A Week of Spring Outfits; 114 Weeks In

The other morning after class I complimented one of my ladies on her cherry-red top. She always looks good in one of her several red, pink, and purple tops, but that morning she looked particularly glowing and lovely, and I told her so. She thanked me and then said, “Well, Nicole, you know, I’m a Spring.” I smiled at that, and she followed it up with her theory that even if you don’t get your Colours done officially, you can tell what season you are by what clothing you gravitate towards. Her theory said that we naturally choose the clothes and colours that suit us best, and you know, I think she’s right.

I know for myself, I gravitate towards what I recently heard referred to as the New York Rainbow – black, grey, and white – and simple cuts and lines. I read The Curated Closet this week, which is all about discovering and cultivating your personal style and esthetic, one that works with your lifestyle, without succumbing to trends that are unsuitable or fast fashion, so it’s fitting that this week’s post is all about clothing.

As a note, I recognize that fashion trends are not aimed at me or my demographic. I know! I know. The trendsetters are not putting together lookbooks with the 47-year-old Calgary woman in mind, but wow, this season’s fashion trends are not at all suited to me or the esthetic I aim for. Let’s just forget about the bright colours and patterns that I don’t feel comfortable in, let’s just forget about how SHORT all the tops are this season, which are not flattering for my perimenopausal figure, let’s just talk about about cut: everything is ruched and ruffled and the puffy sleeves are enough to satisfy Anne Shirley’s deepest desires. Everything is ruffled! Everything has ruching! Sleeves are all puffed and shoulders are expanded upon! Needless to say, this isn’t an esthetic that works for me, which, on the upside, means that it’s pretty easy to refrain from mindlessly shopping.

One of the topics in The Curated Closet is the Uniform; not an actual uniform, but the type of clothes a person wears daily. Do you have a Spring Uniform? My Spring Uniform is not too dissimilar from my Rest Of The Year Uniform, which is to say fitted pants – yoga leggings or skinny jeans – and longer, often flowing tops, with lots of layers. Layers are key when you live in a climate like Calgary’s – spring is incredibly and wildly volatile, and temperatures, precipitation, and wind speeds can and do change hourly. Also, we had windchills below zero this week with icy cold rain and, yes, snowflakes in the air, which, well, I’ll just be over in the corner crying softly, thinking about my garden.

My dad told me that he read that this spring is the coldest Western Canada has had in…I forget what he said, actually, but whatever it was I found it weirdly comforting. I had started to lose all perspective and just accept that we lived in a frozen hellscape where summer will never come, never. Ah! This isn’t normal! Sometimes it IS warm! It gave me a weird sense of hope.

Anyway, back to clothes. While I’d like to showcase seven days of light springwear, this is not my reality. Instead I give you seven days of clothes while dealing with crazy weather fluctuations! Please note that while two of the pants are new within the last year, most of these pieces are several years old, some more than a decade old. When I buy a piece, I want it to last a long time and I want it to incorporate into my wardrobe smoothly. Not to anthropomorphize my clothing or anything, but I want all my pieces to get along and play nicely together. I love getting dressed in the morning; putting together the Day’s Costume based on my activities and the weather is always fun for me. One of the reasons I love Marie Kondo is her Sparking Joy concept; my clothes spark joy and they all have a role to play in my life. Okay, maybe I anthropomorphize my clothing. But what of it? It’s not like I think they have a secret life and are enacting little dramas and romances when I go to bed at night. (But what if they do? That would be fun.)

One Week of Spring Outfits


The week starts on a Thursday! Thursday is a teaching day, and this is a pretty typical teaching outfit for me: yoga tank and leggings with a tee. The fitted tank is essential, because tees tend to ride up during things like downward dog, and I prefer to keep my midriff covered at all times. It’s hard to tell from the photo but the tank is a black and charcoal camo print, and the tee matches the charcoal. It’s all about the little things.

This is a little thing but I left the house with just a sweater and scarf! No coat! No boots! No gloves! As mentioned above, with our weather this is NOTABLE. Most people associate scarves with fall, but I associate them with spring and jauntily strolling around with only a light sweater as protection against the elements.


This was hands-down my favourite outfit of the week. The jeans are new and a perfect fit, which is miraculous because I bought them online during Black Friday sales, which is risky! The risk paid off! Sweater, tank, and scarf are all many years old, and the shoes are the cutest and comfiest little Skechers. Well, not little. My feet are pretty big. But I’m wearing SHOES without SOCKS and not BOOTS. Spring!


We have been trying to go bowling at our fitness club as a family as often as possible, and the last time we went, there was a young girl’s birthday party going on and it was glow-in-the-dark bowling with a dance competition on the big screen! So much fun. I have moves like Jagger, people. Anyway, these jeans were also part of my online Black Friday purchase, and this top, well, I love it. I bought it while shopping with my mom in her small town, probably seven years ago now. It doesn’t get much wear because it’s so lightweight, the weather has to be warm, but not too warm, to wear it.

Saucy bowling shoes courtesy of the club.


Gardening day! It was warm enough to be in the garden, and so I was out there for a long time, edging and weeding and basically spinning around with happiness.

The jeans date from 2008 and have, clearly, worn right through the knees. The tee was a $5USD purchase from Maui in 2015 or 2016, and it always gives me happy tropical memories. Those shoes are my gardening shoes; they are Skechers with a flower motif.


Monday is a teaching day, so my uniform of tank, tee, and tights is the order of the day. This was the warmest day of the week, and so my tights are capri-length, and again, shoes with no socks!


Well, nothing can last forever, and this was the day the weather changed for the worse. No more shoes without socks, no leaving the house without a coat.

I have to tell you about this coat: I bought it when the boys were in preschool. PRESCHOOL! And this week my son graduates high school. I love it just as much as when I bought it; it’s a little “off-brand” for me colour-wise but I love it. It’s lined, it’s waterproof, it has a hood and is long enough to keep me warm on these chilly spring days.

Underneath: a sweater, but a light sweater, paired with a tank and the most comfortable pants you can imagine. These pants are from lululemon, and they are actual pants with a button and zipper, but they feel like yoga pants. It’s magic.

Did you know Sorel makes non-winter boots? They do! These are cute and comfortable AND water-proof, so good for snowy/ rainy spring days that are not below freezing. Did I just type that sentence? Yes, I did.


Wednesday is grocery day, and so I need something akin to workout wear. I mean, this was my haul from Superstore and Costco last Wednesday:

It took 52 minutes to put everything away. Forget carry-out service, I need a service to help me actually put the groceries away in my house.

Anyway, this Extreme Workout requires comfortable clothes that I can move around in, and that means yoga tank and pants, and this cute light sweater that cannot be worn without something underneath because it’s roomy and moves around a lot, if you know what I’m saying.

That’s it for the outfits, now for the books!

Pandemic Reading

These Precious Days. OH. I don’t think I can adequately express how much I loved this. I have read many essay collections and none have affected me like this. Everything resonated. Everything moved me. I feel a kinship and connection to the author that is incredibly strong. I loved every single word. I’m a fast reader but I slowed down because I didn’t want this to be over. It was such an incredible read for me and I cannot say enough about it.

The Curated Closet. As I mentioned above, this was a perfect book for my Week of Spring Outfits! This was so much fun to read! It’s all about discovering and establishing your own personal style and aesthetic, with helpful hints on how to shop mindfully, look for quality and fit, and detox your closet. Very fun and really well laid out and photographed. It has inspired me to go ahead with a Big Project that I have been turning around in my mind for the last few months.

Honor. I pride myself on being honest in my reviews, and this is painful for me to say. I have been looking forward to reading this for months; I was so excited when it came in at the library. I love this author and I was so interested in the very important story and theme. I want you to know that, to know just how much I hate to say what I’m going to say: I am disappointed. I found the characters to be one-dimensional and it was difficult to care about them, the dialogue is stilted, and the narration seemed contrived and heavy handed. It pains me to say it. Based on the author’s other works, I expected to be transported and amazed, but I wasn’t. It lacked the nuance and subtlety I love about her other books. It’s a decent book, it’s worth a read, but it’s not incredible or transformative and that is what I expected. It might be just me, and having high expectations, but this was a let down. 

I have a hugely busy and exciting week ahead, the sun is supposed to shine (mostly), and so I am feeling great and optimistic! I hope you have a wonderful spring-y week! xo


  1. This post itself is like a burst of sunshine, Nicole! You are so cute! And I *love* the phrase “New York Rainbow”! That makes grays and blacks and whites seem so much more festive than they are (although I LOVE those colors).

    I totally agree with you that shopping is a challenge with the current trends. Everything is so boxy! And SO MANY RUFFLES. A friend and I were complaining about the lack of viable dress options recently. Everything either has cutouts (no) or looks like it’s straight out of the prairie. I mean, I love the prairie, but I don’t want to look like Ma Ingalls.

    I hope your busy and exciting week is wonderful and full of ACTUAL spring weather!

    • RIGHT? I think those ruffles and ruching might be cute on someone else, but yes, I feel like Ma Ingalls and I don’t think that’s the look I want to go for. Isn’t New York Rainbow fun? I heard it only recently and felt so seen.

  2. It was hot and muggy over the weekend, our first really hot weather, so I’m happy we’re returning to spring weather this week (but coming from the opposite direction). Today I’m wearing a bright green v-neck long-sleeved t-shirt, denim skirt, socks, and sneakers and I’m happy about the long sleeves and socks, because soon these will be distant memories.

  3. Spring has sprung! I’m so excited for you. You’ve really held your head up as the snow kept coming and coming, but it’s time for you to wear shoes without socks!

    With only two people in our house, putting away groceries takes about five minutes. The idea of spending the better part of an hour putting away groceries would be enough to make me reconsider ever going there again!

    • It’s a PROCESS, let me tell you. Sometimes I just stare at the groceries to be put away and feel defeated before I even begin. If I only go to Superstore, the putting away is only like 30-45 minutes. “Only”

  4. Birchwood Pie says

    Yay spring! Speaking as 47 year old woman to another, we ain’t got time for silly fashion trends. We just need comfy, good looking clothes and you’ve nailed that.

  5. New York Rainbow. I’m dying. Perfect description.

    Since March 2020 when I started FT WFH due to Covid I seem to have accidentally adopted the NY rainbow because the vast majority of my yoga pants, sweatpants, T shirts, and athletic tops are black, navy, or gray. This wasn’t a big deal in the past because I only ever wore them on weekends. Wearing them every day though I realize I now seem to wear only black, white, navy, and gray. However, I couldn’t bring myself to buy more exciting comfy wear because I always knew I’d have to go to back to the office eventually (now have an official return date of 9/26). I’m going to have to get my head around office wear and more variety! At least I have more exotic outer wear because I have to wear a jacket of some kind 9-10 our of 12 months here so if possible I try to buy ones that are not more interesting (good success with trench coats/rain coats, no luck at all with long, winter coats but ….)

    • Oh, I have a suggestion – I bought a calf-length winter coat from Eddie Bauer many years ago and it has been a workhorse for me. I know your winters are not as cold as mine but that damp cold that you get just seeps into your bones, so while the coat might seem overkill, it also might be perfect.

  6. i love your style! All your outfits are so cute. I feel like I still struggle with figuring out how to dress myself. i guess I won’t be doing much clothes shopping this season- I have a long torso so short tops look incredibly stupid on me. Maybe I need to read The Curated Closet.
    Your weather sounds TERRIBLE! If i lived there I would definitely be crying softly in the corner, and not just about my garden. Well… I hope you have some warmer weather and lots of sunshine this week!

    • Thanks Jenny! It’s been a pretty dreadful spring, to be honest. The Curated Closet is a very fun read and the author is young, but doesn’t seem young, if you know what I mean. Like, all the advice can be used by people of all ages!

  7. I am not much of a clothes shopper, but I went into a Kohl’s a few months back and was shocked by all the shirts that are half a shirt! Excuse me, I didn’t ask for cut off tops, everything a normal shirt covers needs to be covered. So much ruffly, cut-out-shoulder, ruched nonsense. I am not on board with that.

    I do like the idea of a personal uniform. I’ve found a style of casual capris that I really like, and am picking up pairs on Poshmark as I find them. Haven’t found a top style that works as well for me. It’s an ongoing process.

  8. Can I just say you’re adorable?! The pictures, the little stories (especially the coat you got back in preschool-era).

    I also loved the Ann Patchett book. So relatable and she is a masterful writer.

    I feel the same way about putting groceries away. I actually love the process of grocery shopping, but putting everything away fills me with dread (and I tend to do multiple smaller trips over the week).

    In terms of a clothing uniform, I like to wear casual sweaters and black jeans on repeat over the winter. I’m a fall, through and through. Forest green, dark blue, plum.

    I buy almost every clothing item from thrift shops and find it is very handy for avoiding some of the current fashion horrors – namely all those short tops!

    • I love that you are a fall! That seems perfect for you.
      Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a butler or someone who just…puts the groceries away in all the proper places? Why, why, why is it such a pain?
      THE SHORT TOPS! It’s just a no for me!

  9. Listen, you are just adorable.

  10. I literally cannot fathom spending an hour putting away groceries. I’m only buying for myself and I usually put the cold stuff away immediately and then I’m very lazy about putting the other stuff away, doing it in bits and pieces throughout the day. AN HOUR. God bless you, woman.

    I love your style! I’ve finally succumbed to my age where I’m now like “WHAT are the kids WEARING these days?!” The baggy jeans, crop tops… I just cannot. It doesn’t look good!!! Now that I work from home, my uniform is usually a pair of cotton shorts and a t-shirt. I do try to look more presentable if I’m going to be doing video calls or going out. I think that’s why I get “so dressed up” whenever I’m going out, even if it’s just to book club at a friend’s house. It’s my one opportunity to dress up that week! I’ve also been doing quarterly Stitch Fix boxes for the last two years. I may pause that after this next box, just for a little while. I need to reassess my closet and figure out what I need.

    • I love an opportunity to dress up! The key in Curated Closet is to look at what you have and assess needs and go from there. It’s a really fun book! I remember the first time I thought “Wait, what are the clothes now?” and I am HERE FOR YOU.
      Grocery day is a whole exercise! It’s an event! An exhausting event.

  11. I’m sure it’s no surprise that here on the other side of the world (Australia)- we have exactly the same issue with clothes. I am tall, and I prefer my tops on the longer side and with almost no ruffles. It’s close to impossible to find anything. My friends will say “oh have you tried Blue Illusion; or Trenery?” YES. I have tried everywhere. There is not a women’s clothing store in the whole of Adelaide that I have not tried. The tops are brown/mustard/maroon/green; they have ruffles on the cuffs,shoulders and neckline; they are very short; and they are cut through the body as though I would like to conceal a mid-life pregnancy. Alternatively they are a heavy HEAVY knit, of the type I haven’t needed since before I had children 17 years ago.

    • Hi Kate! This is so interesting to hear we are having the same issues in two different places! Ruffles! RUFFLES!!! They are global, I guess. Thanks for your comment!!

  12. I’m a Summer who can slide into Autumn colors. I still abide by the advice I learned decades ago when I had my colors done. I definitely have a *uniform* which is pretty much solid color on the bottom [jeans, capris, shorts], 100% cotton tank/t-shirt/turtleneck, then a blouse or cardigan over it. Flat shoes, boots, or sandals, of course. I’ll leave the ruffles and lace and floral patterns for everyone else. Oh, and no checks either, but plaids are okay! 🤷‍♀️

  13. May and the busy things have had me neglecting blog friends, but I’m here now. Loving your cute outfits. Love that you still have a coat from your sons’ preschool days. How awesome. I’d love for you to share a link to those lulu lemon pants that zip and button but feel wonderful, but I’m guessing they are not a current pair. I’m all about comfort.

    I think I am a summer. I love, love sun dresses. My uniform during the school year is clothes that have pockets for tissues and that wash up easily – nothing I care about, because who knows when a baby is going to sneeze carrots all over me. I prefer my summer uniform. I’ve recently become addicted to mini skirts that are stretchy with built in shorts. So comfy, but look great. Paired with a striped tank or sleeveless shirt. I only buy shoes that offer great support, and I’m always excited to find a pair on sale because I have very expensive taste in shoes.

    When the cashier at the grocery store asks me if I want help outside, I ALWAYS SAY: No, what I really need is help at home putting this all away. Twinning!

    I love the lightweight shirt you are wearing to bowling. So cute, and a great color.

  14. I really like that phrase, “the New York Rainbow.” I also feel like I wear a lot of black, white, and gray.
    Because you don’t have to pay up front, I found Amazon Prime’s “Try Before You Buy” feature to be a great way to find clothes. It’s like a free Stitch Fix.
    This spring, thanks to Amazon, I started wearing dresses, and it feels good. I’m leaving shorts behind because they don’t make me feel good. Wear what makes you feel good, and the rest will take care of itself. Xoxo

  15. Great outfits, Nicole. You look SO cute and athletic in all of it! I’d love a post about your jewelry sometime–love what I see. AND also: Loved the red hair in the gardening photo!

    • Thanks so much, Maya! My hair gets pretty bright in direct sunlight 🙂 I would love to write about my jewelry! My necklaces are almost all from Sonja Picard and I love them.

  16. Pat Birnie says

    Another delightful post – I too love the “New York rainbow” expression, although I love to wear an actual rainbow of reds, orange, & yellow. Many years ago had my colours done when it was a thing, and found out I’m an autumn. I think I would get depressed looking at all those groceries that need to be put away. There are just two of us now and I still find grocery shopping/putting away a pain. I hear your disappointment about that book. I’ve been there — so excited about a book…and then, it doesn’t measure up. I have all of that author’s books (Umrigar) on my list — can’t wait to get into them. I also love Ann Patchett, but haven’t read this one. My list keeps growing…

  17. I love the “New York rainbow” comment. Too funny!! I think my season must be fall. I’m drawn to darker colors – navy in particular, but also eggplant. And give me all the stripes – navy and white, black and white, red and white. Not the most flattering pattern but oh well. It is the only pattern I will wear!

    I loved These Precious Days, too. I want to visit her bookstore some day. What a bummer that Honor was disappointing! I feel like I’ve temporarily lost my ability to really critically read. Maybe it will come back to me at a later stage in life!

  18. I think I told you before Nicole, you’re my style-twin. I would wear everything the exact same way that you showed here. I also gravitated towards the New York Rainbow (black and greys always look “put together” IMHO)… I do try to sprinkle in some color sometimes (teal and purple, for the most part – but always paired with something black or jeans).

    I am intrigued to read this book though and learn more about curating my closet. I feel like I’ve been wearing the same uniform all my life.

  19. You are so cute and joyful; I love everything about this post. (well, all off your posts!)

    Somehow you make each outfit so perfect for your day/weather/mood. I love that you have clothes for so long! I would have more for longer, aside from those darn weight fluctuations.

    I love black/white/gray as well. If I add in color it’s usually teal/green/blue but with black. I’m consistent and I know what works for me; what a gift that is. The Curated Closet sounds like a book I too would enjoy and I can’t wait to see/hear what your Big Project is going to be.

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