Happy Galentine’s Day!

It’s February 13, and you know what that means!

Happy Galentine’s Day!

I don’t know what it’s like in your house, but in mine, Valentine’s Day is kind of a non-event. Not a total non-event; we do celebrate with cookies:

And cake:

But other than baked goods and the tank top decorated with a bee and the words Bee Mine that my husband gave me one year, we really don’t celebrate it around here. If you know me at all, you would know that the bee top won me over for years to come, although I am still waiting on the I Choo-Choo-Choose you card.

So there’s no big romantic dinner (on a Tuesday, are you crazy?), and wine mid-week disrupts my sleep; my husband and son have pollen allergies so floral bouquets are a no-go as well. I could really get down with heart-shaped chocolates, although I usually like to buy them discounted on February 15. What can I say, I’m half-Scottish. We spent Friday night watching a special on Super Bowl commercials, and Saturday watching only the funny parts and fast-forwarding the rest of Old School, so who’s winning at romance now?

I do like to lean into the idea of GALENTINE’S Day, though. Last year at this time I vowed I would host a Swistle-style Galentine’s party (HI SWISTLE), but I remembered that vow only a few days ago, so that was a no-go. Next year, maybe. Instead, I put together a bunch of silly classroom cards for my Monday afternoon ladies, and taped a strawberry Lindor to each one. If you have never tried a strawberry Lindor, my goodness, you are in for a big treat. If you like fruity chocolate, that is, which I do.

For Christmas I received a new Garmin watch, and one of the new features on it is a “Body Battery,” which uses metrics like heart rate, stress levels, and sleep quality to measure the body’s energy reserves throughout the day. I am OBSESSED. I used to focus on Steps and Intensity Minutes, but now it’s all about the Body Battery, baby. Well, I still look at Steps and Intensity Minutes, but other than hitting my daily goals, I don’t really care much. With the Body Battery measurement, it’s fascinating to me to see my energy levels go up and down, and what affects them. If I read for an hour, what happens? If I walk for an hour, what happens? It’s not like I need data from a watch to tell me that I’m tired or refreshed, but it’s nice to have that confirmation, if you know what I mean.

Here’s the reading after a decent sleep:

And a not-great-but-not-terrible sleep:

And here’s a Friday night sleep, after I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine:

Oops! Well, the cost/ benefit analysis still comes up in favour of Friday night wine, as it is a treat I look forward to, but everything has its price, I guess.

In terms of batteries, and recharging them, I sometimes think of people in this way. There are people who I feel literally energized after talking to or visiting with, and there are those who I can feel my battery draining away in their presence. It’s not that I dislike those people, or never want to see them, but I do limit my time around them, and bring awareness to myself and how I’m feeling when I am around them.

In a Charge My Battery move, I signed up for my friend Sara’s (HI SARA) yoga event at a local art gallery. This is the first led yoga class, not taught by me, that I have attended since 2018. Sara has a thriving online teaching presence, but every few months she has an in-person event and the stars lined up for me this weekend, and I was able to attend.

Let me tell you, what a treat it was. My daily practice and, obviously, the classes I teach are all set by me; I flow through my own cadence and breathwork and asana. What a treat it was to follow along with the nourishing, delicious class of asana Sara put together! If you’re local – or even if you’re not, because she’s online! – you should really check out her classes. Rumour has it that her sweet dog Alton is always on or near the mat during her online classes.

I’m sure this guy would love to be on my mat too! But he’s still sleeping when I’m practicing.

Weekly Reading

I didn’t really make any New Year’s Resolutions, or choose a word of the year, or what have you, but after reading that nightmare of a book back in late December and regretting the time wasted in reading it, I have decided to just…not finish books if I don’t want to. Generally I push through, thinking maybe it will get better, and you know what, it rarely does. Why am I wasting my time? NO MORE. So far this year I have picked up and then immediately taken back to the library four books. The first was Something Wilder, by Christina Lauren. I have liked and not liked their books in the past, and I read the prologue and the book jacket before deciding that this one was not for me. The second was The Opportunist, which I had picked up on a whim at the library, and by the first chapter I was completely irritated by the characters. The third was a book that is actually quite good, but that I realized I had read before, in August 2020, which is When You Read This. Does that happen to you? I will start a book and by the first or second chapter I will think wait a minute…and then I’ll check my spreadsheet and see that yes, I’ve been there and done that. So, there was nothing wrong with When You Read This, but if I’m going to reread something, I want it to be on purpose. The final Did Not Finish Or Even Start was Matthew Perry’s memoir. I do not, as a rule, enjoy addiction memoirs, and by flipping through it casually I could see that it was ENTIRELY about his addictions. Also, after reading a paragraph here and there I saw that it was trying really hard to be funny, and I decided not to waste my time.

Anyway, I had some real winners this week in the reading department. In what can only be described as Library Kismet, all the books that came in on my hold list this week were romances. Does the library know it’s Valentine’s Day? Maybe!

The Bodyguard. Well! This was just the most delightful read! It was exactly what I needed this week. The plot, while a little silly, is just so much fun and I am 100% here for it. It follows a woman who works as a specialized bodyguard, and she is put on duty to guard a Chris Hemsworth-like movie star from a stalker, as he has moved to Texas to be near his ill mother. He doesn’t want knowledge about the stalker to add stress to his family, so the bodyguard needs to be undercover; she has to pretend to be his new girlfriend. PEOPLE. I AM HERE FOR THIS. I think we all know what happens in romance books when there is a pretend relationship – SHIT GETS REAL, Y’ALL. I can’t say enough about this cute book, because although, like I said, the plot is a little silly, the theme is REALLY good and heartwarming, and the epilogue, my goodness, the epilogue. A delight. The narration and dialogue are really funny, too. If you need a pick-me-up, go get yourself this book, stat.

In A New York Minute. Oh my gerrrrrrd this was SO MUCH FUN TO READ! I am dying! It’s such a good romance – it starts with the worst day ever: a layoff, a sweaty subway ride, a wardrobe malfunction to end all wardrobe malfunctions. Listen, while carrying the box from her desk after being laid off, her dress catches in the subway and completely rips down the back, leaving her as exposed to the New York commute rush as wearing a hospital gown. And someone is live-streaming it onto Instagram stories. A stranger comes to her sartorial rescue – but the two are opposites. OPPOSITES YOU GUYS, I THINK YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN. It’s such a romp and I never say this, because I generally deeply dislike when books are adapted for the screen, but if this was made into a movie, I’d watch it. The happens to be cohost of one of my fave podcasts, Forever 35. If you love joy and happiness and warm fuzzy feelings, I recommend both book and podcast! 

Nora Goes Off Script. Well, with this, I am 3/3 for incredible romance novels this week! This was so good; a screenwriter’s home is the set for her movie, and the leading man stays on for a while after to rest and recharge. He settles into her routine as a single mom, and they end up having an affair. This takes twists that I did not see coming, and was a delightful mix of “I am woman hear me roar” and heart warming romance. Oh, and by the way, the screenwriter is a Hallmark-movie style screenwriter who makes it big with a different style of script, and I was here for it. A Hallmark-type-book with a twist, about a Hallmark-movie-writer with a twist! I loved it. 

Happy Galentine’s Day, my friends, and may your Valentine’s Day be filled with self-love and battery recharging. May your February 15 be filled with half-price chocolates. xo


  1. HI NICOLE!!

    I had reluctantly abandoned the idea of Galentine’s Day because my girlfriends did not seem to be into it and I wanted to take the hint—but then this year one of them posted a photo of our last Galentine’s Day party (February 2020) and said it was so much fun and we should do it again, so MAYBE??? Too late for this year, but maybe I’ll try next year and just See.

    Considering how I feel about my phone’s level of charge (I STRONGLY RESONATE with that scene in The Good Place where there is an ice cream flavor that tastes like having a fully-charged phone battery), I think I could be VERY INTO / STRONGLY MOTIVATED BY a body battery.

  2. Happy Galentine’s Day, Nicole!! What a lovely haul of cookies and meet cutes! I’d say your yoga date and the card+chocolate are an apt celebration of gal pals. Midweek Valentine’s Day and my heavy to-do list made me decide against a Galentines’ celebration his year, but perhaps next year? XOXO

    • I think so too, Maya! I just got back from class and it was so fun, giving out the treats. Some of the ladies also brought treats, and one lady played the piano during savasana, so it was a real celebration.

  3. Happy Galentine’s Day! I also don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, which is weird because I love almost all other holidays. i did make my daughter heart-shaped pancakes (yesterday- pancakes are not a Tuesday morning breakfast) and I would swear I’ve made a cake that looks EXACTLY like the one in your picture. But other than that we don’t do much. We actually get much more excited about the Super Bowl than Valentine’s Day.
    I’ve read something else by Katherine Center, and even though I don’t usually like romances, I enjoyed it. Funny that your library holds all had a romance theme this week!

  4. My husband recently got an Oura ring and LOVES the feedback it provides. I think it would be fascinating (but also depressing some days), but I really appreciate how it gives him reminders about needing to take rest and factors in all sorts of health data. All from a ring?! Technology astounds me sometimes.

    Valentine’s Day is not a big deal to me at all. When my husband and I were dating, our first Valentine’s was incredible and I have very sweet memories of that day, but aside from that years…it’s mostly a little blip on my radar. I will do a few fun things for the kids, but my hubby is actually out of town over Valentine’s any way.

    I do remember my Mom making a heart-shaped cake around Valentine’s Day, though, and LOVING IT. A square cake and then a round one cut in half, I think, generates the shape? It was thrilling as a child.

    I have Nora Goes Off Script on hold at the library and plan to collect it tomorrow. I’ve heard nothing but good things and now I’m very excited!!

    • Someone on my FB mentioned an Oura ring and this is the first I have heard of it! *brb, googling*
      The square and round cake cut in half is exactly what I did! I had to really cover with the strawberry coconut whipped cream though, because the round cake ended up taller than the square. Cake emergency!

  5. We had a lunch date Saturday. It was a date of opportunity, when we realized we were going to be alone for the afternoon, but I was pleased it was close enough to Valentine’s Day that we could call it an early Valentine’s Day date. We’ll do presents and cards on the day. I’m making grilled cheese cut into hearts and tomato soup for dinner, which is something I often do, but not every year, so when I put it on the whiteboard, North was happy.

  6. Valentine’s Day is not a big thing here, except for the kids at school. Like many other holidays, this one is a victim of holiday creep. When I was in school it was just paper cards in a shoebox; now it’s a full-blown Halloween-like candy situation. Most kids give out candy or toys with their cards now, it’s kind of insane.

    I’m putting all these books on my list for the next time I need a fun audiobook!

    • Someone else was saying that recently! When my kids were small – which, given, is a decade since they did classroom Valentines – it would be only occasionally someone would give candy as well as a little card. Now it seems like it’s all the time.

  7. I worked in a restaurant in college and that has kind of forever-impacted my view of Valentine’s Day. Of course the waits were long and reservations were hard to come by and wow, did it bring out the worst in couples. There was no lingering over a glass of wine while they waited for a table – instead there was much bickering as they decided whether to wait or try another place. Oof. I like the idea of Valentine’s Day but we don’t really celebrate it, per se. I’m not showered with flowers and chocolates by Phil. Instead, he makes sure our cars always have gas in them. I have probably filled the car with gas less than 5 times during our almost-6 years of marriage. And when it’s super cold out that is a GIFT! Paul is excited to exchange Valentine’s, though! I fly to Texas tomorrow so won’t celebrate with my Valentine’s but that’s ok. My group of college friends wanted to do our favorite things exchange around V-day but I couldn’t wedge another thing into the month of February since I travel twice and Phil traveled last week and we hosted a friend. But maybe next year we can! I much prefer Galentine’s to Valentine’s day!

    I need to read more romance because I have read some HEAVY stuff lately! I’ll be reading a romance next (Better than Fiction) and I just requested In a New York Minute. And bravo for abandoning books!! I used to be a completist, too, but realized life is too short to read a book that isn’t working for me!

    • That’s so sweet about the gas. I am an Acts of Service gal myself, and so would totally appreciate that.
      I waitressed through university as well and working Valentine’s, as well as Sunday brunch and Mother’s Day, gave me a whole new perspective on eating out! And not a good perspective!

  8. I’m very staunch about DNF’ing anything that doesn’t reel me in right away, and recently I’d forgotten that I’d DNF’d something and picked it up again (Commonwealth by Ann Patchett if you must know). I got a few pages in and say “hey this isn’t working for me” and then “WAIT A MINUTE!!! I’ve read this before and it didn’t work then either!!!”

    Happy Galentines! This reminds me that I’m overdue for a girls’ night, so I’ll have to get that on the calendar. We usually keep Valentine’s down to a special dessert, sometimes flowers, and always lots of candy afterwards when it goes on sale;-)

    I can’t even with the body battery. I can never see a clear pattern in when it goes down or up, so I don’t know what to do with the information.

    • Birchy, I read Commonwealth THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH and I really, really didn’t enjoy it at all. Chalk that up to many hours I won’t get back. I wish I had vowed to DNF earlier! I like Patchett generally but eeeee I did not like that one.
      I have noticed that the week before my period my body battery is a lot lower on average!

  9. I, too, have given myself the gift of walking away from books that aren’t serving me and it has given so much joy to my reading!

  10. Oooh, the cookies! Ooooh, the cake! Better than flowers or store-bought chocolates any day! The body battery is very interesting. I’m afraid mine would have a negative number right now!

    • So far the lowest I have had it go is 5, which makes me wonder if that’s the absolute low or…would it go into the negative zone? Stay tuned (she says as she guzzles wine and then works out…)

  11. That does happen to me, where I start a book I’ve already read. I’ve read a few of the ones you mentioned, though maybe I’ve read them all! LOL, who knows? I’m with you on closing a book I’ve no interest in. Life is too short.

    Your cookies and cake look delicious! I’m making my husband’s favorite pie today. Strawberry rhubarb.

    • Hahahah maybe you have read them all! It’s so funny when that happens. It’s like…hmmm…this feels familiar. Once I got three chapters in before I realized!
      My kids LOVE strawberry rhubarb. Maybe I should make it for them!

  12. Happy Galentine’s Day, Nicole! You make every day a little more sparkly and warm than it would have otherwise been.

    The cookies and cake look delicious. And I really wish my iwatch had a body battery meter?!?! That looks amazing!

    You really know how to make a person who doesn’t typically choose romance books WANT to choose romance books. I have a book waiting for me at the library (the Linwood Barclay that Gigi and Elisabeth both recommended!) so I am going to see if any of these delightful sounding books is available as well.

  13. Happy Galentine’s Day! Our big V-day thing is a heart shaped pizza from a local shop. My son loves it! Otherwise, meh, but that cake looks amazing, so we may need to expand this year.

  14. Letting go of the feeling that I must finish every book I start was very freeing. I very frequently use the Look Inside feature on @mazon to check out the start of a book before asking the library for it; it’s like picking up the book at the library and flipping through the first few pages. So many times it just isn’t for me, and I don’t even have to get it out. This has really cut down on the number I pick up and close on the first page.

    The body battery idea is so interesting!

    • It’s SO freeing! Now, if it doesn’t capture me in the first chapter, I just stop. Or, if I keep putting off reading it, I take it as a sign. I had planned to cancel Matthew Perry’s memoir from my hold list after a friend told me it was all about addiction, but I forgot, and then it came in! I confess I didn’t read the first chapter, I only flipped through.

  15. Aww, Happy Galentines Day! I love your desserts! We don’t really have plans this week. My husband has been asking for hints, which is cute, but we have school and doctors appointments tomorrow. I think we will fit in some fun little lunch or a walk. I do love this time of year, though. The flowers and candy and red hearts. It’s a lot of fun. ❤️

  16. Galentines is my fave! My tiny Galentine and I made cookies this morning to celebrate.

  17. Valentine’s Day is also a non-event here, although I will keep my eye out for discounted chocolates later this week. Not sure Lindors ever get discounted though. It is birthday season here – 4 out of 5 of us have birthdays within 26 days — there have been SO many desserts and treats.
    Thanks for the book recommendations– they sound perfect for right now. Definitely in need to light fun reading.
    Take care and have a good week.

  18. I desperately want an electronic device to give me permission to nap. I would be ALL OVER IT.

    I’m also so jealous of your great 3/3 book streak. I am in the middle of a fantastic book right now and I’m actually aware that the next book I pick can’t possibly live up to it, but maybe I just need to adjust my attitude to expect greatness out of the books I read.

    We don’t really do Valentine’s Day, either. I send a lot of snail mail cards to my peeps and my husband and I will do our usual homemade cards at the table after dinner tomorrow night, but there’s not much else on the agenda. Maybe I’ll treat him to some homemade goodies, but as of right now, I don’t see myself having a ton of energy to do that!

  19. I want to eat your heart cookies! We ordered a take-home dinner from our favourite restaurant that comes in tiny little boxes for us to prepare – for tonight because tomorrow is bar night with all our friends who I guess are now our valentines.
    I have not quite been able to bring myself to not finish books, but I speed-read/skim ones that I want to be done with, which I think of as a step on the way to full-scale abandonment.
    I don’t often read romances, but I’m finding that ones recommended by friends are sometimes much fun, so I’m taking note of these, especially the movie-maker with a different kind of romance movie script.
    I can’t get enough of the mango chocolates from Purdy’s, and I am now reminded that I haven’t been to the Lindt store for far too long. Happy Galentine’s Day! 3

  20. Happy Galantine’s Day, my sweet friend!

    Valentine’s Day isn’t a big deal around here usually. The Husband will (most likely) grab a card and some flowers from the grocery store. Since I forgot (again) our anniversary last month, I bought him a gallon of olive oil (sounds ridiculous and not romantic – but believe me, the key to his heart is olive oil) for tomorrow.

    If I’m not mistaken, I have a heart shaped cake pan around here somewhere…but it’s not going to happen this year. He’s on a diet and I’m in the office all day tomorrow, so he’ll have to cope with just the olive oil.

  21. There is no Valentine day celebrating going on over here either. I will wear something red for my tots. That is about it. I don’t have a watch like that, but I wonder what it would say about the nights that feel less than great to me. The last two nights – after I started taking a temporary fix med for too much acid in my gut – were wonderous sleeps. Like 8 plus hours one night and 8 hours last night. So awesome. Oh, I do not drink much or often- but I’m attending two back to back weekends visiting college kids for mom’s weekend and then parents’ weekend so I will be enjoying some adult beverages. Woot woot!

    I’m not usually into romance, but it is hard not to decide to read these books after your sweet reviews.

  22. Happy Galentines day to you my friend! What a fun concept; I love any time I can spend with my girlfriends!

    We don’t do much for valentines either around here. But Coach picked up dinner last night because I was exhausted and to me, that is the sweetest gift.

    So glad your books turned out ALL good and the yoga practice with someone else leading sounds like a win win for you too!

  23. A body battery! Oh, boy….it sounds very interesting but I’d be afraid mine would always say I’m out and I can’t do anything about it! Ha!

    Your posts on books always remind me that I need to go to the libraries (one here and one in L.A.) to fix my cards; I have been unable to use them. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime Reading and credits! I’m making notes on some of these titles so when I finally say good-bye to the working-world, I will be able to indulge in more reading time.

    I recently joined the local YMCA — because I’ve been wanting to get back to fitness/group classes and they’re the only one close enough to me that has a lot of classes! And our work just recently gave us 3hours per week to exercise….so I’m at the Y taking Gentle Yoga and Zumba and other group classes. This location seems to attract older (than me!) clientele and I’m having so much fun socializing with them. They rock!! Anyway, all that to say I can imagine how much you enjoy the ladies in your yoga classes.

    I baked a cake yesterday but it was chocolate on chocolate for the chocolate lover in my family. LOL

    • Oh M, I just love that you are going to the Y and I hope you meet lots of older friends! That demographic is so lovely to be around, I find. They are just happy to be there and happy to be moving their bodies. I love my ladies (and the one fellow who comes with his wife!).

  24. Your Valentines cookies and cakes are so adorable. Good job, friend! I am totally down with abandoning books with no guilt. Especially if it’s a library book – the only thing you’ve lost is the time you’ve already sunk into it. And you can always borrow it again if you want to try it later!

    So glad you enjoyed your yoga class so much. I’ve been doing 15 minutes of yoga every morning (extremely gentle, sometimes not even picking my butt up off of the floor) and it has literally lifted my days. It’s amazing. ❤️

    • Katie, that’s wonderful! A daily practice is such a lovely way to start the day! I always say it doesn’t need to be long at all, and it sounds like you have found something perfect.

  25. Oh my gosh, those cookies and the cake look amazing!! I used to do more when the boys were younger, but they don’t seem to care too much about Valentine’s Day anymore, and I honestly don’t really either… I always put together a little treat bag, but that was all I did this year. In the past we’ve decorated hearts and baked cupcakes and all of that. I sort of feel bad about not doing more, but oh well. We do so much for Christmas that I feel like I get a bit burned out on holiday stuff after that for a long time!

    • Oh, my boys don’t care at all about Valentine’s, and honestly, my husband doesn’t either. But I do enjoy making the cookies and cake! Because no one cares, it’s very low-pressure around here. Yesterday I popped into the grocery store and it was PANIC PANIC PANIC! Flower wrapping stations, fancy chocolate strawberries at the front, etc. etc. It cracked me up!

  26. Happy Galentines Day! I totally relate to your book statements! Firstly, I used to also finish books even though I did not love them, and finally I told myself that life it too short and I am not going to finish crappy books, or have FOMO if it is a book that other people liked but I am just not getting into it. Sometimes I do take a break and then come back to it and finish it but that is now very rare.

    I have also gotten a few chapters into a book and thought that it felt familiar and had to check my reading list and have realized that I had already read it before! I guess I am drawn to the same books sometimes, more than once!! The good thing with Libby now though is that it tells you that you have returned it before and it also adds a “borrowed” tag to the book if you have borrowed it in the past, so it is less likely I will borrow it again. However, sometimes I borrow a book and then don’t get around to reading it, so it is not a failsafe plan! I have to double check on Goodreads to be sure. Thank goodness for Goodreads!

    • Oh Kyria, I totally understand – there are so many books that others rave about, that just don’t do it for me. Well, no longer! It’s very freeing to just not finish something that I’m not enjoying.

  27. I have a Bellabeat Ivy fitness tracker that monitors your ability to deal with stress by tracking your exercise, water, sleep, cycle, and mindfulness. I really love it-especially because it looks like a piece of jewelry instead of a tracker or watch. It’s amazing to see how taking care of yourself affects the quality of your life, doesn’t it?

  28. Oh goodness, a body battery? I had never considered such a thing…do you think I could make due with a mood ring? I think I have one of those around here somewhere.

    We did a little bit of V Day around here. I got my daughter some chocolate cheesecake (single serving, which was big enough for the two of us and then some), and I got my husband a nice candle (he likes candles!) and he got us both some nice bath wash from a fancy place near his office. I made meatloaf for the meat eaters, and grilled cheese (fancy grilled cheese, with pears, brie, and fig jam on really good bread) for the vegetarian. And we did have wine. I usually drink white, but my daughter prefers red (she’s 26), and my husband also prefers red, so I sacrificed and bought red. That worked well because I didn’t drink as much as I would have with white, so I slept well. At least, I THINK I did, I didn’t have my mood ring on…

  29. Happy Galentine’s Day! I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I do like having a Galentine’s celebration with my BFF every year. 🙂

    That body battery things sounds FREAKING AMAZING. I would LOVE something like that. There are so many days where I feel run-down or really tired, and it would be nice to know WHY. What a cool feature!

  30. A body battery? I like how the watch assumes you have a battery. You wear this at night? I couldn’t do that. I feel I might not be meant for such a high tech-y thing. Still I’ll enjoy your experience with it from afar.

  31. I also don’t celebrate Valentine’s, especially since hubby and I are apart at the moment. The traffic and the people in the malls just double during that day too.

    I’d love to hear more about your book recommendations! So, are you the opposite attracts and enemies to lovers trope? The latter is what I’m ready mostly lately. Not fun in real life but entertaining in books. Lol!

  32. Happy belated Galentine’s Day. 🙂

    I am super-intrigued by the body battery thing… which Garmin did you get? My Forerunner235 is still going strong (after 7 years) but you know, I might want to upgrade at some point. The body battery sounds such a cool measure of well-being. Tell me more!

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