Dancing In September

Remember the sign that advertised taking a “reliable” car on vacation?

The sign is, if not punctuation-wise, at least thematically correct. The seasons (“season’s”) ARE changing; the afternoon temperatures are lovely and pleasant, but there is a definite crisp in the air, crunchy leaves are starting to litter the neighbourhood, I have swapped my summery tea towels for those with a fall leaf, owl, or apple motif, and we are eating as many plums, peaches, and nectarines as is physically possible. I’ve been busy in the garden, and it’s almost time to cut and dry all the herbs.

Look at my haul! It was exciting but I am never planting carrots again, mark my words. They are so much work for so little gain; I think my biggest carrot is maybe three inches long. Tasty, yes, but not worth the effort. Next year: more kale, more lettuce, same amount of zucchini and tomatoes. I did get a total of two little cucumbers, which was very exciting, but again, perhaps more work than results.

Anyway, the air is crisp and after months of bare feet and sandals I am wearing socks, and reminding myself to put on a jacket when I leave the house. It’s also Cute Scarf Season!

September always feels like a Fresh Start time of year, just as much as January does. I wonder if it will always be that way for me. In any case, I was infused – INFUSED – with energy last week, and decided to deep clean the kitchen. To be clear, my kitchen is always generally clean, but there were little things that it felt like only I could see: slightly grubby cupboard doors, a few fingerprints on the fridge, some build-up of grime here and there. I spent two hours scrubbing, even going through not one, but two old toothbrushes, to really get into the corners and crevices. It was so satisfying and I was thrilled with the results, even if no one else could really tell. Here’s the before and after:

So it really is apparent to no one but me, but believe me, it was SO satisfying to scrub the tiny edges on the cupboard doors and the sink corners and around the windowsill, and I have been just standing in the kitchen admiring my work.

This would be a much more dramatic photo if I had a “before.”

One thing that is dramatically different is our Vitamix. If you have a Vitamix, or any other blender with a plastic container, then you have probably experienced The Cloud, caused by mineral buildup:

Prior to the summer I was scrubbing the Vitamix with baking soda paste every week, to deodorize it after making salad dressing that contained garlic. No one wants a garlic aftertaste in their smoothies, after all, but as a side benefit The Cloud was minimal. This summer all the dressings I have made were just “mix in a mason jar” rather than “blend,” and so the Vitamix was just washed in a regular, non-scrubbing way, and The Cloud was getting out of control, as you can see. Not today, Satan. Not today. I made a baking soda paste and scrubbed in all the little crevices, then I soaked it for hours in vinegar and water, and voila:

Now THAT was a satisfying job.

It was during my deep clean that I learned of the Queen’s death. I was, and am, quite sad about it; I have been very interested in the Royal Family since the announcement of Lady Di’s engagement, back in 1980. The Queen and I shared a birthday, which always made me feel bonded to her. The Queen and I, celebrating our birthdays together, yet apart. I feel sure she loved cake as much as I do.

What an incredible life of service she led; she dedicated her whole life to her country and worked up until the day she died. Who among us could say such a thing? I hope she’s frolicking with horses and snuggling corgis, in the heaven version of Scotland.

Weekly Reading

A Town Called Solace. This was an enjoyable read about a town in Northern Ontario in the 70s, written from three points of view. A girl goes missing, a stranger moves into town, and a woman at the end of her life ponders a life-altering incident thirty years previous. Well done and satisfying; it didn’t blow me away but it was a diverting, solid story. 

Bomb Shelter. So a few weeks ago, I read I Miss You When I Blink, and while I enjoyed it, it didn’t really resonate with me in a meaningful way. Lisa (HI LISA) mentioned that the author had a brand-new book of essays out, which deals with processing emotions about having teenagers on the cusp of moving out, and her son being diagnosed with epilepsy. WELL. This hit home, let me say that. It hit home. Every essay had me deep breathing and thinking YES, THIS. It is such a complex thing; we spend so much time preparing our children to eventually not need us, because that is the goal in parenting, and then they don’t need us, and oof. But sometimes they do still need us? Life is an exquisite tapestry of emotions and feelings. Anyway, it is an excellent book and it’s 100% geared towards the life stage I am currently in, AND there are a couple of essays about having teenagers at home during the Covid pandemic. If that wasn’t enough, there is an essay about birthdays, and never before have I read my own feelings about birthdays, so exactly, in someone else’s words.

All The Queen’s Men. I picked this up on a whim – I liked the cover! – a few weeks ago, and it has sat on my side table, apparently waiting for just the right moment for me to pick it up. I suppose the Queen’s passing was just that moment. In any case, it felt like the perfect time to read a murder mystery/ detective story starring our very own, dearly departed, QEII, taking place in – where else? – Buckingham Palace! This was a very fun little book.

So it has been an energetic kind of week; everyone has been out of the house except me. This coming week I start teaching again, my younger son starts wrestling, I have a parent meeting for an upcoming Phys Ed camping trip, AND we have a seventeenth birthday in the house! CAKE!!!! I’ll leave you with a photo of me seventeen years ago this week, and with the wish that you all have a wonderful week. And maybe some cake? xo


  1. Well, you’re inspiring me- i don’t think I’ve ever scrubbed my kitchen with a toothbrush, and I’m sure mine probably needs it.
    Those books sound good- especially Bomb Shelter. I could have used it a year ago when my son left for his freshman year of college, but let me tell you, it doesn’t get any easier! Every time I say goodbye to him is like a knife through my soul. i have her other my on my TBR but it sounds like I would like this one better.
    happy Birthday to your son! I can’t wait to hear all about the parade you’re organizing.

  2. The weather is getting cooler, but I refuse to give up my flip flops and sandals until it’s impossible! I don’t want socks yet! I am excited to wear more scarves and you look so adorable in yours.

    Carrots fresh from the garden are SO good! I wish you had better luck with them. I wish everyone had better luck with them so we would all know that grocery store carrots are junk and everyone would stop hating on carrots.

  3. Our carrots usually don’t grow very big either, although every now and then there’s one that surprises us. You can’t tell from the size of the greens that’s for sure, so it’s an adventure every time you pull one. We can grow hardy herbs (chives, parsley, rosemary) outside well into the winter if I remember to bring the pots inside on the very coldest nights. They don’t keep growing but they don’t die either, so I can keep using them until they’re gone.

    I wonder how this time of year will feel (in re new starts) when I no longer have any kids in school.

  4. At first glance I thought that bowl of carrots was a HUGE bushell barrell of carrots – then I scrolled down and the other things in the photo provided perspective and I was like, oh – they are small. Great gardening haul, though. Overall.

    I had to stop and think for a moment – DID I WRITE THAT BOMB SHELTER BOOK? Of course I didn’t, but what in the world? My kids are growing up and leaving, AND Reg was diagnosed with epilepsy on August 1st. I think I need to read this book, or become penpals with the author.

    I break the rules and I put my Vitamix in the dishwasher. I didn’t for a long time, and then I just caved.

    That birthday excerpt is so funny. Being born Dec. 30th, days after my younger brother’s birthday AND Christmas meant that my birthday was not celebrated much. As a result, it makes me feel weird to expect much on my birthday. I wonder if I can be converted to a birthday embracing type?

    Love the almost-time-to-deliver picture. Happy birthday to your son. Hooray for cake!

  5. Happy 17th birthday to the Boy House! The first and last year that we planted carrots we came away with a mini crop as well. There are some things that can only be cleaned with vinegar and baking soda and it’s so satisfying when one of those jobs comes along – for example soaking our shower heads in vinegar overnight is a miracle cure and baking soda is the only way that I know to get tea stains out of cups.

  6. I am so glad that you enjoyed Bomb Shelter! The author is a delight. She’s the kind of person that I want to be best friends with in my fantasy life. In that same life, I’d be IRL friends with you and we’d go to coffee and you’d help me keep life in perspective since you’ve been through all the stages I’m going through! I want to give that book to people with kids in the final years of HS to help them process all of the emotions. I’ll certainly be re-reading it when my boys are older.

    I tried growing carrots when I had a garden and had the same experience! I remember my mom growing beautiful carrots when I was a kid. I think they must require a certain kind of soil? I was at the farmer’s market yesterday and the produce was sooo gorgeous. I was bummed that I couldn’t buy anything since I am gone for a biz trip most of this week. Otherwise I would have bought A LOT of stuff, especially tomatoes. Yum.

    Have you watched “The Crown”? If not, I highly recommend it. We have loved every season and it gave us more respect and appreciation for what the Queen gave up when she assumed that role. I am glad she had what I consider a “good death” – she did not linger in a hospital bed for long and I think she died in her happy place. My grandma is a little older than her so the Queen’s death was a reminder that you never know how quickly you will lose a person. My grandma is in exceptionally good health but you can decline fast at that age. I’m glad I’m back to seeing her regularly. I did not see her for about 1.5 years during the pandemic. 🙁

    • We would 100% be IRL friends, I just know it!
      I have watched The Crown! I really enjoyed it. I know what you mean about a “good death.” My FIL was sick for 17 years, and it was a very difficult decline at the end.

  7. You had me at Bomb Shelter until I noticed that Glennon Doyle had written the endorsement at the top of the book. For some reason, I find her to be as irritating as fingernails on a blackboard. 😂

    I am laughing at Season’s and “reliable.” Someone over there needs Grammarly. Oh wait, that’s not how signs work…

    Look at your veggies!!! Look at your kitchen!!!

    I love the month of September too. It does feel like a fresh start. ❤️

  8. I’m perversely reassured to hear your carrots are small. I love homegrown carrots but have never managed to get any longer than about 2-3 inches. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. They taste so much better but it’s frustrating to have so little.

  9. Your about-to-pop picture form 17 years ago is adorable, Nicole… How quickly it all seems to go! So yes–that Philpott book is going on my TBR. And I’m still chuckling over your kitchen before and after 🙃

  10. I love deep-cleans and so many areas in my house need one right now!

    I loved I Miss You When I Blink (I think I’m in a quasi-midlife crisis mode lately, and so her essays run true for me), but also enjoyed Bomb Shelter. I just find her writing SO relatable.

    Seventeen! The years really do just fly by, especially when kids birthday’s come around. En route to school today my daughter really wanted to discuss birthday plans for this year. Her birthday isn’t until March 2023, but we spent the entire walk chatting about what she wants to do for her 12th.

    Like you I have felt so, so sad about Queen Elizabeth’s passing. Sharing a name with her, albeit with a different spelling twist, and the fact that my grandmother was obsessed with all things royal…has left me thinking about it a lot. She always seemed like this constant, dependable, regal presence and it’s sad to think about that passing out of our lives. Also: I liked it was a woman at the helm, and it’s unlikely that will happen again in even my own children’s lifetime.

  11. Nicole, I’m so happy that you took the time to scrub your kitchen. The before photo is absolutely haunting. 😜
    You are so funny! But I do understand that satisfaction WE see after accomplishing such a task even if no one else notices.

    Can you please find/meet/interview the person making the signs for the Automotive place in your town? WE NEED TO KNOW WHO THE CULPRIT IS.

    I saw some fashion lady the other day stating that infinity scarves are out. Me: WHAT? NO EFFING WAY. I’ll never give up mine! (they are mostly in GA where it’s cooler)

    Happy 17th birthday to your baby!

  12. I totally get your joy at a deep cleaning job well done. I keep a cleaning toothbrush below every sink in the house. Not sure I have ever gone through two in a single cleaning session though! That’s some serious scrubbing. Even though my kids left home several years ago that still sounds like a book that would resonate with me.

  13. Oh, your carrots are bigger than our harvest last year (we didn’t plant any this year). They were delicious but sooo tiny! We thought maybe we planted too many and they didn’t have room to grow? I would like to try again.

    Doesn’t it feel so good to accomplish something? I had a 3-day Time Management class for work last week and that was one of the things discussed — if you get something done/accomplished, you feel really good and it gives you more energy/motivation to do more.

    Have you found what would clean the lid well? Ours gets gunky really fast and if someone here (not naming anyone but he’s the only other person in our house now with my son gone to school — he hehe!) doesn’t wash right away and doesn’t soak, I couldn’t get the hardened junk out from the corners! I hate that it looks like that! I don’t use the blender, mind you, so maybe I should just close my eyes?

  14. Michelle Goggins - MG Doodle Studio says

    Your sparkling kitchen inspires me to get busy cleaning! The weather has finally cooled off and I have so much more energy!

  15. I know your carrots are tiny, but OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE. I just want to squish my face in those widdle baby sweetums.

    A deep clean involving TWO toothbrushes is an inspiring job. I don’t think I’ve ever deep cleaned a kitchen to that extent! I’m sure you just sigh with joy when you see those clean windowsills and cupboard edges. 🙂

  16. The before/after picture of your kitchen made me laugh out loud! But I also love a good deep clean so I know you felt amazing when you finished. And cleaning windowsills is one of my favorite things – what a difference it makes! Such a wonderful garden haul – what a great summer!

  17. Your kitchen is beautiful. I know that giving it a deep cleaning makes it look prettier to you, but honestly both photos show a lovely space. I also like how your dark counters always compliment your garden-fresh veggies. You picked that color on purpose didn’t you?

    I’m with you about September being the beginning of a new year. The vibe gets me going, too. Although this year I’m more into organizing files and folders, than stuff and things.

  18. Oh I love the photo of pregnant baby Nicole! So cute! Happy birthday to your seventeen year old!!! Your description of Bomb Shelter makes me really want to read it, even though it will probably just make me pre-sad for something that stresses me out even though it is YEARS away from happening!

    And bummer about the carrots. Good to know which veggies have the highest rate of work to reward though.

    Your gleaming kitchen looks SO loved and cared for! Sometimes those jobs are so satisfying!

  19. Nicole! Unrelated to anything here but you’re not on twitter and I’m not on other SM so this is the only place I can show you this perfect perfect video involving loose shopping carts.

    Not all heroes wear capes…

  20. See, looking at your garden haul makes me think I will go back to planting carrots, no matter how small the result because there is really nothing like garden carrots – even the Farm Boy ones I like weren’t hitting it this year. And I have more sage, oregano, mint and a few other herbs than I can use in a lifetime. Oh! Peas in the pod again! Please remind me to plant vegetables next year. I am currently sadly savouring the very last of the peaches.
    That before and after kitchen photo is priceless.
    It’s been sticky hot here still, today is the first cool-ish day, and I am still not wearing socks. Bring on the fall.

  21. Oh, I love how much bounty you got from your garden… even if the carrots were a lot of work, they look so cute!! (My garden was a bust this year. 4 weeks of travel didn’t help).

    And I love your kitchen. I have major kitchen envy. Our kitchen is so old and small. Sigh.

  22. Kitchen envy, here.. particularly since you can SEE the results of your efforts. For me, well, let’s just say an apartment kitchen does not provide the same visual reward. Sigh. That said, I would get a visual reward from cleaning the dang microwave, so perhaps i should just…. aim small?
    You rock a scarf, by the way. I do not. I am incapable of wearing them and not looking like an idiot. 🙂

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