Nicole’s Favourite Things; The I Love December Edition

I love the month of December. It just feels so magical; objectively it’s a cold and dark month, but it doesn’t feel that way to me. I mean, it IS dark, it IS cold – it is minus 21 this morning! – but I don’t mind. I mean, yes, I would rather not spend ten minutes layering my clothes to go outside, but at least I can put on Barkley’s festive scarf when we go out.

Every year at this time someone decorates the trees lining the walking path, and I am one hundred percent here for it.

It’s been kind of an exhausting week in the Boyhouse, this last week of school. My younger son had two wrestling tournaments in a five-day span and has been going in early every day to catch up on the electro-tech projects he missed due to his cold, and both boys have had numerous big exams and essays due this week. We are all looking forward to the break, reminiscing about the elementary school days when nothing at all was accomplished during the entire month of December except maybe some crafts and caroling.

The break! Today is my last class until January. As I mentioned in my last post, it feels like December is just flying by, and so I am taking time to just stop and appreciate the things I love about it. Without further ado, it’s time for…

Nicole’s Favourite Things; The I Love December Edition

Winter Sky

The sun rises after 8:30 am and sets before 4:30; during the day the sun is so low in the sky as to be always a little bit in my eyes, even at noon. I watch the sky from a dark, dusky navy to completely black, and back again, sometimes with a little colour thrown in.

What December doesn’t have in terms of long hours of sunlight, it makes up for with a special kind of beauty.

It’s Puzzling

My darling friend Allison (HI ALLISON) sent me a Christmas Vacation puzzle, and I felt so seen!

I love puzzles and I love Christmas Vacation. What is it about puzzles? They completely take over my life. I am OBSESSED. All I want to do is work on the puzzle, and I have to be quite disciplined because I find that I’ll sit down to find just one piece and then an hour will disappear. I want everyone to just fend for themselves so that I can just puzzle. MY LIFE IS THE PUZZLE NOW, EVERYONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. When I’m in the midst of a puzzle – especially a challenging one like this – I almost forget what life was like, pre-puzzle. What did I do? What did I think about? I found a piece that I’d been looking for for DAYS, and I screamed with joy. My husband came in from snow-blowing and was a little startled, and could hardly understand excited babbling. The piece! That was in the trailer window! I found it!

All of which is to say, this puzzle is one of my Favourite Things, thank you Allison.

Carve It Up

My friend Sharyl and I go way back; we were friends first, and then when I became a yoga teacher she really took me under her wing and mentored me. We used to teach yoga for stroke survivors together, and I learned so much from her and that class. We used to laugh about ourselves at Christmastime, as we were the living embodiment of this meme.

I think you can tell who is who here.

Once in December, we were preparing to teach and Sharyl asked me to put on some music; I suggested a Christmas playlist and Sharyl looked at me like this:

The reason I give you this background on Sharyl is that her husband has been carving and selling Christmas ornaments, the proceeds of which all go to charity. These ornaments are adorable, and beautifully made, and Sharyl’s house must have been, at one point, completely full of them. I love thinking of Sharyl surrounded by ornaments. Now to get her to listen to Christmas music in November. Love you, Sharyl, and love my new ornaments:

Florence’s Art, Again

Remember last month when I told you about my friend Florence (HI FLORENCE) and how she was involved in the Under 100 Art Show? That was last weekend and there were so many beautiful pieces there, and all so very affordable. It was the first art show I had ever been to, and I loved looking at everything; of course, my favourite was Florence’s display.

It was hard to choose but this was my favourite:

Isn’t it lovely? I am looking forward to next year’s show!

Boom! This Stuff Is Amazing

After trying the white chocolate peppermint, I told you last month that I would purchase the dark chocolate, limited edition Boom Chicka Pop and report back, and people, I do not go back on my word. Purchase it I did, and then purchase it again I did, and then purchase it a third time I did because holy moly, you guys. This stuff is incredible. And maybe a teensy bit addicting, so be warned:

You may ask which one I prefer, the dark chocolate or the white chocolate peppermint, and I cannot answer that question. That would be like naming a favourite child. I love them equally, but differently.

I hope you’re finding some beautiful things to enjoy this month! Tell me about them. xo


  1. North still has another week of school, the rest of this one and half of the next one, but Noah comes home tonight, which is probably my favorite thing that will happen in December. Beth and Noah are the puzzlers in our family. Thanks for the reminder to pack one when we leave for WV.

  2. My hubs is the puzzler of the house, but I’ve been known “help” and been there for HOURS. It’s a life-sucking pastime, perfect for the holidays. I wish I’d found a Lampoons puzzle for him; sounds perfect!
    I love winter skies, too. We get some beauties. Interesting how different they look out your way.
    I am a little Christmas crazed too, though I hold off until 1 December to bring out my crazy. Wishing you a beautiful Christmas, Nicole!

  3. You have such talented friends! Love the painting you chose, and your friend’s husband’s carvings are adorable!

    “What December doesn’t have in terms of long hours of sunlight, it makes up for with a special kind of beauty.” <– This was such a lovely, positive sentiment (accompanied by all those gorgeous photos, and I am going to try to take some of that positivity with me through the day.

    Barkley's scarf is SO CUTE. Does he enjoy being garbed in holiday attire?

    • He doesn’t seem to mind at all, although I will say I think that scarf is meant for a much smaller dog. The end doesn’t dangle at all like it probably should. However! It still looks cute.

  4. I have never had a Toblerone. I have never had Boom Chicka Pop. I do this to myself because I fear if I get a taste of delicious something is, I will never stop eating it. I have no self-control.

    I am not generally a fan of December because it is the darkest month of the year. BUT! My dog LOVES the cooler weather and taking her for walks this time of year is like having a puppy. She runs around, noses the snow/leaves, and just generally seems to lose years of her life. It’s so joyous to watch.

  5. Birchwood Pie says

    Christmas through the end of January is jigsaw puzzle season for me. Once I can see us getting a bit more daylight then I’m able to step away from the puzzles. And yes…the only time we see the sun this time of year it’s directly in my eyes at all times.

  6. I’m always quasi-inspired by all the puzzle love at this time of year. One of my friends has a family tradition of her whole (large) family gathering over the evenings after Christmas to work on a giant puzzle. I just…can’t get in to them. Maybe it’s the space, maybe it’s the time? It’s something I WANT to like. But a Christmas puzzle does sound like the epitome of fun.

    This year has felt…harder and less festive. Lots of different reasons, but I do think COVID has a big hand in it. We’ve seen a surge in cases here in Nova Scotia and everything is shutting down again. Concerts that were starting to come back have been cancelled and it feels…heavy. But, but, but…so much to be thankful for and so I’m admitting it feels heavy (and not beating myself up about that), while also trying to enjoy things as much as possible. The other day I made a batch of candy cane shortbread cookies – a 1/2 batch since no one else in the family really likes candy cane flavour. They were okay; a new recipe and nothing amazing, but it felt…good…to just do something for myself that was festive. Also, I froze the rest of the cookies and I think the candy cane flavour is even better straight from the freezer!

  7. That affordable art fair looks like great fun. Love the one that you chose.

    You are an inspiration with your willingness to embrace or accept the cold and dark days. It was in the 60s here yesterday – freakishly. Those are the kinds of Dec days I enjoy – surprisingly warm ones.

    I love basketball season and it really picks up in December, so that’s enjoyable. I look forward all week or all day to the next big game that my kids play in. With three kids playing, the next game is never far off.

    I also enjoy having the college kids come home. Tank has been home for a week and I’ve noticed how much more we’ve all been laughing. He brings it. Of course as more of his friends are home, we will see him less.

    There are 3 family birthdays in December – more to celebrate. Best of all, I have a week and a half off of babysitting. With the kids off from school and everyone home and no sitting, it promises to be a relaxing fun time.

    Thanks for the warning on the popcorn – it sounds too good for me to be able to resist eating the entire bag. I’m not even joking here. No self restraint.

  8. Yes, December does have it’s own special beauty. I’ve noticed the past few days that we’ve had some SPECTACULAR sunrises and sunsets but it’s been freakishly warm…tomorrow is supposed to 70 degrees! Your friends are so talented! I love the ornaments and the art you picked out!

  9. Sharyl Paull says

    Oh my gosh Nicole, I love you too ❤️ This made me laugh AND feel special. How great is that??

  10. I lovvvvve winter morning sky. The children leave for school just as it is hitting the peak of Museum Painting Gorgeousness, and I think they are tired of me saying “Oh!! You guys!! Look at the LIGHT!!!,” because they no longer reply.

    I was briefly able to acquire the white chocolate peppermint popcorn, and I’m so glad I bought multiple bags because now it is GONE. There is no sign of the dark chocolate(y) one here, just one more reason Canada wins.

  11. You are so positive -I love how you find the beauty in everyday things. Your sky pics are lovely, but -21 brrrr. We have had weirdly warm weather in Ontario, 12 yesterday. I find clouds so beautiful. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t look at the sky and think how beautiful nature is. I wish I could get into jigsaw puzzles..maybe I’ll try again?!

  12. Minus 21.
    I can’t even imagine. I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I don’t think Humans are supposed to live in places where it is Minus 21. Are there others? Or just your family?

    Barkley has the sweetest face; he’s delicious.

    I have the same problem with puzzles. They take me in and it’s hard to get out….like a drug of sorts.

    LOVE the carved ornaments and your friends art work. Where does Florence sell her pieces other than art shows. Is she online? I really enjoy her style.

    I LOVE this post so much; so much good stuff to share.

    • THE FIRST RULE OF PUZZLE CLUB IS WE DON’T TALK ABOUT PUZZLE CLUB, SUZ. I was thinking about how Coach bought you that thing to carry puzzles in and I think I need one now.

      It got down to minus 33! Now it’s minus 10 and I feel like I’ve already acclimatized. IT’S WARM OUT NOW.

  13. I’m finding that I really appreciate Holiday Cards this year. More than normal, because we’ve all been separated so long that a card seems lovely and personal and welcome. As for Boom Chicka Pop, I’ve seen that in the store but held off. Not sure if I want to start an addiction, but it does look delicious.

  14. That “so it begins” dude is totally me! My cold, black heart just can’t get into the Christmas joy. It’s probably because I’m stubborn and if I’m SUPPOSED to be into Christmas joy I will not be, out of principle. And spite.

    At one point when offices still existed, someone started bringing in puzzles to put on the communal tables. This was a terrible idea, and led to me getting somewhat of a reputation. Oh, look, there’s Sarah, working the puzzle again. Not actually doing my job, for hours. Then the pandemic happened, and probably led to my continued employment. Whew!

    • Omg Sarah, you win for making me laugh until I choke. Everything about this comment brings me joy. The puzzle story, omg. I am going to be laughing all day. Finally, something good came out of the pandemic!! Also, I love you “so it begins” people!

  15. You are such a fantastic find for me, especially heading into winter. I am in love with your optimism. Negative 21 degrees? Buddha bless you.

    I love Florence’s artwork!

    The dark chocolate popcorn looks delicious. That is very similar to the hot chocolate popcorn that I love. Man, why can’t we just throw one big-ass blogger popcorn party? Should we plan it? I feel like it needs to be in Canada in the summer. Because who in their right mind wants to come to America…

  16. I love how you embrace December… with everything it has to offer 😉 Now I want to try that chocolate kettle corn. Oh my.

  17. Whatever the temperatures there… you are keeping things merry, bright, and warm, as ever!
    Thank you for being a light~

  18. It’s simply amazing how different our worlds are right now, haha. Sunrise here in Florida is a little after 7 am, sunset a little before 6 pm. We’ve just gotten some cool weather – and by cool, I mean highs in the upper 60s. HA. But the weekend and week ahead is going to be warm (highs in the upper 70s), wah. While I do not how I would survive your winter, I do wish it was cooler here. I just want to be able to stop running my air conditioner in December – is that so much to ask of you, Mother Nature? Sigh.

    I really need to check out that popcorn! It sounds so delicious, but I never think of popcorn as a sweet treat. It’s always my savory snack!

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