Three For Thursday: The “Holiday Questions Answered” Edition

This week was my last week of yoga classes until January, and I have to say that I have the most wonderful students in the world. I was the recipient of many cards – some hand-drawn – and gifts, as well as a ton of baking. Two of my students in particular brought in giant platters of things to take to the boys; one lady brought in butter tarts and pecan tarts, and one brought in two plates of squares and shortbread. They both know that my boys love tarts and shortbread, and I make neither of them. In fact, the shortbread baker, in December 2020 when everything was shut down, arranged to meet me in a parking lot, in minus 20, to give me a plate of shortbread. It broke her heart, she said, to think that the boys wouldn’t get shortbread because of Covid.

Another student is a leatherworker, and she crafted bracelets and key tags for every student in the Monday afternoon class; the key tags were all embossed with the message Gratitude is the first step to joy, which one of her fellow students had said back in October, and that we all agreed was the most beautiful sentiment. I have thought of it every day since October, and apparently so has the rest of the class.

Aren’t my ladies just the greatest? There have been some ups and downs this week, to be discussed later, but these women really elevated the festive feeling for me. It’s no secret that I love the holiday season, and so I was pretty excited to see two holiday-related questions on my Ask Me Literally Anything form; as a reminder, I have no idea how to close out this form, so please feel free to Ask Me Literally Anything, if you like. If you don’t like, that is perfectly fine too.

  • Colleen (HI COLLEEN) asked: What do you want for Christmas? Well, Colleen, that is a great question. I think I am an easy person to give presents to; I am universally delighted with anything. Typically I have a few books on my list, and I love to receive things like slippers, chocolates, wine, and pretty much anything else. Twenty-four years ago, my husband once gave me a water bottle for Christmas, among other things. It was just a plain plastic Nalgene one, and I still feel nostalgic thinking about it. A water bottle! That we could hike with and I wouldn’t get dehydrated! I am easy to please, clearly. In fact, one of Suzanne’s (HI SUZANNE) questions was what was your worst gift you received and honestly, I couldn’t think of anything. I’m sure I have received gifts that weren’t great, but either I’ve blocked them out or I’ve just never had what I considered a bad gift. That said, I have a few big-ticket items on my wish list this year, and one of them is a Kobo. I used my husband’s decade-old Kindle on our carry-on only trip to Mexico, and while it worked fine, it is not compatible with the Canadian library system. This wasn’t something I discovered on my own, mind you; a number of friends tipped me off when I said I was thinking about a newer version of a Kindle for (hopefully) future travel. I’m hoping for a waterproof Kobo, and also for a tropical vacation in which that waterproof Kobo will come in handy. Another rather large item on my wish list is a new Garmin watch. My current watch is almost four years old now and it does not hold a charge in any meaningful way. I have to charge it at least twice a day, which is FINE, it’s not like anyone is going to die because of it, but it would be nice to not get a “low battery” signal when I am out on a walk. Steps still count even if they aren’t counted, but STILL. I want those steps counted! You understand.
  • Elisabeth (HI ELISABETH) asked: What’s your favourite Christmas tradition? I am going to split this lovely question into two parts. It’s a Three for Thursday, after all, and I only had two specifically Christmas-related questions. One of my favourite things to do in December is to make treats. My sons and I decorate homemade gingerbread people, which on my plate end up being cute smiley people with happy little buttons, and on theirs, obscenely decorated monstrosities with wrestling or some other completely non-Christmassy themes. Hey, it’s fun. I love to make chocolates and bark and truffles, and to gift those to the lovely people in my life. The best baking tradition, though, is my grandma’s gingersnaps. They are my favourite cookies in the world, and I only make them at Christmas. I shared this recipe in 2013 when I had first started working at YMC, and it kind of exploded since then. I baked them on the weekend and I had SEVERAL friends message me to say that they also were making my grandma’s gingersnaps that very weekend, and that they were their favourite Christmas cookies. To say this warms my heart would be an understatement. The recipe is here, (and that link DOES work, despite the strange formatting). Grandma B was not at all a good cook, in fact, I cannot remember anything she made that was at all tasty – she was Scottish/ English, and her cooking really lived up to that cuisine’s reputation – but these cookies? They are incredible.
  • What is your favourite Christmas tradition, part two. I thought about this a lot; we have so many fun little traditions, like watching Elf and Christmas Vacation, decorating the house inside and out, and the disturbing, yet funny, monstrosity that is the boys’ gingerbread house. I settled on the Good Thing Advent calendar. I bought this wooden calendar when the boys were small and I would put a little treat in it every day. When they were a bit older, I stole an idea from a fellow, now defunct, blog and would write a holiday-themed activity on a slip of paper, and they would read each day what that fun activity would be. Doesn’t that sound lovely? I did it once and swore I’d never do it again. Like so many of those grand parenting ideas, it was a giant pain. I found it really hard to come up with twenty-four activities – there are only so many days you can bake cookies and watch Christmas movies – so probably 3/4 of the days consisted of “sledding after school” which was a thing we did every single day in the winter anyway, or “read a Christmas story,” which, again, was a pretty regular occurrence. The next year I just wrote something I liked that they did that day, which was fine. For the past several years, though, all four of us write one good thing that happened to us that day, and we put it in the calendar. On New Year’s, we take out all the slips of paper, put them in a bowl, and take turns reading them. It’s really fun and makes us all feel good, other than the time my younger son drew a note from my husband that said “Nicole looked hot tonight,” which was just awkward for everyone. Some days it can be a stretch, but mostly it’s fun to dig deep and see what little thing made us happy on any particular day.

Do you have any favourite traditions you would like to share? Favourite cookie types? Do you have anything special on your wish list this year? Tell me everything. xo


  1. “Nicole Looked hot tonight!” Aw! I think that’s the cutest thing ever! 🥰 It’s good for kids to know how into each other their parents are… or at least I think so. Or read somewhere that it was.

    And your students are amazing, and generous, and talented in so many ways… I can’t help but think that they’re bouncing back all the wonderful joy and generosity you show to them. 💗

    May you continue to have a blessed holiday season, Nicole!

  2. Great answers to the questions. You have the Christmas spirit going on there. We have no traditions, nor do I want anything in particular… well, other than world peace. Happy Holidays, Nicole.

  3. I hope that Santa brings you the new Garmin. It’s no fun to try and baby ancient electronics.

    My favorite holiday tradition is duh, baking! I have a long list of cookies that I want to make and I’m working on narrowing it down.

  4. I love this post!! So many happy things to say about what you’ve written – but first an alarm bell.
    I DID NOT KNOW KINDLE WAS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE CANADIAN LIBRARY SYSTEM. I asked for – and believe my husband has already ordered/received a Kindle. Oh, dread. Sigh. Dread again. He even asked me, and I quote: if you were to get something customized what colour would you want it. Triple dread.

    You have the sweetest students. I LOVE that they think of your sons, too. I adore shortbread, never make it, and almost never get to eat it. I need to move to Calgary and befriend all your yoga students, STAT.

    I think it is the best thing ever that your kids got the slip of paper that said “Nicole looked hot tonight”. Both our kids are at the stage where they pretend to be (or maybe they legit are) disgusted by PDA. Every time my husband and I kiss they cover their eyes and say Ewww. I am quick to tell them this is a VERY good thing that their parents still want to be together and love each other and kiss…etc.

    I love ginger cookies so much, and your grandmother’s recipe looks a lot like the one I make (though mine calls for less molasses, I think and definitely involves cinnamon and cloves. I’m very curious now and will need to make a batch asap.

    “I want those steps counted! You understand.” I understand. So much I understand. A few months ago I went for a run and my battery died at the exact second I stopped my workout. I knew it shouldn’t bother me, but it did bother me! Imagine my relief when I got home and it had saved to my phone. Phew. I really hope you get a new Garmin and may every step in 2023 “count.”

    • Well, now I’m nervous for you. I had a few friends reach out to tell me about the library thing but maybe, maybe they are wrong and also maybe that’s outdated information (this was in the summer that they told me). Maybe they are wrong! Eeee.

      So, you need to come here and grab some shortbread because it’s going fast!

      Just a word of caution about the gingersnaps – it is an enormous recipe and makes about six or seven dozen cookies. Just…FYI!

      As soon as you said your battery died I had second-hand stress. Aieee.

  5. Yes, I would say Christmas baking is a favourite tradition of mine as well! Sugar cookies because my kids love to help decorate and eat them, jam jams because Mennonite, and butter tarts with no raisins or nuts. This year I’m going to try a couple of new-to-me recipes, and maybe whip up a quadruple batch of cottage cheese perogies since they’re nigh unpossible to find here in BC and my inner prairie child needs them.

    • Perogies! I have a friend who just recently moved to the States, who used to throw the most fabulous Ukrainian Christmas parties. It was such a bright spot in January! And of course, lots of perogies and beet-related yummies.
      I will look forward to hearing how your new recipes go!

  6. I remember once at dinner Matt said something sort of dumb and I said “good thing I married you for your body” and the kids looked HORRIFIED. We also did that Advent calendar event a day once and never again, and went back to the paper windows and chocolates one, where our event of the day was making fun of Angus for not being able to find the correct number quickly enough. I also bake a metric fuckton of Christmas stuff, and we watch Die Hard and Office Christmas Party and the kids read out Cards Against Humanity cards to scandalize my mom.

    • Did you get the idea from Lynn? I think that’s where I got it from; it sounded SO fun and omg, it was not.
      I need to use “good thing I married you for your body” because that is great.
      Office Christmas Party! We always watch the Festivus episode of Seinfeld on the 23rd.

  7. First, I love your yoga students so much. Also, I’m not surprised that they love you like they do.
    I love your baking traditions and laughing so hard at your son having to read: “Nicole looked hot tonight”! Those are the things that scar our kids, but also make us laugh!

    Is a Garmin a watch? Do you not use apple? The Apple Watch is amazing.

    I can only think of one family tradition: Being together Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. 😉

    • Yes, Garmin is a watch! You are not the only one who wonders why I don’t use Apple. I don’t have a good answer to that! I do love my Garmin though (and I love Apple products in general, look at me, I am filled with contradictions).

  8. I do love your students. How sweet are they? Not surprising that they would be so thoughtful towards you.

    We usually bake Christmas cookies – most often with cousins when the kids were younger. That was always very fun. We deoctate the tree together. We usually watch something together on Christmas Eve and we often go out to dinner on Christmas Eve to give me a break from the kitchen. Oh, I just thought of one. I made a rbreakfast recipe in 1999 from a cookbook. We loved it. Lad was a year and a half. I’ve made it every Christmas morning since. It’s called Apple Puff Pancakes.

    I had to get my college ring cut off of my pinky when they started swelling up to the size of two pinkies combined. I’d love to get it repaired so that I can wear it again. I’d also like a new front door. These are not items that I will find wrapped up under the tree. I don’t think any of my people know how much I miss wearing my pinky ring. Coach and I hope to go to Ireland to visit Tank when he’s studying there, so I’ve told Coach not to shop.

    I laughed so much at ‘Nicole looks hot today.’ Nicely done.

    • “I’d also like a new front door” cracked me up. Imagine. A door under the tree with a big bow.
      I hope you can get your ring repaired!! That sounds like something really important. Maybe for your birthday? I know it’s end of December so…birthday gift to yourself?

  9. Your last class sounds very festive and I wish I had some of those gingersnaps.

    We are trying to get into the spirit here. Beth got a wreath, North put up the living room decorations, and we might get a tree this weekend. We don’t put it up until we get to Blackwater, a couple days before Christmas, so there’s no rush with that.

  10. Yes- your yoga students are amazing! It reminds me of when I was younger- my mom was a piano teacher and her students brought her some great presents every year, things like homemade fudge which my sister and I appreciated greatly.
    I’m intrigued by those cookies, and I think I’m going to have to make them. Maybe this weekend- I’ll let you know. I’m pretty sure my family will love them.
    And… yes, you need a new Garmin! Charging it twice a day is not okay.

  11. Thanks for answering my question!! I hope you get a new garmin, you are right that every step counts. I feel naked without my apple watch and so sad not to be tracking steps and calories burned…it’s so silly! Your yoga students are so great, which I’m thinking is just a reflection on how GREAT of an instructor you are 🙂

  12. I left a comment but am not sure if it posted as I got a weird message! So I am testing to see if this will stick!

  13. Ok, it worked so here is my real comment. I love that your yoga students showed you and your kids so much love! But they are so lucky to have you as an instructor. I would love to take a yoga class from you. I think you teach to senior citizen? But I can really rock the senior citizen vibe so would fit right in with your students! Ha.

    I think it is great to be a person that is easy to shop for and is generally happy with anything people get them. My whole thing is that I just don’t want people to buy me gift – I’d rather take that off their plate. My parents were happy to stop shopping their adult children since they have 10 grandkids to shop for! My MIL still insists on getting us gifts which I get… she wants to shop for someone. So I asked for a Galison brand 1,000 piece puzzle. That is my favorite puzzle brand. The scenes are so very whimsical!

    My favorite holiday traditions are decorating the tree, the advent calendar, and hosting my annual cookie decorating party. I’ve been giving christmas books every 1-3 days for the last 2 years but need to come up with something different for next year as we really don’t need more Christmas books. So maybe I will shift to the slips w/ activities, but every 1-3 days like I do with gifts so I don’t have to try to come up with so many activities!

    • I am going to look up that kind of puzzle. I like a good puzzle!
      The activity one sounded so fun and honestly, every 3 days might have been better. Well, it would definitely have been better but now I’m not sure if I can even think of 8 activities, if it was every three days! My creativity is sapped.

  14. Your yoga students sound wonderful! It’s so fun to see what your readers wanted to know about you, and your answers.
    Thinking about steps – I was trying to get in some extra steps over the summer, so I was jogging in place. I felt my knee go CRUNCH, and it hurt so bad, I wasn’t able to walk except for basic getting from here to there. So awful!! It took a long time to heal – and I stopped counting steps, thankful that I can just enjoy walking without pain. I’m always nervous now, walking on snow and ice.

    • Oh NOOOOO. That sounds awful. There is nothing like an injury to make you grateful for the ability to just move without pain. I really hurt my hip in 2019 and it was months before I could walk without a limp; I have never taken that for granted again!

  15. Nicole looked hot tonight! LOLOLOL. I’m just imagining a young boy thinking, “no, she’s my *mom*.” Ha!

    My beloved yoga teacher has moved to a city a bit further away than she would like to commute and the last class she’s going to teach is on the 20th. I felt weird that I was considering giving her a gift, but this cemented it that I should just get her something and write a thoughtful note!

  16. I adore both of your traditions. 80% of my holiday to do list is making cookies so I am going to add your grandma’s cookies to the list.
    And your take on the Christmas calendar is so lovely. So. Lovely.

    Yes on the steps needing third party confirmation. (Second party? Watch party?) I agree.

    Thank you for addressing my question 🥰 It makes me happy that you don’t really have an answer.

  17. I have a Kobo and I love love love how easy it is to check out books from Libby/Overdrive on my phone, and then have them magically appear on the e-reader! You’ll love it too. I still am devoted to physical books but it’s super handy to have an e-reader while traveling.

    • This is such great information to have! I also love physical books but I want something easy to travel with and also something light to slip in my bag for whenever. The old kindle is fine, but it is pretty slow, and I’m limited as to the titles I can get (for free, anyway).

  18. I made ginger snaps for the first time last year and they were a hit. Perhaps I will try your Grandma’s recipe! It seems that at least half the internet loves them.

    Nicole looked hot tonight – I died laughing! But I can see how that would be an awkward moment.

    I love your students; they all sound as lovely as you are!

  19. Aww, I loved reading the answers to your (Christmas) questions… baking cookies is definitely a big tradition in our family too and if I still lived close to home, we’d be baking with three generations at my parents’ house 🙂 (Our favorites holiday cookies are “spritz cookies”).

    Which Garmin do you have? I am sad to hear that it’s losing its charge… I had my Garmin for 6+ years and the battery is still going strong! But hey, I’d like an excuse for a new Garmin at some point 😉 Which model are you eyeing?

    How sweet that you have a such a great relationship with your students, and what thoughtful presents.

  20. I love that leather strap! What generous gifts from your students! And thanks for the gingersnaps recipe – they look divine!

  21. I missed the Google Doc. I’m going there once I leave this comment.
    You are brimming with holiday cheer. I don’t have a lot and I’m not sure why, though I have a few theories. But I enjoy reading about your Christmas joy. ❤️

  22. Such a fun read, as usual, Nicole! I love all the Christmas joy in this post. Your yoga students are the bomb; they seem to know that they’re lucky to have you!

    I want to try your grandma’s ginger cookies. I put molasses in my grocery cart order so I can make some soon. I used to bake often but I have lost the zeal for it the last few years; I now only bake chocolate chips banana nut bread because everyone likes it. But I think I’d like to bake some again and having a new recipe to try is just the key to get back to it, I hope!

  23. Those are such sweet gifts from your yoga students. I love the quote, Gratitude is the first step towards happiness. As you know, anxiety has been a real b-word to me this year and I am working on reframing the way I think about some of my anxiety triggers, and gratitude for what I have NOW is such a big part of the reframing. I’m going to be thinking about that quote a lot!

    “Nicole looked hot tonight” made me giggle. I love that!

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