Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Operation Fancy Lady Edition

About a month ago, I was able to watch my son perform at his school in a student-run short production. This production was the first on-stage production since before the pandemic, so I was pretty excited. As I waited for fifteen minutes after the production for my son to finish the stage cleanup, I chatted with others who were waiting for the same reason. I talked to my son afterward: I met L’s parents and R’s mom, oh, and I met S’s dad and stepmom and introduced them to G’s mom…He looked at me curiously. “How did you meet all those people? Did you just go up to them and ask them if they had a kid in the play?” Yes! That’s exactly what I did.

A few years back I heard the term Extroverted Introvert, and I felt seen. I am technically an introvert; I need my alone time to recharge, but I love being around other people, and I love meeting new people. If you are having a party, and you need Mixer People, give me a call. There’s nothing I love more at a party than circulating through the room and talking to everyone: I love new people and I love seeing familiar faces, and I would probably talk to a chair if it had a picture of a smiley face on it. This is why I was very excited to join my husband for a night in Banff at a conference his company was hosting; there was a reception, and a dinner, and I was ALL IN. This was my first Real Social Event since before the pandemic; I have really missed having these kinds of events to meet people.

I discovered, after meeting other spouses, that most of them were there for both nights of the conference, whereas I only drove out for one, and so I felt a little regretful. But no matter! It was held at the Banff Springs, which is a very special place. This was my THIRD time to the Springs in the past six months, so I think that makes me a Very Fancy Lady.

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Operation Fancy Lady Edition

Three Outfits

I wanted to make sure I was comfortable for the 75 minute drive to the Springs; Banff can be very unpredictable in terms of weather so I needed layers, and I wanted those layers to look cute since I assumed I would meet people upon arrival.

I want to talk about these pants. These pants are officially a Favourite Thing, and I have them in a few colours. They are from lululemon and they are structured, with a button and zipper, but they feel like yoga pants. They are literally the most comfortable pants I own, and I love them. I added cute Skecher flats, a plain tee, a super-long swoopy sweater, and a scarf. It was a perfect driving outfit, but also perfect for wandering around the hotel, meeting my husband’s colleagues and customers, and having a glass of wine at the bar, where I ended up talking to many people who were not involved in my husband’s conference, but who were from as far away as Ohio, Georgia, and Virginia. When I meet people like that I feel like I need to be an Ambassador For Canada, and I end up saying things like Welcome To Our Beautiful Country, and giving tourism advice.

After being a self-appointed Canadian Ambassador, I went to get dressed for the fancy dinner. I bought this dress for a Christmas party in 2018, and have worn it maybe once since. It is from the now-defunct Le Chateau, and is a stretchy sheath dress underneath a big drapey part, which makes it comfortable AND flattering. The heels are decidedly NOT my comfy Skechers, and by the end of the night my feet were very sore, but needs must sometimes.

The next morning my husband went golfing with customers, and I decided to go for a walk to Bow Falls and downtown Banff before I had to check out. I put my great-for-walking Skechers on my very sore feet and layered up.

The weather was pretty unsettled, with really low-lying cloud and a few sprinkles of rain, so I was happy to have packed this jacket, also from lululemon. It’s lined and waterproof, and the hood zips up really nicely in case of gusty wind.

Here is a photo of Bow Falls, which is crazier than normal because of all the rain that we have had of late, as well as the usual seasonal snowmelt:

I guess in terms of Favourite Things, being in the mountains is one of them. This is maybe the very best thing about living in Calgary, the proximity to the Rockies.


Unless it’s the middle of summer, or I am on a hot and sunny vacation, I do not like being bare-legged while wearing dresses. There are three reasons for this: a) I get cold, b) I have Reynaud’s Syndrome which means my legs are generally an unattractive shade of purplish-blue, and c) I have very unsightly varicose veins. Longtime readers may recall I had my varicose veins stripped back in 2011, and that painful procedure was supposed to be the end of it, but alas, I have since developed new ones and my doctor says there is nothing to be done, as I am obviously prone to it and if they strip any more veins, I am going to have Massive Circulation Issues.

Our local Pharmasave advertised that they were carrying Sheertex hosiery; I have had a few occasions in the past month where I would be wearing a dress and wanted to wear pantyhose, and so I looked into Sheertex. I will tell you now, I almost fainted when I saw the price tag. However, in the long run I think it will pay off, as these are supposed to be indestructible.

How many pairs of pantyhose have I thrown out in my lifetime after only one wear, sometimes even less than that, because I put a fingernail through them while putting them on, or snagged them on a bracelet, or got a run from bumping into a table? I shudder to think of the money down the drain. Anyway, the cost of these is insane, but supposedly they should last me a very long time. So far I’ve worn them four times, and they still look perfect, and that’s AFTER I took off my shoes and walked around in my stocking feet at the Banff Springs, after having several drinks and standing around in heels for hours.

Cover Girl Outlast

I have to thank Gigi (HI GIGI) for the recommendation of Cover Girl Outlast lipstick. Gigi said that she used it and it lasted all day, even with mask wearing and eating. I was skeptical, so I took photos of myself for a day wearing it, applying it only in the morning and not reapplying during the day.

8:00 am. In the Superstore parking lot with freshly applied Outlast.

12:30 pm. After a morning of grocery shopping and mask wearing, drinking several glasses of water and a smoothie, eating a fruit salad, and brushing my teeth, the lipstick still looks perfect without a reapplication!

3:00 pm. This is after taking the boys to their optometry appointment. Lip colour is still there – after masking too – but it’s starting to fade.

7:00 pm. This is after dinner, water, and flossing and brushing my teeth. Eleven hours of wear, no reapplication; I am not going to throw out all my other lipsticks but I feel like I could. Other lipsticks, you can JUST GO HOME. This stuff is amazing, thanks Gigi for the recommendation!

Favourite Link of the Month: The Sugar Thief

This has nothing to do with being a Fancy Lady, but I read The Sugar Thief by Laura Bray (HI LAURA) and have thought about it intermittently ever since. It’s just an absolute delight. Laura is not a new blogger, but she is new to me, and her writing is wonderful. Go check it out!

Happy Pride Month! Those are my Favourite Things this month: what are yours? Tell me everything. xo


  1. That picture of the falls is something else. I’m glad you got to spend some time in the mountains. In a little over a week, we’re headed for the beach, which as you know is one of my favorite things.

    • The falls always look pretty but at this time of year they are WILD. Especially with all the rain! Oooh, have fun at the beach and I cannot wait to hear all about it! xo

  2. Extroverted introvert here too! I have an intense need for quiet alone time — I will feel Not Quite Right for a chunk of the day if I don’t get that first silent hour before anyone else wakes up. But I love meeting new people and striking up conversations. When my kids were small I was always the mom on the park bench who wondered whether any other parents at the park were up for a chat. (This was less weird in the days before smartphones, I feel.)

  3. I’m usually an introverted introvert, but I have my extroverted moments as well. It’s funny that your son asked if you just walked up to people and asked if they had kids in the play- of course you did! That’s what moms do! Except with me it’s “is you daughter in band? What instrument does she play?” etc.
    I was in Banff once, a long time ago. It is pretty fancy- good thing you had your Fancy Lady clothes for the occasion! My feet are hurting just looking at those heels, but you look great.
    Thanks for the link to Laura’s blog- I read The Sugar Thief and loved it.

    • Wasn’t it great? I have thought of it many times since reading. Banff is one of the most beautiful places in the world, in my opinion, and I’m so lucky to be so close! It (somewhat) makes up for our long long winters.

    • Thanks for visiting my blog and reading The Sugar Thief. I hope you’ll come by again soon.

  4. Extroverted introvert as well. I truly enjoy people, but they often exhaust me as well. I must have my downtown or I become cranky. Just cranky. Gorgeous picture of the rushing water! Talk about power! I will try the Outlast next time I go to buy lipstick. That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I loved all of your outfits. You look marvelous, dah-ling! Mona

    • Mona, thank you so much! It was fun dressing up for An Occasion! If you try the Outlast let me know. It’s so reasonably priced too, which is a big plus in my books.

  5. Yep, I was told years ago that I was an introvert with an extroverted personality when necessary. I’ve heard other people say that the term is ambivert– which I rather like. I’ve had saline injected into my varicose veins, then had to wear compression pantyhose for two weeks. That was annoying AF, but what you had done sounds worse. I’m not jealous that you went to Banff Springs, not at all… just about my favorite vacation spot ever. Gonna check out Outlast lipstick.

    • Ally, the story of my varicose veins is long and boring, but the short version is that in 2011 they told me that was my only option, as they were extensive and there was no safe amount of injection that would have helped. It was supposed to be the end of it after surgery but alas, here we are, and I am wearing compression stockings as we speak.
      I wish you could come visit and we could go to Banff together!

  6. I had to laugh at the thought of you talking to a chair with a smiley face!

    I’m an introvert who also loves people — but only if they have the extroverted personality. 🙂 I usually need that push/energy from extroverts for me to come out of my shell.

    What are the pants from Lululemon called? Structured pants? I’m always looking for a pair that look good and feel good.

    Thanks for testing the Cover Girl Outlast lipstick for us. My sister wears a long-lasting lipstick but it’s in a price range I’d rather not — so I’m glad to have one to try.

    Banff was (is??) one of the vacation spots we thought about this year. I’ve heard such great things for many years now and specially after our neighbors visited a couple of years ago — but I’m still deer in the headlights about traveling too far, what with the thought of cancelled flights and being stuck (although if we had to be stuck, what better place than Banff?? But with a schedule to keep — work for me and school for my son), I’m loathe to make vacation arrangements too far from home.

    • Ha ha!! I’m re-reading my comment and saw that it seems like I was saying I ONLY love people who have the extroverted personality! Not true, so let me correct that: “I’m an introvert who also loves TO INTERACT WITH people — but USUALLY only DO if they have the extroverted personality. 🙂 I usually need that push/energy from extroverts for me to come out of my shell.” There — I feel better! LOL

    • Hi M! The pants are called City Sleek slim-fit, and I can’t say enough about them. I’m wearing a pair right now!
      Travel is so FRAUGHT right now but when it’s not so crazy, I hope you can come visit Banff. It’s such a beautiful part of the world!
      Outlast is so reasonably priced and you can buy it in the drugstore, which is such a bonus!

      • Thanks, Nicole! I’m going to go shopping (online) and look for City Sleek slim-fit pants.

        Keep on bein’ fancy, lady; it all looks good on you!

        Banff is on my vacation list so I am sure I’ll make it there some day. I’ve only been to Vancouver (and Whistler; didn’t make it to Victoria Island because we were already on Day12 of our very busy vacation and we were very tired and we skipped it) and to Niagara Falls — and they’ve been awesome trips; such beautiful places! I’m looking forward to it!

  7. I love the term “extroverted introvert.” I think I am something like it. You’re a great friend to have at gatherings. To be honest, you could start a business loaning yourself out. Imagine how many awkward silences you would fill.

    I’d never heard of Sheertex, but where was it in the 1980s and 1990s when all we wore was pantyhose to every fancy event? I don’t want to think about how much hosiery is still sitting in landfills. Let’s not think about it.

    Banff…sigh. I absolutely adore where you live. Xoxo

    • I know, Kari, I know. THINK OF ALL THE PANTYHOSE. I mean, some weeks when I wore it all the time to work, I’d go through two pair, because of runs. THE WASTE! Yikes. You’re right, let’s not think of it…

  8. Birchwood Pie says

    I’m v intrigued by the Outlast. I’ve all but given up on lipstick since it never lasts. Did it dry your lips out at all?

    Great outfits!

    • Birchy, it’s a two step process – the lip colour is applied first and you have to let it dry. It would totally feel dry and weird if that was the end of it, but it comes with a satiny balm that adds shine and moisture. I did reapply the balm once in the day but not the colour and it lasted so long!

  9. I am an introvert with no caveats. But, interestingly enough, when I was dating my now-husband, we were at a family event with his family and one of his aunts said “It’s good to see him with such an extroverted person” and I just burst out laughing. If introvertedness is a scale from 1 to 10, I’m like a 3 and my husband is an 11 and I think the comparison to him just fools everyone into thinking I get more out of social interactions than I actually do! We could definitely use your mixing skills at our get togethers.

    • INVITE ME TO YOUR NEXT GET TOGETHER!!! It’s all about the comparison – I am definitely not the “life of the party” extrovert but I am a “I will talk to every person in this room” person!

  10. I really like the Lululemon jacket in the last outfit pic (fitted but cozy looking!). Can you tell me the name of it?

  11. I would love to visit your area of Canada someday. or maybe move there since your country seems to be able to make changes when it comes to gun control??? Super envious of the recent legislation that pass (I think it passed? Sounded like a very sure thing).

    But I digress! You look gorgeous in all of these photos. I love the dress you wore! And those nylons sound amazing. I haven’t heard of them. I have bought some more expensive brands of tights/dark hose but have rarely worn them in the last 2 years since I have barely dressed up in the last 2 years! I remember in the spring of 2021, I was going to a baby shower so I put on a pair of jeans and my 3yo son said, “mommy what are you wearing??” He had only seen me workout clothes/leggings/etc for a year+. Yesterday I wore a dress to work and he didn’t understand why I was so dressed up!

    So I am also an extroverted introvert, but not to the extent that you are, especially when it comes to new people. Working a room makes me practically break out in hives! But I love seeing people I know, especially in small groups, and I am the planner in most of my groups of friends. My husband is a quiet/shy extrovert. most people think he’s the introvert and I’m the extrovert!

  12. HI Nicole! I’m so happy you like the lipstick! It’s pretty much the only brand I wear (I do find that the reds tend to not last as long…FYI). I will occasionally branch out and try another long wear lip color but they end up sitting in the makeup drawer when I discover they can’t beat Outlast.

    As for me? As you might have guessed, I’m an introverted introvert for the most part. I shocked myself today by introducing myself to a woman I’ve seen wandering around the building lately…turns out she is a “new” hire (she was hired during the pandemic which explains why I didn’t know her name, at the very least).

    • I’m not surprised you’re an introverted introvert, so not to worry, I will give you space and also simultaneously talk your ear off if ever we meet! Thanks so much for the suggestion, I have bought it in a couple of shades – mostly neutrals so they do last pretty long!

  13. Thanks so much for the shout-out for The Sugar Thief. You are the best. I worked so hard on that piece-I think I wrote six or more drafts, but I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written. I’m working on a new piece about a 1970s canoe trip that went very wrong, so stay tuned! P.S. I’m like you, introverted but I will talk to just about anybody because I worry that someone is an introvert like me and that they are feeling uncomfortable in the crowd so I try talk to everyone.

    • Oooh looking forward to the canoe story! I loved the Sugar Thief and after looking at your pinterest board, realized that I have never seen such sugar packets! Maybe it was an American thing?

  14. Erin Etheridge says

    I think I’m an extroverted introvert too! I’m turning into my mother, I guess, who is Irish and has in the past three years been asked by two separate strangers if they could hug her after having a conversation. One person who left condolences on my uncle’s obituary on Facebook was a woman I met briefly at a Starbucks in a town neither of us lived in. I completed her sweater and apparently she sells clothing and it’s from the line she sells so we connected on Facebook. And now, months later, she is leaving me kind messages 😂

    • See, I love that kind of story and that kind of connection! Sometimes I’ll mention a person to my family and then when I explain how I know them it’s a long convoluted story about a random meeting/ online thing. I love it!

  15. You have the kind of effortless style I aspire to, Nicole! Love your outfits! And I love your description of yourself mingling – I bet you set so many people at ease!

    The falls are WILD. So much snowmelt and rain in the west this summer!

  16. “I would probably talk to a chair if it had a picture of a smiley face on it.” YOU ARE SEEN. You are so delightful and I would love to run into you in a hotel lobby or bar and let you be The Ambassador Of Canada.
    I’m also an extroverted introvert. We should start a club, but we’d only meet on occasion because, you know, introvert.
    I love your outfits; YOU ARE AN ADORABLE FANCY LADY even when you’re going for a walk.
    I must check out Gigi’s lipstick of choice.
    Going to check out Laura’s blog!

  17. You fancy AND friendly lady. I can totally imagine you meeting and greeting people . . . and welcoming them to Canada. I have not heard of Sheertex. Sounds like it might be worth the investment. The lipstick- also have not heard of it. I feel like I am constantly reapplying as my lipstick seems to ‘fall off’ so easily. I’m glad you shared the name of those pants. I plan to add them to my Christmas list.

  18. Oh, chatting up people at a party sounds like a nightmare to me. I consider myself an extroverted introvert myself, but I am only extroverted around (and enjoy company of) people I already know and feel comfortable around. But I’d love to be chatted up by YOU 🙂

    On a different note, I’d love to go shopping with you – our styles are so alike!

  19. I have been turning into an extroverted introvert since my husband died, and even I don’t recognize myself! Turns out that being alone 24/7 will make me desperate to chat with grocery store clerks, the mailman – any other living soul that isn’t my cats! 🙂

    One of my favorite things right now is thanks to you – a book called Left on Tenth. You didn’t care for it, but your description intrigued me. First, I’m doing an Adult Summer Reading Challenge at my library, and one of the tasks was to read a book from their ebook service. I have NEVER found a book I was looking for that way (my town and library are very, very small) so I didn’t expect to check that one off. But this book was on there – yay!

    Then I started reading it, and I’m just hooked. The author has AML, and my husband had CML (his was chronic, hers was acute) back in the early 90s. He had a bone marrow transplant that cured him of leukemia, but he was the only one in his group of 100 BMT recipients to live past one year. This was before I knew him, but he talked about it a lot. (We met when he was 4 years out from his transplant.) So all the medical talk is fascinating to me because it resonates, plus I love that she found love again after her husband died. So thank you! One woman’s (book) trash is another woman’s treasure, apparently! 😀

    • Oh, I’m so glad to hear that, Wendy! I was in the wrong headspace for it but it sounds like it really resonated for you. Yay! I’m glad you liked it!
      I also talk extensively with the grocery store clerks!

  20. I think one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to extroverts and introverts is that extroverts don’t need alone time and that introverts don’t like to be around people. While I am fully an introvert and a shy one at that, one of my best friends is also an introvert who can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. She loves making new friends and doesn’t have a problem talking to new people. People would likely assume she’s an extrovert because she’s very friendly and open when meeting new people, but she’s 100% an introvert who needs her alone time to recharge. Likewise, I know a few extroverts who love being around people but aren’t the life of the party AND can be very shy around new people. It’s all about where you draw your energy from. Everyone is going to get depleted from being around people all the time, but an introvert’s energy gets depleted at a much faster rate. And everyone needs to be around people and have that human connection , but an extrovert is more comfortable in that environment and doesn’t get tired from the social interaction as easily. Ambiverts do exist, of course, but I always want to caution people who think that, because they like people, there’s no way they can be an introvert (or vice versa – because they need alone time, there’s no way they can be an extrovert; we ALL need people time and we ALL need alone time). Okay, off my soap box!

    Favorite thing from June? Finally getting to see YOUR beautiful country! Being in Canada was a blast and I enjoyed every minute. (Also very much enjoyed paying for something and knowing it was going to be less coming out of my bank account thanks to the difference between CAD and USD, ha.)

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip to Canada! And think of me in the opposite way when I’m in the States, always doing the mental math (it says $10 but really that’s more like $13.50…)
      I definitely draw my energy from being alone – I need that alone time!

  21. Wow, you look so gorgeous in all these pictures, Nicole! Love, love it!

    I’m always deeply appreciative of people like you to help other people feel comfortable at large gatherings.

    I’m both shy and social–and find that the older I get and the less I care about what people think, the more gregarious I get.

    • I think people are always happy to have someone else make the first move, in terms of conversation. I feel like the “judgement” we might perceive is all in our own minds, and that people like to be spoken to.

  22. Good gracious, you get out of bed and throw together an outfit and you honestly look like you were dressed by a stylist. I am simultaneously awed and envious (says the schlump currently sitting here in joggers and a long-sleeved t-shirt…).

    Like NGS and Stephany, I’m a truly introverted introvert. There are few people with whom I can spend more than a few minutes – my family, my ex-MIL and ex and… a couple (2? maybe?) people from work. With everyone else, in every other situation, I am constantly seeking an exit. I plan early departures from gatherings… or I just don’t attend. I would LOVE having someone like you around – this sounds like my mother, or my brother, or my ex. They could all talk to a wall. Or a chair with a smiley on it – love that imagery!

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