Archives for January 2023

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

The polar vortex has arrived, and with it, snow. As polar vortexes go, I feel like it is really not that bad, and can’t figure out if I’ve turned into Lieutenant Dan on the shrimping boat in the storm. IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO? I’m not complaining, by any means. I’ll take a […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Winter Pleasures Edition

We have had the most beautiful January: temperatures have mostly hovered around freezing, plus or minus five degrees, we have had barely any new snow or any wind, and most days have seen sunshine and blue skies. On the non-sunny days, we have had some hoar frost, which is just gorgeous. There is a polar […]

Dreams Can Come True, Look At Me, Babe/ Kalette, I’m With You

I have been doing a massive house decluttering and purge, using a technique I learned from Apartment Therapy: choosing one small area and setting a timer for 15 minutes. It is extremely effective; I find that the less time I have to wonder do we need this item, the more efficient I am at letting […]

Working Girl

Working as a yoga teacher can be a very gratifying and uplifting job; this past week I started two new sessions and for the first time in a long time, the number of students registered had increased significantly, with many brand-new students alongside my solid group of loyalists who have been with me for years. […]

Let’s Book It!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a restful weekend. It’s back the grind this week – I am back to teaching today, my son is back at school for three whole days before exam break begins, my husband is in the office and my other son is back to work. Rex is looking […]

Five For Friday: The “Author, Author” Edition

If there is one thing I love talking about, it’s books. Well, to be honest, I love talking about a lot of things, but the topic of books is Up There, Steve. I was thrilled, and not surprised, to see so many Book-Related Questions in my recent Ask Me Anything; I received so many questions […]

Someone Is Staring At You In “Personal Growth”

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Mine was very restful and restorative, which was apparently just what I needed. I like to think of my life as a series of seasons, both Life Seasons – can I sail through the changing ocean tides, can I handle the seasons of […]