Cognitive Dissonance, Coney Island, Cows

I have been having such a strange cognitive dissonance for this entire month. My brain knows it is November. The short amount of daylight indicates it is November. And yet my body seems to think that it is the end of September; perhaps, at best, the beginning of October.

I blame the weather. There is no snow, it is very mild, and there are still leaves on some of the trees. After a lifetime in Calgary, in which November is firmly a Winter Month, I’m finding it strange to still be in fall. I have to keep reminding myself of the date, and that December is THIS WEEK.

I did kick it into high gear last week, finishing my cards and making a few festive treats:

And of course, this happened:

I love our style of tree decorating, which is crazy and maximalist. Putting up the tree is a Whole Family Affair around here, and it’s always so fun to see all the ornaments that we have amassed over the years. It was especially fun this year, with finding places for decorations in the new house.

We add at least one new ornament to our tree each year and it usually says something about our lives. When the boys were little my parents would also give them ornaments that complemented their then-current obsessions, which means our tree features everything from tractors to Star Wars characters. It’s a fun trip down memory lane, is what I’m saying, and although it wouldn’t win any decor awards, I love it so much. When it comes to Christmas decorations, more is more, in my humble, festive opinion.

I was delighted to discover a Christmas store in Maui – sadly, I have no idea if it is still there, as it was on the main street in Lahaina. Anyway, I purchased an ornament for the whole family and one specifically for Rex.

Speaking of Big Silly, he was temporarily sporting a new look this week.

Poor puppy! I’ll spare you the details but he had a bit of an infection on the top of his paw, and although he was clearly in no pain and has his usual level of Big Energy, wearing a giant cone was an adjustment. He could not fit into his crate with his cone on, he constantly bumped into everything, and we are all realizing how often he affectionately smushes his face into our legs, as we now had a cone enthusiastically nudging our bodies dozens of times a day. Usually his frantically wagging tail is what accidentally knocks things over, now we have been constantly on guard for both ends.

It’s like living with the big guy at the party wearing a lampshade on his head, all the time. We took him for his one-week follow-up, and he bounded out of the car and enthusiastically jammed his cone against the window of the hair salon next to the vet, to the immense merriment of everyone inside. Then, he pulled enthusiastically to get in the actual vet, and if you’ve never had to corral an excited 97 pound dog in a small waiting room space who has noticed friends, there are dogs here, ahhhhh, never mind that those dogs are sick and scared and not at all interested in being greeted by him, well, you don’t know excitement. “Rex has arrived!” the cheerful receptionist said, speaking volumes. He jumped onto the scale, over and over, remembering how he got treats to be weighed, and we should all be so enthusiastic when faced with such an opportunity.

In an only somewhat futile attempt to keep his paws clean, I have been avoiding the dog park and the adjacent Golden Mile this week, instead walking him along Lakeshore Road and up through the urban landscape that is beside one of the main thoroughfares in the city.

Am I even living in a city? I don’t know anymore. There are cows down the street from the library, people. Do not get me wrong, I love that there are orchards and vineyards and livestock in the city limits, I do love it. It’s so pretty and peaceful, even if Rex does think that the myriad fields with cows and horses are full of friends to play with and bark at, which makes it quite a bit less peaceful.

Weekly Reading

Sure I’ll Join Your Cult. I had heard about this book on a podcast and it sounded quite funny. Well. Sometimes a person is a great oral storyteller but it does not translate to the written page. This is ostensibly a comedy memoir about the author’s mental health struggles, but it was so damn depressing I barely could read it.

The Dead Romantics. This book is a creative mix of love story, ghost story, and family story: a girl who grows up in a funeral home and who can see ghosts goes home for her father’s funeral, where she falls in love with…a ghost. It’s not my taste at all, and honestly, I thought it was too long, and it dragged for me, but I give it points for originality. 

Thankfully Rex’s paw healed by the time we put the tree up, and so the cone has been removed. Not that he seemed to mind it; whenever we’d say “You need to be a flower now!” he would sit at our feet and wait for us to put his cone on. However, a cone and a Christmas tree seemed like a recipe for Festive Disaster, thankfully averted. I did briefly get him into his Santa outfit, before he pawed the hat off his head and tried to eat it. I hope your week felt equally festive and included delicious, non-hat things to eat. xo


  1. This Rex-rich post was exactly what I needed this morning! “You need to be a flower now”–Aw, my heart! Glad Rex is out of the cone now and that you’re having bonus non Winter months, and you have your gorgeous Christmas tree up, and that you have all those treats to nosh on, Nicole!

    Sorry it was a disappointing reading week! I’ve heard Bamford on the comedy channel before, and she seemed hilarious in an Amy Sedaris kinda way… Sorry she’s had mental health struggles, but I’m going to have to give this a miss.

  2. I’m glad Rex is all healed up. I suspect it will take at least a whole year in your new home for the weather to seem normal. You lived in Calgary a long time.

  3. This was a dream come true- a post all about Rex! I love his ornament, and I LOVE the photo of him with the cone. Well, and the one with his Santa hat! I love every photo of Rex! I’m glad the cone was removed in time to prevent a festive disaster.
    What is that first treat you showed (it looks incredible.) And are those your grandmother’s ginger cookies? i made those last year!

  4. Nicole, everything about this post made my heart sing, and feel so happy! What wonderful pictures I think Rex must spread joy wherever he goes. And of course, I love the picture of the cows! ❤️

  5. We, too, have a maximalist tree! Each of us have such different interests and nostalgia that the tree ends up being this wild mix of all of us (childhood ornaments from the 70s, Doctor Who’s TARDIS next to my daughter’s favorite Disney characters next to my guy’s Simpson’s ornaments) – it brings me so much joy!!

  6. Rex looks ADORABLE in his Santa Outfit. We had a tradition of the kids picking out a special ornament every year, often on family vacations. Such great memories! I’m sorry we missed the Xmas store on Maui, but we never made it to Lahaina 🙁

    When we moved into this house 11 years ago, I loved finding new spots for all our Christmas decorations. And my husband bought more trees! We now have 2 big trees and 4 small ones that we decorate. And Middle Child has an additional 2 small ones in her bedroom. My husband is a nut about Christmas!

    Thanks for sharing your fun decor!

  7. Your tree is perfection! Poor Rex – I’m glad he’s doing better.

  8. Oh Rex! I’m glad that his flower days are behind him.

    The weather really was so mild this fall. We had a freak snowstorm on Halloween, but it was warm and lovely after that…until now.

  9. I love the picture of Rex smiling at the camera SO MUCH, I had to show it to my husband who now loves Rex as well. Thank you for a REX post. I am trying to push Christmas back a bit, I’m not at all ready. My daughter is asking to put the tree up, and we got our first card in the mail today, so I can’t put it off much longer. Sigh. We have a Boy Scout delivering our wreath tomorrow…I guess it’s inevitable.

  10. Oh my gosh rex in his hat and scarf!!!!

  11. I cannot PROCESS the cuteness of Rex in his Santa gear. His FACE, Nicole.

    And the part where he sits cooperatively to have has cone put on when you TELL HIM HE NEEDS TO BE A FLOWER NOW is…well, perhaps I am a little emotionally fragile right now, because it is giving me a lump in my throat.

    I too am an ALL THE ORNAMENTS ON THE TREE person. We had one year where Elizabeth requested a matched tree: like, that we buy a set of coordinated ornaments, all in wine/gold, and we did do that, and the next year I was so relieved and happy to be instead putting up “OH here is that little Matchbox car ornament from the year Rob was so into Matchbox cars!!” and “Here is the peapod ornament we bought the Christmas we found out we were having twins!” and “The John Deere ornament, no I don’t remember why I bought it!”

    • Swistle Swistle SWISTLE SAME SAME SAME! I also have at least three John Deere ornaments, and little cars too. There is a Bob the Builder who at one point had a tree, but the green part fell off the tree, so now it looks like he is carrying a Festivus pole.

  12. This was perfectly delightful. Rex, as always, steals the show with his cuteness. Even in a cone. And BEING A FLOWER?! That is too much. I love his enthusiasm for life and Christmas. He is definitely a perfect fit for your family <3

    Your Christmas treats (well, all the treats you make, regardless of season) always look INCREDIBLE.

    Love the cow shot. And it must be so odd to be in a different climate this time of year. I for one hate winter and cold, so every day we get without snow and ice and below zero temps is a win for me.

  13. Rex truly is the king! He seems so loveable even from far away. I’m glad you get a longer fall, I always feel bad for the harsh Canadian winters you used to have. Now you have similar New England weather like me!

  14. Oh to have Rex’s energy and enthusiasm for life. He’s a joy.

    I wish I was in your climate! It is so awful here right now. It was 6F this morning so below zero F with the wind chill. So cold AF. And it’s only November! This is oddly cold for us – usually we don’t get this weather until later in the season.

    I love the ornament tradition! I brought one back from Banff and my MIL got both boys an ornament – Grinch for Paul and Mickey Mouse for Taco.

    Both books sounds like the pits. Have you read Go as a River? I think you might like it! It’s historical fiction set in Colorado. It is one of my fave books of the year – but the topic is QUITE heavy so keep that in mind…

    • Hmmm…I haven’t read that book and historical fiction is hit and miss with me – but I will look into it, if you say it’s good! If it’s a heavy topic I might just wait until after Christmas, we’ll see!
      It’s so mild here, I can’t believe it’s almost December!

  15. I heard Maria Bamford interviewed on a podcast, too. I was wondering if her memoir would hold up. Thanks for the review. We used to live in a house that was down the street from a pasture filled with cows. It made for some very odd noises at night when we had the windows open. Now we live near horses, they are much quieter oddly enough.

  16. REX! He’s so photogenic. Under the tree! With his hat and scarf! What a perfect guy.

    As you know, I’m a big believer in a yearly ornament. Do you intend on giving your sons a bucket of “their” ornaments when they have their own trees? My mom gave me all my ornaments and I love having them.

    I had a number of beefs with The Dead Romantics, but my biggest one was that we never got to meet Dolly Purrton, the cat.

    • Oh, how special to have all your childhood ornaments! I’ll leave that up to the boys to decide – they might want to pick and choose, who knows. Can’t wait to see your tree and ornaments!

  17. Oh Rex…. I love the signs on his cone though – they are so positive and cute! We’re having an unusually sunny few days here in my area of the Pac NW that my brain is also struggling to understand that it’s nearly December. This time of year should be cloudy, dark, and rainy. It’s not so clearly it’s still October says my brain. The cognitive dissonance is real.

  18. bibliomama2 says

    I love the disappointed-yet-tolerant look he’s giving you with the hat – and how can he be so smiley with the cone on?
    It must be so weird living where you do now in November, coming from where you did. I hope it still feels Christmassy enough for Christmas, but I’m sure the lack of frozen fingers will be worth it.

  19. Your festive treats look SO delicious. I really, really want this to be the year that I make your grandmother’s ginger cookies.

    The cognitive dissonance would be so off-kiltering! What month even is it?!

  20. Rex is such a big dork, but he has the kindest most loving eyes! I love the way he looks at the camera in the photos, kind of like, I will smile for you but can I take this thing off now (for both the cone and the scarf!)

    I am so with you re December; I keep thinking that the end of the year is so far away, we have plenty of time to do things, but…it’s creeping up fast! I think this always happens, plus then December has a lot going on so often goes fast too! Yikes.

    • December is FRIDAY!!! Yikes!
      Rex is so much fun and so photogenic. Barkley HATED the camera and would always turn away just at the last minute, so it’s fun filling my IG with dog photos now!

  21. Awww….I love all the Rex pictures! What a handsome boy! Do you get that a lot walking with him? We used to get that a lot with our/my son’s dog…and even now, people would stop their cars to roll down their windows and say, “Oh, my….what a beautiful dog! He belongs in the movies!” LOL

    I can imagine how disconcerting it is with the weather being so different from what you grew up in! It’s quite fun, with the novelty of it all, specially. Enjoy!

    • M, I do! I also get a lot of “are you walking a horse” kind of things because he’s so big. My friend said he’s like a cartoon dog come to life and she’s right!
      It’s very novel and I’m really enjoying not having to wear 1000000000 layers just to leave the house!

  22. Rex is SOOOOO cute. He must be an absolute pleasure to have around. Time to “be a flower”! That is unbelievable. I think I’m going to make those peppermint treats!

  23. I love Rex’ eyes in that photo in the Santa outfit. Too cute. Those first treats with marshmallow? inside of them – ooh my. I hope you share the recipe, even though I’m guessing they have a lot of gluten. Rex with the cone – well, that was a very large cone. I died at the flower orders. Brilliant.

    *I put my blog on private, hopefully not for long, but other bloggers who know more than I do, suggested it because there was quite a bit of media frenzy going on here the last few days. All is well. Things are moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed life will be back to normal soon. I’m sending invites to readers, or – I’m attempting to. If it works, it works. Otherwise, my posts will be waiting whenever I go mainstream again.

  24. Hahaha, Rex’ expression in the last picture… like “Mom, how long do I have to wear this”? LOL

    I love that Rex is so enthusiastic even when going to a vet. And I am a bit upset now that I didn’t get a treat when I stepped on the scale at the doctor’s office yesterday 😉

  25. OMG, Rex in the Santa hat and scarf might be enough to break the Internet. He is PRECIOUS. Can you even BELIEVE you get to keep him forever???

    I am so ready for Christmas and all the fun this month entails. I have a lot going on, but it’s all super-fun things and I’m just here to soak it all in.

  26. Awww. sweet Rex. I remember our boxer Cocoa running into absolutely everything with a cone on and I also realized how often she nudged us!
    It must be the most exciting thing decorating this time in a new house!! When I do a tree- I also love filling it up and seeing our family history through our ornaments. Your tree is lovely!

  27. I have the funniest story about the mint-chocolate brownies (Although I saw you mentioned to Ernie that your version has Oreo cookies in the base; an even easier version is to use a brownie mix – make your own if you like to – and then adding the mint layer and the ganache.). I’ll have to share that sometime… 🙂
    And Rex. Oh, my. What a sweet boy.
    But…Did you say he weighs NINETY-SEVEN POUNDS? Wow. That’s an arm workout, for sure!

    • Oh, please share the story! Don’t leave me hanging!
      Those squares of mine aren’t brownies at all, they are frozen bars! Very yummy.
      Yes, 97 pounds! I use a waist leash so I don’t dislocate my shoulder.

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