Archives for February 2023

Getting Controversial In The Boyhouse

It was so cold here last week, with an enormous dump of fresh snow; it looked really pretty, in contrast to my Walking Outfit, which was not so pretty. Snow pants! Toque! Giant fake-fur hood! Frosted-over eyelashes! Teenage me, who wore tiny skirts with tights that were Just as warm as pants, Mom, would have […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Love The Skin You’re In Edition

Last June, I attended the social part of a conference my husband’s company was hosting at the Banff Springs; it was my first Major Social Event since before the pandemic, and I was so excited to go, dress up, and talk to as many people as possible. It was so much fun, and Nicole The […]

Call Me! On The Line! Call Me Any Any Any Time!

Last Wednesday I woke up refreshed and invigorated; I just knew it was going to be a good day. I had a vigorous and energizing yoga practice followed by a workout, I had fifty dollars worth of PC points to use at my weekly Superstore grocery shop, and I was looking forward to my monthly […]

Happy Galentine’s Day!

It’s February 13, and you know what that means! Happy Galentine’s Day! I don’t know what it’s like in your house, but in mine, Valentine’s Day is kind of a non-event. Not a total non-event; we do celebrate with cookies: And cake: But other than baked goods and the tank top decorated with a bee […]

Living La Vida Loca

Well, it finally happened: one of my sons came home AFTER I had gotten up for the day. It was only a matter of time before we became ships passing in the night, but the reason for the lateness was so ridiculous that it could have only happened to a teenage boy. The boys went […]

A Week In Nicole’s Kitchen

It’s no secret that, when it comes to routines, I am a Very Structured Person. I like a routine, I like knowing what the day will bring, and to that end, I like having a Weekly Dinner Plan. This Weekly Dinner Plan consists of pretty much the same meals in rotation week after week, although […]