At the risk of sounding like an incredibly demented Little Miss Sunshine, I do not have a Least Favourite Month. I don’t have a Most Favourite Month either; I love April because it’s my birthday, and December because of Christmas, I love July and August because of the heat and summery vibes and I love September because it’s my younger son’s birthday and, together with January, there are those fun Fresh Start Feelings. I love May and June because of gardening, and March because it’s my older son’s birthday and our wedding anniversary. Even the less-popular months like November and February I love; the latter because I like to celebrate Galentines’, Valentines’, and eating half-price chocolate, and the former because of Tiny Secret Festive Season. October, of course, is a great month for Halloween and all the festivity that comes with that, including, but not limited to, fun sized candy.
But in my mind, due to a lifetime lived in Calgary, October is the beginning of winter. The leaves were always blown off the trees, meaning that the trees would be naked until May. It would always snow. The constant wind meant that wearing lip gloss and having my hair down at the same time was hazardous. My whole life I have always secretly wondered at those people who are strongly Fall People; it always seemed aspirational to me, while I dug out my winter coat and boots, to be walking around in October in only a sweater and scarf, with leaves still on the trees, eating fresh apples and looking at pumpkin displays that hadn’t been frozen and thawed so many times that they turned into mush.
But wow! Do I ever love fall here! October is gorgeous; even on the rainy and cool days, it’s beautiful. I’m turning into a Fall Person! And so of course it’s time for…
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Oooh, It’s October Edition
If You Leave Me Now
Now, of course I greatly enjoyed the fall colours when I lived in Calgary, of course I did. Every year for approximately two to three weeks, I would walk around like the aforementioned demented Little Miss Sunshine and photograph the changing trees against the blue sky backdrop. Then there would be a hard frost and an enormous windstorm and the trees would be mere sticks against that blue sky backdrop. And then it would snow.
You guys, not only are the leaves in full, glorious colour right now but they have been for over a month AND there are some trees on which the leaves are STILL GREEN. What is this magic? It is so gorgeous, I can’t even. I CAN’T EVEN. I have gone from demented Little Miss Sunshine to possibly scaring fellow walkers with my enthusiasm for fall foliage. The vineyard is golden, trees are all green, yellow, orange, and red, RED, you guys. I can’t get over it. I actually phoned my husband the other day, while driving, to shriek about the alternating colours of the trees near the library. I would have taken a picture but you know, I was driving.

The Book Of Love
Speaking of the library, after my rough start I am getting really comfortable with my local branch. I still have my CPL account for ebooks, but I am finding the selection here for paper books is quite good. I went in the other day to pick up a hold, and ended up cleaning out almost their entire shelf of “Staff Picks.” As I went to the counter with my arms stacked, I mentioned somewhat sheepishly and guiltily that I had done so, and the librarian checking me out cheerfully said That’s what they are there for! We will just put in new ones!

Also, the loan period is four weeks, which seems gloriously generous and justifies my giant, greedy piles.
People Of The World, Spice Up Your Life
If you are not following my friend Suzanne’s blog (HI SUZANNE) you are sadly missing out: not only is she an incredibly gifted writer who is an absolute delight to read, but she also frequently posts recipes and dinner ideas. Last fall she posted the Perfect Fall Cookie and my goodness, friends, you need this cookie in your life.

Now, because I’m me, I made a few changes: I added vanilla and omitted the cloves, and I did not want eight giant cookies, I wanted many, smaller cookies, and so I just adjusted the baking time accordingly. They were perfection, all the beauty of fall in cookie form.
Kale-ing Me Softly
Back in the spring, my sister-in-law thought I would be sad, moving to Kelowna, particularly since I would miss out on a whole year of gardening, and so she planted some cherry tomatoes and kale for me in my mother-in-law’s garden. You may remember that my mother-in-law is next door, but what I haven’t mentioned is that the garden will be mostly my responsibility next year. I have BIG PLANS, including raised beds for all the veggies, but in the meantime, I had these lovely cherry tomatoes and kale that were just for me.

The kale is STILL GOING STRONG. I have had so many cuttings of it this year, and it’s still going! We’ve been enjoying giant salads every Sunday dinner since we arrived here, and it’s been so prolific that my husband MAY have hinted that he’s tiring somewhat of kale. Well, too bad for him, because we still have some in the garden! Plus, my favourite farm market still has them in giant bunches 2/$5, so get ready for more Vitamin K!
That sounds like a joke, but kale really is high in Vitamin K. Moving on!
Snack-ual Healing
Let’s stay with the topic of food for a while; I have two items that I am obsessed with. Now, the first one I am a little shy to tell you about, as I JUST wrote about the madness of diet culture and my belief that we CANNOT assign some kind of morality to food choices, we just can’t. It’s absolutely wrong and destructive and I WILL NOT DO IT.

But OMG, this popcorn. Look, I know. I know the name is stupid and goes against every single thing I just said, but this popcorn is SO good. Could I pop my own corn and toss it in a coconut oil and nutritional yeast concoction to make something similar, precluding me from financially supporting a snack food company called Lesser Evil? I sure could. Will I? NO, because this is so delicious and also I make every single thing from scratch around here, just let me have this. Let me just have something easy.

I picked this up at Costco on a whim; I was hungry, and also I was stuck in a cart traffic jam, waiting for a dozen people to get their free sample of crackers and file out of the aisle so I could move on with my life. I saw this and was intrigued, and let me tell you, it is every bit as amazing as I could have ever hoped. It’s spicy and sweet, and tart and sour all at the same time. It’s like an incredible chewy candy, but it’s fruit. It is so good and I plan on grabbing several bags the next time I spot this. Of course, this is Costco we are talking about, and so who knows if I will ever see it again.
Smooth Operator
If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you will know that I have been a Neutrogena devotee for years, decades even. You will also know that any skin care or beauty product must be used by me for a minimum of three months, and must show some kind of benefit, for it to be featured in my Favourites. Well! Let me tell you about this:

I started using Neutrogena Retinol Plus about six months ago, both the eye cream and the regenerating night cream. I was initially attracted to it because it comes with a warning label: NOT FOR BEGINNERS. This cracks me up so much, but it also indicates that it involves some pretty potent retinol. Well, this is not my first retinol rodeo, people, I’ve been riding that retinol bull for some time now.
Does it work, you may be asking, and the answer is I think so? But it’s impossible to tell, really, because time keeps marching forward and I do not live in the multiverse, people, and so there’s no Nicole Without Retinol to compare to. But I do think that my makeup-free face is less haggard-looking than it was when I started; then again, when I started I was in the midst of preparing for a move and an empty nest and my husband’s retirement, and was having a nervous breakdown every other day, so who can say what the cream is doing. It could be working OR I could just not be under an unbelievable amount of stress, who knows. What I know for sure is that my forehead lines are a permanent fixture and nothing short of surgery or massive filler injections is going to change that, so que sera sera.

Welcome To Her Dollhouse
Do you need a little pick-me-up? Of course you do! Well, let me tell you about my lovely friend Michelle (HI MICHELLE). She is an artist and a crafter and she has been working on a dollhouse for a while now, and let me tell you, it is the MOST incredibly adorable thing you have ever seen. Like, I have actual fantasies of shrinking myself down to live in that dollhouse. Every single new addition is better than the last, and I honestly feel like I might spin off the planet whenever I look at it, it is SO cute. I go and look at her photos at least once a week, when I need cheering or when I just want to see how the doll-half lives. THERE ARE GNOMES, PEOPLE. I find when I’m looking at it I am barely coherent because LITTLE TINY ROLLING PIN AHHHHHH.
Look at me, swanning around with no coat, just a jaunty sweater and blanket scarf! This is Peak Fall Fashion Goals for me.

Rex wants you to see his white tuft, which matches my outfit.

These pants, boots, and top have all been discussed at length before, I am sure, but what I want to talk about is this cream poncho-like sweater. I bought it from lululemon at least ten years ago, and while I love it, I don’t wear it often. Mostly, because it’s cream and I almost always immediately spill something on myself whenever I don light-coloured clothing. But there is a funny story attached to this sweater, and that is that I was wearing it at the playground, underneath my winter coat, while waiting for the kids to finish sledding after school one day. My friend Helena (HI HELENA) came up to me and pulled me aside to tell me that she thought I should know I had toilet paper hanging down in the back.
Now, first of all, god bless everyone who tells people things like this, whether it’s a toilet paper mishap, lipstick on the teeth, chocolate on the face, or skirts tucked into pantyhose. These people are doing the lord’s work. But the thing was, I did NOT have toilet paper stuck in my waistband and hanging down below my winter coat, it was just that the jaunty edges of the poncho-like sweater gave the ILLUSION of having toilet paper stuck in my waistband and hanging down below my winter coat, and I think we can all agree this is not a look anyone would aspire to.
Therefore, I swore I would never wear that sweater again underneath any outerwear, and since I lived in Calgary until three months ago, this meant that my opportunities to wear it were greatly reduced. Calgary is not a place that really encourages a person to go anywhere without a jacket. But now! Now I can wear it in all its glory, I just have to make sure I’m not going to immediately spill wine or salsa on it, which is what happened the last time I wore it. Resolve Stain Remover: also a Nicole’s Favourite Thing.
Hilariously, one of my Favourite podcasts, Nobody Panic, released an episode this week called How To Be A Basic Autumn Bitch and it spoke to me, people. It spoke to me. I hope you are enjoying October too, and if you have Favourites to share, I’d love to hear them, as always. xo
I always love a new edition of Nicole’s Favorite Things! I don’t know how you survived in Calgary for so long- it sounds AWFUL (I’m sure there were good things too… but ugh.) I’m very happy for you that you get to actually experience and appreciate fall! I always love the season, even though our weather is not fall-ish (I’m just glad it’s not 90 degrees at 5 am anymore.)
I’ve made Suzanne’s cookies! I made them a couple times last year and I’ve made them once this year already. So, really- vanilla and no cloves? Do they still taste fall-ish?
I love the outfit and especially love how you and Rex match. Glad you’re able to now wear your poncho sweater! And oooohhh… I want that popcorn.
I think they taste fall-ish without the cloves because of the cinnamon and ginger. Truthfully, I left out the cloves because I didn’t have any. And vanilla, well, when is vanilla NOT welcome to the cookie party? Never, I say!
Oh one more thing- I may have to listen to that podcast!!!
NICOLE. I am supposed to fly to Calgary TODAY and I am SO ANGRY about the weather that I haven’t even packed yet. I CANNOT bring myself to do it. I don’t want to think about snow boots and parkas and mittens!!! Get out of here with that!!! UGH. (What I’m saying is, yes, fall in southern BC is so wonderful.)
Ugh indeed! Also, safe travels (AND GRRRRRR SNOW!)
I have been wondering about how you’d find fall in your new environs. I’m glad it’s making you joyful. Even though I’ve been posting pictures of changing trees on FB, ours are still at least half green. We’re having such a warm week before Halloween (with highs in the 80s for five days in a row– and no, this is not normal) we were afraid to carve our pumpkins last weekend because we didn’t think they’d last. But we’re going to do it this weekend.
Hahaha Steph, the funny thing is that in Calgary you couldn’t carve your pumpkin too early because of the freeze/ thaw cycle that would end up in total mush. I didn’t think about it from the HEAT point of view!
This was writing perfection. Start to finish, I loved every single word.
Fall is my happy place, I just want to bottle it forever. Unlike you – you beautiful soul – I hate winter months. To me there is very little to redeem the months of January, February, March, and April.
This made my heart so happy: I actually phoned my husband the other day, while driving, to shriek about the alternating colours of the trees near the library. I would have taken a picture but you know, I was driving.
And that toilet paper story; you know I HAVE THOUGHTS ABOUT TP so this hit close to home and really made me laugh. As always, you look gorgeous and Rex is the perfect accessory to any outfit.
Thanks so much, Elisabeth! I can’t get over how GROSS it would be to have a trail of TP coming out of your waistband, I guess stuck in your BUM? EWWWWW. Still, I am so glad someone said something because it’s not a look I want in my life. BUT EW.
I went on a leaf peeping trip last weekend, and I swear the best views are in the car. Red, orange, yellow, and a few pops of green as far as the eye can see. You just don’t see that when you’re outside with most of the leaves above you.
Sometimes it turns cold or rainy in October but this year it’s stayed fairly warm and dry, so I’m soaking in every moment of it.
Oh, solid point, Birchy!!! Of course there is a better vantage point from the car!
I’m glad you’re getting your Octobers back. It’s beautiful there.
I’ve had that popcorn! IT IS AMAZING.
Okay, now that Suzanne and you have both mentioned them, I know I have to make these cookies.
Those cookies are SO good!!! And so is the popcorn!
I made those cookies. So good.
Yeah, I don’t really understand the intense love for autumn that so many people have. It’s always rainy, damp, and cold where I live. Sure, we’ll get a day or two of nice weather at a time, but for the most part, I’m wearing a raincoat and freezing because I don’t want to bust out the parka.
Staff Picks are nice, but my library doesn’t always have that section. WHY? I’ve read Sweet Bitter from your stack. I just finished Tom Lake and didn’t find it compelling until the end. We need to discuss!
I always enjoy reading your favorite stuff. I did try Lesser Evil popcorn once, but I couldn’t get past the coconut oil. I have the same issue when snack foods use avocado oil. It ruins it for me. But those cookies look tremendously good!
I haven’t read Tom Lake yet and I am excited. We will discuss the MINUTE I finish it!! Did you like Sweet Bitter? I haven’t started it yet.
I love coconut oil so it just adds to the experience for me BUT I can see how it would be a little overpowering for some people
I do not remember liking or disliking Sweet Bitter. I love the smell of coconut oil, but not the taste.
Oh Nicole, you brightened my day so much! Thank you for saying how much you enjoy my dollhouse posts. It means so much to me! I’m printing your post to save for a day when I need some cheering up!
Calgary weather is all too familiar – being exactly the same as Montana weather! We had a wonderful fall, but today, it’s over. Just like that! It snowed and it’s cold, and I had to dig out all my winter clothes. However, a snowy day is a good baking day – maybe I should look into the cookie recipe!
I love your lists of favorite things – I always discover good things!
Michelle, on FB all my friends in Calgary were posting photos of the snow! It is like a whole different world. And thank YOU for having such a cheering and fantastic site. I am serious, I look at it ALL THE TIME!!!
Yes for enjoying fall colors! Today I took a photo of Hannah the Dog because her coat is the same color as the trees! One day only! Hannah is camouflaged.
I’m with Elisabeth. January, February, March, and the first part of April are So. Hard. I do not know how you dealt with it so cheerfully in Calgary. I’m already preparing my emotional defenses of what is to come. Lots of blankets, hand warmers, SAD lamp time, and an always charged heated vest.
Ahhhhh I just saw that photo on IG! Hannah is colour coordinated!
First of all, I realized when I was reading this post that I forgot to request a Christmas card exchange with you.
I’m so glad that you are experiencing fall in all its glory, and yes RED is amazing when it pops up on a tree. Becky, my friend who also babysits, and I took our combined crew to the Arboretum last week on a freakishly warm day. We were posing our 11 kids for a phot and a woman offered to take it for us, so we could be in it. We chose a backdrop of reddish-pink leaves on the ground. It turned out super cute. All sweet little tot faces were looking at the camera. Too bad Becky and I don’t send Christmas cards out together.
I love that your SIL thought enough to plant your favorites in the garden. What a kind and lovely gesture. Not sure I can introduce a new cookies, when my choc chip cookies are so well-loved in these parts, but I might have to change things up as they look so yummy. The TP wardrobe mishap is a funny story.
Oh, I bet that photo was stunning!
I’ll send you my address via email and then you can send me yours!
I grew up sneaking tamarind from the tree in my grandmother’s house and sharing it with my cousins, so I totally get your love for this unusual snack. We were warned that it would “heat up the blood” but that doesn’t sound like a bad thing in Cotober now, does it? That popcorn sounds yummy and I’ll be on the lookout for it–might “Lesser Evil” be about their practices (clean foods, less packaging) and so on rather than about diet culture? A girl can dream, I suppose.
What a bunch of great photos–love the one of you twinkling up at the camera and the jaunty one with Rex. I cannot see how that poncho could look like TP though–I just can’t see it!
And how wonderful of your SIL–such a sweet and thoughtful act!
Oooh Maya I have always wondered what tamarind would be like to eat ever since I was about 23 and read a book called Tamarind Mem. It SOUNDS kind of delicious in a very sour way.
I’ll have to put on a coat and get my son to take a photo from the back to see what the TP look is like!
OMG, Tamarind Mem, is a blast from the past in itself! A new wave of India-centered writing…
Tamarind pods are very sour. When the pods were green they were hard, sour, and bitter; when the pods got pulpy inside, you could crack the shell and suck out all that sweet-sour pulp. I see tamarind pods in my grocery store sometimes, I always associate it with childhood naughtiness.
Oooooh it sounds really good. And that book was so good, in my memory at least, so I should revisit it!
OK I love everything about this post from the TP trompe d’oeil to the observation about cookies being more chocolate than cookie, but came here mostly to note that actually LOL’d at “fauxmage” Not sure why but I can’t stop laughing at it. It’s just perfect.
It’s so funny (also, really delicious!)
Third times the charm, I hope. (The blog ate my other two comments)
I’m happy you are getting to enjoy the whole fall experience. I love the leaves this time of year!
How did I miss the Christmas card exchange that I saw someone else mention? I’m in.
By the way, anyone else experiencing trouble commenting? I just logged into WordPress and I think (crosses fingers) that might be the key.
Gigi, I have had to make a gravatar account in order to comment on other people’s blogs so I don’t think you are alone! I think logging into gravatar or wordpress should do it. I have noticed commenting issues with all wordpress accounts lately, I guess they need you to log in these days? Who can say. Technology!
You’re on the list now!
HI NICOLE!!!! Thanks so much for the shoutout and such kind words.
How have I not yet made those cookies?! So very glad you are enjoying the Full Fall Experience in your new home! And the kale your sister in law planted – that is so kind! I am also very much looking forward to learning more about your new garden!
The toilet paper hem sweater cracked me up. How wonderful that you can wear it in its full glory now!
Why do popcorn companies in particular seem so bent on abusing the “food is sinful” naming conventions?! Popcorn is a whole grain! It’s great! I do not need it to be “skinny” or less “evil” or “smart.” Boom Chika Pop really has the best name of all popcorn brands because it is not about anything except the popcorn! Apparently I feel strongly about this!
Your enthusiasm is the exact perfect way to start the day. Now I am off to look at photos of this dollhouse!
I ALSO FEEL STRONGLY. Like, Skinny Pop. Or Smart Food. Let’s all give a moment to the best popcorn ever, Boom Chicka Pop! I hope the peppermint chocolate kind comes back this year.
The TP story had me laughing, as I am one of those doing God’s work and will often tell people when they have things like that happening. Of course, now people WANT to have their bra strap showing, so some don’t really want that heads up, so my usefulness has been diminished. However, I think that nobody wants to be trailing a piece of TP!!
I have had the plantain chips by that popcorn company, which are also cooked in coconut oil. I liked the concept and of course try to stay away from some of the more inflammatory oils, but they were a bit dry to me. However, I am sure I would like the popcorn since that would not be as much of an issue. Is the popcorn from Costco too? That is where I got the plantain chips.
I have never had the plantain chips! The popcorn wasn’t from Costco – I’ve never seen it there. I think I bought it in the Superstore natural foods section. I don’t find it dry but also it’s popcorn, so maybe different. It’s funny you mention inflammatory oils – I just listened to a science podcast about that topic (Science Vs).
October in New Jersey is very beautiful! The foliage is orange and red and some brown and gold. I work right next to The Watchung Reservation so looking at the leaves is so special. Another special thing: splurged on two Olaplex hair masks and treatment, slowly recovering from $90 I had to shell out but apparently it’s amazing for damaged hair like nine.
Oooh Olaplex is an amazing product!!! It’s worth the money (unfortunately – why can’t drugstore brands work like the pricey ones??? I am asking this same question as the expensive Nutrafol shampoo and conditioner I received as a free gift are SO much better than my regular ones!)
I’m so glad you are finally able to enjoy Autumn! Lovely, and that sweater looks great on you. I was excited to read your review of the retinol product until you said, ‘maybe’. That’s how they all seem to me, too, even though it is supposed to be the one thing you can buy that helps. I think I should have been using it for about 15 years now, though, so it’s probably too late for me anyway.
J, that’s exactly why I buy retinol, because it is apparently the only thing that actually does work, as opposed to all the Vitamin C serums and hyaluronic acid and the like. Now, I can’t say for sure that it works but I think it does in a way. I know it doesn’t really do anything for the really big lines, like my forehead, but I do think it helps stop the lines from getting worse. So maybe better late than never?
I think you should listen to this skincare recs podcasf episode:
I tried to listen to it on my flight home from Chicago last night but I was so tired, I fell asleep listening which is common when returning from a work trip. But don’t let that deter you. Jamie is a skincare pro (but a layperson, not a derm or anything like that).
Your fall sounds similar to ours. It rarely snows until nov or dec and the leaves are so stunning. It’s a gasp-inducing time of year!
I downloaded that podcast the second I read this comment because it sounds totally up my alley!!! Thanks Lisa!
Favorites posts are my favorite
I love the photos of fall in Kelowna and I am stoked you’re finally able to enjoy a proper fall season without wintercoats and snow. Fall can be quite nice.
Love your outfit (the TP story made me laugh) – you look gorgeous and I love that you’re matching Rex. Haha.
What does tamarind taste like? I don’t think I have ever tried it.
I think I had bookmarked Suzanne’s cookie recipe but I have yet to bake them… but I think we’re entering the time of year when more baking is on the horizon
Thanks San! Tamarind is kind of sour – my friend Maya above used to eat it in India and describes the actual fruit very well! I have never eaten the fruit by itself, just these little bites, and they are sort of sour, sweet, and spicy all at the same time. Really tasty!
Rex is the perfect accessory for that outfit— love it so much.
Thanks Sarah!
I’m not familiar with Nobody Panic, but it might be a good podcast for me. If there’s attitude, I’m gonna like it. The Chili-flavoured Tamarind Bites look delicious. But like you said, if it’s at Costco you best not get too attached to them. Your outfits look beautiful as does the fall foliage.
Thanks Ally! I really like Nobody Panic, it’s just a very fun podcast and every week is a different “how to” topic.
Once again, I loved so many things about this post! Timely, as my Calgary son and his fiance (upgraded from girlfriend, here, last week, while I took photos!) just visited so she could see the gorgeous Ontario fall colours. She was appropriately blown away, and the joy was magnified by the gorgeous sunny warm weather we enjoyed. Sadly, they flew back home last night — to snow.
I’m happy you shared that chocolate cookie recipe as I’m looking for a new one. I do read Suzanne’s blog but am way behind due to wonderful above-mentioned company. And a hard NO to cloves as I hate them so much, but yes to vanilla, because how can you bake cookies without it?
Pat, I am 100% with you on the vanilla front! I always add extra vanilla to all my baking!
Congrats to your son!!! And also to you and your new soon-to-be-DIL! I really feel for her, Calgary Octobers can be so harsh!
Oh, I love your Favorites posts, Nicole! So much fun to read and learn about different products, too!
I’m so glad to hear you are enjoying your first fall season in new home. Isn’t it amazing what a bit of milder temps can do? Gorgeous! And ohhh…what a sweet thing your sister in law did — how awesome is that? I need to plant some kale now! LOL And OMG — toilet paper?? Ack! I don’t blame you for not wanting to wear it again after that….and I’m glad you now have the chance to wear it and display its beauty without the fear of anyone thinking you’re wearing TP!
Thanks so much M! It’s such a change (as I see from all my Calgary friends that there is quite a bit of snow on the ground!)
How to be a basic autumn bitch. LOLOLOLOL! You are winning my friend.
The views are fabulous and I’m so happy you finally get to enjoy a real fall without going right into the dead of winter, frozen tundra.
I love your white, almost toilet paper shawl–so darn cute and versatile.
Thanks for the giggles: I’ve been riding that retinol bull for some time now.
Your SIL planted a garden for you; that is true love.
Happy fall my sweet friend!
BASIC AUTUMN BITCH, THAT’S ME! I think one of the things one must do is have a blanket scarf so done and DONE!
Welcome to the autumn club! Coming from Southern California, fall used to be HOT and everything was either burned to a crisp or about to be so you can imagine my joy when I moved to the PNW! Autumn heaven!
Also I LOVE dollhouses!
Today Michelle has a Halloween party at her dollhouse! It’s so cute!
I am so glad you get to enjoy FALL and leaves and color (colours)! YAY! This is the only time of year that I wish I lived somewhere else – somewhere that gets beautiful fall colors and nice weather. I am tired of the heat!
I have not yet tried Suzanne’s cookies but the cookie in your picture looks so good that I want to crawl through the screen and eat them all. I may have to finally give them a try!
I am on the Neutrogena train, too. I am using some sort of retinol night cream (+ regular retinol). As I start my trek into the last half of my thirties, it’s time to get serious about retinol!
I LOVE Neutrogena. It works so well for me and it’s such a good price point! It’s absolutely the perfect time for you to use retinol – your thirties is a perfect time!
i loooooove those tamarind balls so much. They were are our Costco, then not and then I despaired and then they were back again and I think I need to buy like 10 bags of them.
If I ever see them again I’m stocking up!