so the company has now focused the majority of their festive soap effort on foaming. Rather than buy a sad, pine-scented hand soap – I love pine trees, but I don’t want pine-scented hands – I gave in and bought the foaming soaps. The scents are glorious – Coconut Snowball! Twisted Peppermint! Winter Candy Apple! – and I’ve mostly mastered the pump-without-spraying-my-sweater, but not entirely. I’m learning and growing as a person.
- Despite all this festive hand-washing, last week my husband and I succumbed to the cold-like viral sickness that has been going around. I was, pardon my indelicacy, desperate for my Neti rinse, but I could not find my squirt bottle nor the giant Costco 200-pack of Neti salts to go with it. I looked everywhere, but sadly concluded that those items must have been part of my Insane Moving Purge in the spring. I wasn’t comfortable sharing indoor air with anyone, so instead of going to the drugstore I ordered a new bottle and salts from Amazon, which I thought was a one-day delivery, but it ended up being three. As soon as it arrived I ripped the package open and showered the sinuses I love with love, if you know what I’m saying, and it was such a relief. I washed out the bottle and then went to put it under my bathroom sink, where I found my old bottle, partially hidden behind my hair products. I was very annoyed, thinking this whole time I could have been Neti-ing. However, I had noticed on the package that the company recommends replacing the bottle every three months and at that point, I’d probably had my old bottle for at least eight years, so it was probably for the best. Although, doesn’t it seem like an environmental disaster to throw out a perfectly good bottle every three months? That seems like an excessive reaction, and a ridiculous waste. I’ll probably keep this one for another eight years, I have not died from not replacing my Neti yet.
- This might be a uniquely Canadian problem right now, but has anyone else noticed the sugar shortage? About five weeks ago there was no brown sugar at Superstore, and then there was no white sugar, and this lasted up until this week. I mentioned this to my mother-in-law who had NOT noticed, but then she called me in a panic to say that the workers at the Rogers’ factory were on strike. Ah! No sugar tonight! This explains why I could buy a giant bag of imported brown sugar in the international aisle but not in the baking aisle. I think the strike is now resolved but sugar is, of course, slow to get back to its regular supply level. I was at Costco and they had the giant ten kilo bags; an older couple was there with two carts, one of which was completely full with sugar, and they were working on filling the other one. Should I be hoarding sugar too? I thought. Maybe? Is this like 2020? The woman noticed me looking at her, lost in my own thoughts, and I startled myself back to reality. “You must have a lot of baking to do!” I said in the most pleasantly normal voice I could, trying not to sound accusatory like I know what you’re doing, you hoarder. “We have a lot of JAM to make!” she said, and I wondered if she had some kind of jam home business, or if it was all a cover to profiteer on the sugar black market, like we were in Europe in World War II. Either way I grabbed a bag, which I technically didn’t need, but let us remember Lessons From The Pandemic: if you see it, maybe buy it. Within reason, of course, let’s not forget how I ended up with six boxes of expired cream of tartars in 2023, and I don’t even use cream of tartar.
- I have been talking about the nightmare that is time change for twenty years, so I won’t bore and depress us all with its history, how it makes no difference with energy usage which is WHY it is touted to be still in existence, and how everyone is just fucked up for a week twice a year, including, importantly, the pets of the world. JUST PICK A TIME AND STICK WITH IT, I DON’T EVEN CARE. What I did not realize is how early it gets dark here; it is completely dark at 4:30 pm. I even thought I was maybe hallucinating a little, due to time change and my brain fog from my lingering sickness, but no, a check of my weather app tells me that the sun sets at 4:21 pm. What will happen in December? Well, there’s nothing for it but to embrace my inner Dane and get Hygge with it. I have my light-up gnome and electric candles, so I can participate in the Danish Hygge ritual of candles without the fear of scary actual candles burning my house down.
- I have been so looking forward to a women’s weekend retreat that was to take place next weekend. I haven’t been away by myself since my YMC days, and I was so excited as my friend Sara (HI SARA) was teaching the yoga sessions, and in addition to that there was going to be snowshoeing, lovely meals, and a comedy night. I was hoping to meet other snowshoeing women in the area, and did I mention it was a weekend of meals someone else prepared? Bring your swimsuit for the hot tub! the website said cheerfully. DONE AND DONE. Then, earlier this week, I got a notification that the weekend was cancelled, or, technically, postponed until 2024. And this after my husband bought me a new headlamp so I could take part in the Night Snowshoe Adventure. Well, I did get use out of the headlamp when I walked Rex before sunrise a few weeks ago; the completely unlit path was a little terrifying even with the headlamp, and I kept waiting to get murdered or for us to get attacked by wildlife, but perhaps wildlife could smell Rex and kept out of our way.

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have a great weekend. xo
I’m sorry you were sick and your retreat was postponed. 4:30 is early to get dark.
The time change is messing with me, too. I can’t sleep until my normal time, even though I am going to bed at my normal time, so I’m short about a half hour of sleep every night, which isn’t much but it’s adding up. Yawn.
My problem is I’m wide awake at the old time, which means like 3 or 3:30 in the morning. And it’s honestly silly to go to bed at 7:30, so I am TIRED!
I agree with you about the time change, just pick one it makes no difference to me which one. About your *maybe* sugar shortage, we had the same thing happening here during the late summer and we wondered if we should buy some ahead. We didn’t and now sugar is back on the shelves like nothing was ever wrong. Sorry about your postponed event, it’ll be great when it happens, but such a bummer in the moment.
Oh, that’s interesting Ally. When I was in Costco it was indeed like nothing had ever happened. Superstore, however, looks like an apocalypse took place!
I am probably going to write a post about this on my own blog, but why not hijack your comments to do a draft? I would love to use some lovely scented hand soaps, but there are two factors that prevent this from happening. One, my husband hates the smell of artificial scents, so there are no scented soaps, air fresheners, or candles in our house. Two, they irritate the eczema on my hands like nothing else. I recently started bring my own hand soap to my FIL’s house because his wife only uses the foaming BBW soaps and after only a handful of uses, my hands are a cracking, bleeding disaster. I am made so sad by this. I am now high maintenance with my soap (BRINGING MY OWN LIKE A RUDE PERSON) and miss out on the fun smells.
I have adjusted to the time change, I think. But the cat? The cat’s got some ideas about when she should be fed and we are currently failing her.
I love that photo of Rex so much. As Jenny would say, he’s flying!
Aw, that’s too bad about the soaps, Engie, but fun scents are not worth eczema flare ups for sure! Too bad though.
The time change is awful. Full stop. Why do we continue to do this to ourselves? But it will never change. But there has been much grumbling in our house about it, mostly from me. The kids have adjusted pretty well overall, though. But we had to manipulate their bedtimes ahead of time so it’s a multi-day annoying process.
I had to buy a netipot a few weeks ago. I hadn’t used one in quite awhile and must have thrown my other one out. It really does make a huge difference. Most of my issues were lower respiratory in nature, but using the netipot still helped!
I am also team non-foam soap. I do not change soaps ever, though. We use one kid of method soap in every bathroom. I do love going to houses where there are other fun-scented soaps, though!!
Oh gosh, with small children time change is an absolute nightmare. I remember those days of slowly adjusting the kids, and I AM NOW SCREAMING INTO THE VOID.
The neti is really helpful, albeit a bit gross to use!
I haven’t noticed a sugar shortage here. Sheesh – I hope that is short lived. Hooray for a new headlamp. Bummer about the weekend being postponed. Did they give a reason?
Ernie, they did, it was because the registration was too low to run the retreat. What a bummer!
I admit to only liking foaming soaps, but I won’t shop B&BW anymore because of their prices and a terrible online/shipping experience two years ago. But they do have great scents.
Ugh on the sugar shortage. We still have stores without random items here. I had a hard time finding pasta shells to stuff earlier this year. So bizarre.
Sorry you were sick! I don’t even know what a neti is. And boo on the postponement.
Oh, Bijoux, I have info about pasta! There is a durum wheat shortage which is what pasta is made of, so that will explain higher prices and shortages. Of course, everything is higher priced now (there is also an olive shortage, which is reflected in olive oil pricing, I noticed this week!).
Do yourself a favour and DON’T google a Neti, they are pretty gross. But effective!
Oh that picture of Rex! He’s got such a smile on him in this one!! Sometimes he’s a very serious puppy what with having to protect you from bears and talky guys and whatnot!
I’m so, so sorry your weekend has been postponed to next year, Nicole. I hope something fun takes its place this weekend. Come to my Diwali party? Your headlamp would be most welcome… a friend said he’d wear his since it’s the festival of lights-haha.
The “grievances” in the title makes me ask: Is TSFS also connected to Festivus? 😉
Oooooh YOUR DIWALI PARTY! Imagine, I came all dressed fancy with my headlamp. It would be a LOOK.
Lol, I didn’t even think of Festivus, I guess Festivus came early this year! I’ll go get my pole!
YES to the sugar shortage, and YES to your time change thoughts. This explains why I’ve been so lethargic all week, why didn’t I figure that out myself.
Ugh, everyone is dragging around here!
I hope you’re feeling better, Nicole! I’ve never tried a neti pot. I just don’t think I could do it, although I’m sure it helps a lot. I like plain old clear soap, but I love a fancy soap dispenser. I should look for a Christmas one. You look adorable with your head lamp! What a great idea!
And oh yes, the time change. Can we please stop it!!!
You do need a Christmas dispenser, maybe gnome-themed? Just some ideas, I’ll put it on the whiteboard over here. The Neti, well, it’s pretty gross. And the feeling is not unlike when you jump into a pool and get water up your nose. But oh so effective for those sinuses! Again, it’s pretty gross. But it works!
Oh Nicole. What a bummer about the weekend retreat. “Postponed” instead of “cancelled” is bolstering, though. I love your headlamp but I imagine it is still quite creepy in the dark.
It is so fun to get these little glimpses of your tiny secret festivities. Fun soaps, foaming and otherwise, are a delight. But I do know all too well the annoyance of foam spattering one’s shirtfront with foam.
Today is Remembrance Day so that means tomorrow is Buddy the Elf coffee mugs!
I also love my neti pot. Replace every 3 mints??!! That’s a total planned obsolescence strategy. Mine is a little blue pot so easy to clean thoroughly. I’ve had it forever! As someone with bad allergies I often have sinus issues. It is so relieving. As you wrote about your upcoming retreat, I noticed the “tense” as in past….and thought “oh no it was cancelled”. So disappointing. Weirdly this year the time change hasn’t bothered me at all. I think it’s the spring forward that’s hard for me. Also I don’t have any pets (above mentioned allergies).
Pat, it’s so easy to clean the Neti so WHY WOULD WE REPLACE THEM EVERY THREE MONTHS? That’s ridiculous.
All of these things would make me very sad. Getting sick is bad enough, but having a retreat that you were looking forward to canceled? I’m so sorry, my friend. But I like your headlamp. I bought one for myself to read at night. 🤣🤣
Oooh smart! Yeah, I was bummed out by the retreat.
Get hygge with it!!!!
Need I say more? You just crack me up with your undeniable wit.
nah nah nah nah nah nah – GET HYGGE WITH IT!
I haven’t tried buying sugar lately and NOW I AM WORRIED.
I never use cream of tartar; once I made homemade playdough and asked to borrow (and by borrow, I just mean use) some from my neighbour – she had some…but it was expired. So I think expired cream of tartar might be quite common. It works great for homemade playdough 🙂
The time change sucks. I don’t mind the earlier evenings too much, but the actual time change is horrible. We’re all grumpy and no one is sleeping right. I told Suzanne that it’s like jet lag but without a fun trip involved.
What a bummer your retreat was cancelled; it sounds amazing! Hope it all goes ahead in the new year <3
It IS like jet lag but with no fun trip! Honestly I do not know why I had so much cream of tartar. I last made playdough in 2009. I gave it away on my buy nothing group but WHY DID I BUY SO MUCH!
I did not know of a looming sugar shortage; but for once I had the foresight to stock up on sugar and flour last month in anticipation that the baking aisles would be bare right before Thanksgiving. Next up to procure, baking chocolate before it disappears.
Gigi, I think it was 2020 when it was hard to find molasses and I almost lost my mind. Gingersnaps are an important Christmas tradition here! I have never let my supply fall low again.
If you want to make a road trip, I HAVE TWO BAGS! #hoarding #blackmarket
I prefer the foaming soap, and now I’m having to stop and think about why. I think because the non-foaming kind squirts out in a glob that you have to sort of foam with water anyway in order to get it all over your hands, so foaming soap feels like it cleans my hands more thoroughly more easier.
SIX boxes of cream of tartar? Girl, how much playdough were you going to make?
Oh NO, it SUCKS when weekends away with your girls get postponed, I’m so sorry.
I’m feeling the same about the early dark. All the candles with flameless tealights are being pressed into service, and early Christmas decoration is looking better and better.
OMG Allison, I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING. Like, I hadn’t made playdough since 2009. I ended up giving it all away on my buy nothing page and to my neighbour who had a two year old.
I think I got rid of my Neti when I moved in with the hubs, but it was such a godsend back in the day. I started using it when I had pneumonia a long time ago and it helped take the edge off my allergies. I hate to tell them but I definitely did NOT replace the bottle every 3 months. Seriously who would?
If you wash it, I don’t see why you would get rid of it? Like, are people NOT washing it?
I need to learn how to use Neti. I used it unsuccessfully once and thought I was choking LOL
It does have a bit of a “am I drowning” feel but the key is to keep your mouth open while doing it!
My approach to the the Neti-bottle dilemma is: I don’t own one. I also don’t buy holiday soap (unless it’s at Target and Mrs Meyers and that is always non-foaming, FYI.)
I am sorry the women’s retreat was canceled/postponed. That’s a bummer. But that headlamp sure comes in handy when the days are so freakin’ short.
It’s true – and I just checked and today the sunset is at 4:18 so it’s going to be a pretty dark six weeks or so!
Neti bottle? I have a little plastic neti pot that looks like a teapot. Wondering what is different. I don’t need mine usually, but when I do, I REALLY NEED IT, and it REALLY HELPS.
I love the headlamp, but I’m so sorry that your weekend was cancelled. Bah!
Enjoy the sugar!
J, it’s more like a squirt bottle and I find it much more user-friendly than the teapot kind. It’s also super easy to clean, so I don’t know why it would need to be replaced so frequently!
I love your comment about the netipot. I do not use them but can relate to your having it for eight years even though the suggested use is three months. Can you or do you clean it out after a season or use? I am not really familiar with the washing rituals. If so, it is probably good for at least another eight years!
4:30 is way too early to get dark. I take A to soccer practice at 4 and pick her up at 5:30 but we usually ride bikes, and last week for the first time, it was dark when we went home! I need to bring my headlamp this week, as there were a couple of times we could barely see anything. I guess I am not a very responsible Auntie! Oops. However, at least our full dark is a little later than yours (our sunset is 5:00 pm, but full dark is about 5:25/5:30). The worst part though is that each week it decreases by about 20 minutes (I think) so the 4:30 dark is not far for us either.
Kyria, I clean it out after every use but it occurs to me that maybe people don’t? I guess if you didn’t you would need to replace it…but it is SO easy to clean, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t just do that.
The best line in this post: I have my light-up gnome and electric candles, so I can participate in the Danish Hygge ritual of candles without the fear of scary actual candles burning my house down.
I need a light-up gnome. THIS is the holiday decoration that speaks to my (shriveled, grinch-like) soul. Seriously. Where does one acquire one?
And also, yes, the time change is draconian, at best.
Anne, I found that particular gnome at The Spirit of Christmas in Banff just last month – but I’m sure they are around in the States too!
OH NO! I am sorry about the hand soap issue at B&BW. I buy the Mrs Meyer’s brand of hand soap, which are non-foaming and in delightful holiday scents. I was in B&BW this weekend and can’t remember if there were more foaming vs regular hand soaps. How annoying!
I am really sorry to hear about your women’s retreat. What a bummer! But at least you can put your headlamp to good use with these super early sunsets. Our sun sets about an hour later, and that still feels soooo early.
The foaming soap thing, I am disproportionately annoyed! However, the scents are absolutely delightful!
*Six* boxes of cream of tarter? Hahahahaha!!!
the only thing I’ve ever used cream of tarter for is snickerdoodles. And I love snickerdoodles but I can’t imagine makes six boxes of cream of tarter worth of snickerdoodles.
The early darkness really throws me. The other day, I thought I’d go for a run on my dinner break at work, and it was almost dark out, which makes me feel like I should pack a light with my running clothes if I’m going to do any more dinner break running. Also – early darkness is great for hygge and all, but I can’t really hygge at work, you know?
Running in the dark is kind of scary – maybe you need a headlamp as well!
Question: Do you use plain tap water in your neti pot? I used to, but then I read it should be distilled or boiled so you don’t get brain eating bacteria. Now it’s too much of a bother for me.
Cee, we have a water filtration system, and I use that. I also heard about the brain eating bacteria and that is frankly terrifying! But I figure our water is filtered so it’s probably okay. Not dead yet! (hope I didn’t curse myself)
I don’t mind the foaming soaps, but my husband hates them and ends up using my dish soap at the kitchen sink. So, I gave in and went back to boring, not foaming all over the place, hand soaps. : )
Bummer about your weekend getting cancelled; it sounded like it would be so much fun!
Even if your hand soaps are boring in that they actually go into your hand and not all over your clothes, I assume they are in exotic and wonderful scents!
Now that it’s November I start getting ready for Christmas. I do this so December isn’t as crazy. I also go to Bath and Body Works to get their foaming soaps. They were on such a good deal on Black Friday that I’m going to use them as neighbor gifts. I also try and declutter in November and have my carpet cleaners come. November is a great time to get ready for the holiday season! Happy Holidays!
Thanks Rebecca!