Five For Friday: The Faces, Friends, Fire, and Family Edition

  • Nobody Panic. It was so fun to read everyone’s responses to the dishwashing, face washing, cookbook post. The very next day, the Nobody Panic podcast released an episode called How To Wash Your Face, which made me wonder – do they read this blog? No. But it was a fun coincidence anyway. Not to completely spoil the episode, but the theme was “Should you do this too? I don’t know, I don’t know your face! We all have different faces!” which is just how I feel! All our different precious faces require different methods of washing!
  • Girls, Girls, Girls. Last Saturday my sweet friend Sammi (HI SAMMI) hosted a girl’s night, and she included both me and another woman who had also just moved here four weeks ago. Everyone was so lovely and I met so many fun women, including someone who also lives on a large piece of property which includes her in-laws’ home. MY PEOPLE. Second only to the laughs and great company was the food: it was an appetizer-and-margarita night, which is a winning combination for me. I love making a dinner out of appetizers; to quote Juliet Litman, my ideal way of dining is Dips and Desserts. We all brought something and everything was so delicious; one woman brought bruschetta made exclusively from her garden items, which made me so excited to start my own garden next year. I am a Girl Who Needs Girls, and so it was so wonderful to be included into the circle. It reminded me of something I heard recently about Victoria Beckham, who taught her daughter that her number one job at school was to notice if there was someone alone in the playground, and then be friendly with that person. I feel like I am the girl alone on the playground, and Sammi is Victoria Beckham’s daughter, is what I’m saying.
  • Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest. We had our first houseguest this week, and it was my brother. If you know, you know. Because our old house was small and didn’t have a room for guests, we have actually never had houseguests before, so this was really fun. It was a super hot week – Tuesday was 39 degrees! – and sadly yesterday a huge fire broke out on the west side of the lake. We could see the flames from our house, which was frankly terrifying. My brother had left by that time, which was good because he would have been going through it; as of this morning I think the people who live out on that side – it’s not hugely populated, but there are people – are safe. There is some structural damage, but as of right now it’s not extensive.
The sole upside to smoky skies: sunsets.
  • Cross Canada Tour. Speaking of guests (I have looked at the word guest too many times and now it looks strange to me. Guest guest guest.) I will be guest-posting over at Elisabeth’s blog (HI ELISABETH)! Do you know Elisabeth? She and I have been friends since 2021, and I credit San (HI SAN) and her Secret Santa Mug Swap for introducing us. I think we were the only Canadians, so we got paired up and I couldn’t be happier to know her! Elisabeth is an organizational and thrifting QUEEN who should also be working for Tourism Nova Scotia, because her photos of her home province make everyone who sees them want to book a trip immediately. I am not sure when my guest post will be there – I have to write it first – but I haven’t guest-posted since probably 2010 SO THIS IS EXCITING.
  • I’ve Got The Key, I’ve Got The Secret. After twenty-three years of mail delivery to my door, I am getting used to having a community mailbox. The first few weeks I was here I had to borrow my mother-in-law’s mail key to access it, as in addition to sharing two acres, we share a mailbox. This should not have been a big deal, but it felt like a big deal; I would text her to see if I could borrow the key, which of course I could, then I would go to her house, and she’d have to get the key from its place in her car, and it simply felt like a lot to just get the mail. However, by the miracle that is Canadian Tire’s key cutting service, our house now has not one but two mail keys, and anyone can get the mail at any time. The timing for this was fortuitous as my dear, longtime friend Elise (HI ELISE) sent me an enormous care package with so many lovely things in it including chocolate goodies, and I was able to speed walk to the mailbox to get them before they melted. Did I mention it was 39 degrees? As a side note, Elise sent Cuban lunches, which I haven’t had in an AGE and I was so excited to get! Among SO MANY generous things, she also sent a bookmark, and my heart felt like the Grinch’s when it grew three sizes, seeing it.

We have been absolute social butterflies this week, and it looks like more of the same for the weekend! I love it! I was so worried about feeling lonely and isolated, moving here, but between new friends and old friends and long-distance friends sending love and even visiting (HI JANET), between family visits that have happened and family visits that will HOPEFULLY be happening NEXT MONTH (HI MOM) I am so happy and content. I hope you all have a wonderful, heart-filling weekend. xo


  1. What a joyful post, Nicole! Except for the fire, of course–but even that was marked by such a beautiful sunset. I’m a person who needs other people too, so I felt you in every moment of belonging and community and love.

    Also: I don’t remember who it was, but someone in the comments to your previous post mentioned that face-washing with a washcloth is like a hot-towel treatment, and that sounded so pampering, I might have to give it a try!

  2. Oh wow, Susanne will be very interested in the face washing podcast! It’s so funny- we feel like we’re the only ones grappling with such a trivial issue, but then it turns out EVERYONE is thinking about it!
    I think so many of us owe San a debt of gratitude! ALL of my favorite blogs right now are ones I discovered through San’s NaBloPoMo. I’m already gearing up for November again.
    Sounds like you’re settling in beautifully!

  3. The 2023 fire season has been incredible; I’m still stunned by what’s happening around the world and even here in my beloved province of NS (wildfires, flash floods).

    In happier news, how exciting about hosting your brother. I feel like we have 3-4 stints of company each year. This is getting easier as the kids get older. We have a dedicated guest room, but most people that visit us tend to have kids, so it is a mix-and-match system of couches and air mattresses for everyone else (I mostly don’t give up my room anymore!)…but it works.

    When I saw you call me queen of anything MY heart grew about ten sizes. What a sweet description (I do love a good thrift store outing; when you make it to NS we’ll have to thrift together), and I can’t wait to have you guest post. A confetti of gold stars (thanks for that wording Suzanne) to San for linking so many people in this community. In addition to you, San AND Jenny are also going to guest post at some point for me. Reading everything all three of you write is one of life’s delights and I just adore this blogging community.

  4. Yikes! That West Kelowna fire is so scary. I sure hope they got it under control before it moves down the hill. We have had a bad fire year up here in Northern BC as well. I moved back up here (grew up here) 7 years ago from Kamloops – where I had an incredible group of friends! But, I’m happy to report I now have that here as well. I am like you where I really do rely on having a close group of friends in my life. Also I love the dips & desserts comment and I’m fully on board with that as well!

  5. Yay for everything except being able to see the wildfire from your house.

    I’d love to see a Nicole & Elisabeth meetup! Until then we’ll live vicariously through your guest post.

  6. That Victoria Beckham analogy is lovely. I love that you made some new friends in your new community.

    The fact that our planet is burning makes me absolutely sad. But man, that sunset is stunning.

    Dips and desserts. YESSS.

  7. The fire is so scary, especially after the disaster in Maui. Fires get out of control so quickly. I hope everyone stays safe. Your girl’s night buffet looks wonderful! I’m not at all surprised that you’re already making friends and becoming part of your community. I can tell from your blog that you have a gift for making people feel instantly comfortable and special!
    Having your own mailbox key is a small thing, but very important! I shared a mailbox with my in-laws too. At first it seemed strange, like an invasion of privacy! But I soon realized that it wasn’t like that at all, and everything was fine! They weren’t judging me by my junk mail!

    • I’m usually the one picking up the mail so the judgement is all on my end (I kid, I kid!) Not having a key was really getting to me, because of course I could always borrow a key, but I wanted to just…get the mail, you know?
      Thanks for such sweet words xoxo

  8. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns says

    Yikes the wildfires are terrifying. It feels like we live in apocalyptic times. We are lucky to not have fires around us. But we will get tons of smoke this weekend and I’m solo parenting so I don’t know how much I can be outside with the kids…. Gahhhh.

    I am so glad you are putting down some roots already and making new friends! Even though I am a major introvert, I really need friendships. We all do of course! It can be hard to start over so I am glad you have someone to be your ‘friend fixer’!

    • It does feel apocalyptic. It was 20 years ago this week that Kelowna had a really devastating fire, so that is a stressful feeling for sure. Hope it’s not too smoky for you this weekend.

  9. The fires are horrifying but have made for some great photo ops. Kind of have mixed feelings about that.

    I like your dips and desserts. The middle of any meal is usually much less important, imo.

    I remember living where I had to walk to a community mailbox. It was weird at first, but in the end it gave me, an introvert, a way to casually meet neighbors.

  10. How nice that you’re already getting folded into a circle of friends! That will make you feel more like you’re home.

    The care package is such a nice thing to get (but what are Cuban lunches?). You probably don’t want to give your mailing address out, but if you did, I would love to send you a few bookmarks to add to the new collection. Can’t have too many!

    • CCR, Cuban lunch is a rectangle of chocolate with Spanish peanuts in it. I just realized it’s a Canadian thing and it was discontinued, then an Alberta company started making them again, so it’s a nice little reminder of home!
      You’re SO kind, I will email you 🙂

  11. Semantic satiety! I had it once with the word closet when I was very young and it freaked me out so much that, well, I remember it to this day.
    Being lonely would be my chief concern with moving, even to such a beautiful place, so I am so happy you’re finding a group of such wonderful people, even if you’re one province further away from me, sob.
    What are Cuban lunches?
    Have you watched Only Murders in the Building? Martin Short’s character who only eats dips? My kind of guy, is what I’m saying. Appetizers are the best.

  12. What a fun night with new friends. But the sight of that fire is frightening. The community mailbox would take some getting used to. I like being able to just stop at my mailbox when I’m out walking or in my car coming home and not have to worry about a key. How did it hold the package though? It must be big.

    • Bijoux, when there is a big package, the mail carrier puts it in a separate mailbox and then puts the key to that box in our mailbox, if that makes sense. I don’t know what happens when a lot of people on the street all get a package though!

  13. Pat Birnie says

    Such a lovely post – oh yes appetizers! When my 3 sisters & I get together (we used to go away for a couple nights but now that I have a cottage we just go there- so easy!) we do a dinner that’s only apps & of course wine. And dessert. It is just the best. Our family also does apps for our big Boxing Day get together at my house. We are talking 30-40 people so there are a LOT of yummy choices.

    However – the fire! I just got into the car in Ontario and heard about the terrible wildfire in Kelowna. I immediately checked your blog. I heard that the fire has jumped the lake. I so hope that you your family and your beautiful property are still ok. I am a positive person but I must say this year I am really worrying what the world will be like for our grandbabies. So scary. Take care. Hugs.

    • Your family sounds so lovely, Pat! I love a dinner of apps and desserts – and wine!
      Yes, you are right, the fire situation worsened very quickly. We are still safe where we are but so many friends evacuated!

  14. Food News shoutout! I am always so excited that you love FN as much as I do.

    The fires in Canada are so crazy! I’m glad it didn’t really impact you, but it’s so scary that it was so close!

  15. The fires are absolutely terrifying. I hope they stay far away from you.

    I’ve always said that if I were in charge of feeding people around here they would get appetizers and dessert all the time. So happy to hear that you are already making friends and thriving where you are planted; I’m not surprised though. I would expect nothing less.

  16. I’m glad you’re finding your people. Scary about the fires being so close, though. I hope you had a nice visit with your brother.

  17. So glad that you are settling in well with friends, guests, keys, etc! I’m terribly worried about the fires in your area and thinking of you and your family and your community.

  18. This post is full of great news and tidbits, aside from the fire. How scary. I love that your brother stayed with you and that you attended a fun women’s group. Glad the awkward key situation has improved. You are sounding settled and happy. I hope your mom comes for a visit.

    I take Mini back to college tomorrow. The girls and I snuck away for 24 hours to a town in Wisconsin a few days ago. We had such a lovely time. I start babysitting on Monday. *sigh*

  19. I am so sorry about the fire (and bad air). We know a thing or two about that here in California and unfortunately, it seems to be happening now in so many other places. I hope they get the fire under control.

    The rest of this post is just so happy, Nicole. I am glad you’re already making new friends (although I had no doubt you would, because you’re such an open and approachable person!) and I really need some tips because I also need some girls’ nights. 🙂

    I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that my Mug Swap and NaBloPoMo fostered some great new friendships. I really feel like we have nice little community going and it’s so wonderful (like in the good old days of blogging!). I’d love a girls’ night with all of you! <3

  20. I’m on Facebook, and today’s Memories feature from 2020 was this, as our area of California burned:

    “People sometimes ask what your favorite season is, and I have trouble with that one, because there are things I really like about each. Spring – rain and everything is green and flowers…Summer – great produce, listening to kids play in the pool, more relaxed vibe (at least when Maya was still in school). Autumn – changing leaves, cool crisp mornings and warm afternoons. Winter – cool, sometimes cold weather, being cozy inside when it is wet outdoors, rain, holidays.

    Know what season I hate? FIRE SEASON.”

    The smoke can be so dangerous.

    Also, thank you to SAN for bringing us all together, and I’m thankful to NGS for coming by my blog, which pulled me in to NaBloPoMo and helped me meet all of you. <3

    I love a meal like that. Snacky foods are the best.

    • I guess it’s fire season starting for you down in California, I hope it isn’t a bad one at all. It’s pretty awful here right now but hopefully things will get under control, helped by very low winds.

  21. Yay for good girlfriends, the in-person kind and the blog-world kind! I am looking forward to the guest post! Love that dictum from Victoria Beckham — what good advice for us all.

    Also: your first housguest!!!!! And it was your brother!!!!!!!!!!!! So many exclamation marks, Nicole!

    The postbox key thing also made my eyes go wide. I am SO GLAD you were able to get your own keys made, because… WOW. I feel like having to share a postbox key with one’s mother-in-law (not specifically yours, I’m sure she is lovely) has the makings of, like, a Daphne Du Maurier novel. So I am pleased you have extricated yourself from any chance of that happening.

    I am worrying about and thinking of you and your neighbors/friends. Fire is so scary. I am praying for early snows (and then a lovely warm fall to make up for it) to tamp the fires out.


    • Thanks Suzanne, it has been a crazy weekend for sure. The wind has been calm since yesterday which is a huge help.
      I never thought of my mailbox situation as being the makings of a novel…but you’re right! Maybe an idea for your next book??? xoxoxo

  22. The fires are so scary; I hope they are getting them under control. I worry about humans…but I also worry about wildlife.

    I had no idea that Victoria Beckham was such a wise mother. I love that analogy and I love that you are being a social butterfly!!

    I can’t imagine not ever having guests as we have guests all.the.time! Woot Woot!

  23. The pictures you’ve been posting about the wildfire are so scary! I’m glad you’re safe, but what an awful thing to experience. <3

    I love that you are making girlfriends in your new home! That's so lovely to hear! I know you need community like this, so it warms my heart that you are finding it so soon. <3

  24. I know you came through the fires okay, thanks to commenting so darn late. But oh, how scary that must have been. On the positive side, though, I am so glad to see you – someone who clearly thrives on connection – connecting with a new local group. You are such a positive force, I suspect you’ll draw even more people to you in the very near future. 🙂

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