Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Spooky Season Edition


I guess the mystery of the missing gourds is solved – it’s a case of cannibalism!

I don’t know WHO is responsible for this carnage, but a) I love it and b) I have my suspicions! I shall keep you posted.

Halloween is in THREE DAYS. I know. I know. We are all in a place where we wonder where the time went; where did October go, where did 2021 go, where is my life going. But here we are, the last week of October, it’s almost Halloween, we are all starting to talk about Christmas shopping, and wasn’t it just April five minutes ago? I’m having an existential crisis, is what I’m saying.

Three days until Halloween! It’s the month of all things spooky, and apparently pumpkin murder, and that’s good and fun, and someone posted a photo of their baby’s Halloween costume that is an AVOCADO and I wondered, is it too late for me? Can I squeeze one of my six-foot tall boys into a tiny avocado costume? No, of course not. That’s just weird and disturbing. But still. An avocado.

Mother, that sailor suit doesn’t fit anymore.

Enough of my crisis, although why didn’t I dress up my babies as peas-in-a-pod or similar when I had the chance? Opportunities wasted, I guess. Also – and this is just occurring to me now – why do we as a society dress up our babies as food? Peas, pumpkins, avocados. When we are pregnant, we chart the baby’s growth by other foodstuffs – grapes, melons, beans – which makes me wonder, is our society trying to make us think of EATING our babies?


Apparently cannibalism is on my mind, grossly enough. There is no good way to segue now into Nicole’s Favourite Things, but it’s that time again! Actually, cannibalism IS a spooky thing, so maybe that’s my segue.

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Spooky Season Edition

Spooky Yard

Every year my husband and older son go a little overboard on our front yard, and this year is no exception.

There are also lights and animatronic movements and sounds, and in conclusion I’m glad Halloween is a weekend so that some of the smaller trick-or-treaters can come in the later afternoon, before it gets dark, so they aren’t scarred for life.

Remember last year, when my husband declared himself the winner in the Halloween decoration department? This year he simply attached a CLOWN to his truck. Maybe the clown is giving us the same message. I don’t know, I think it’s scarring ME for life. My husband thought he might buy MANY clowns and hang them all in our trees, or maybe even a six-foot animatronic clown, and I had to draw the line. I don’t think I can live in a house that is clown infested. I would have to go move in with my friend Janet in her No Clowns Allowed house (HI JANET).

This skeleton seems to be manspreading.

Reassuring Myself With Snuggly and Soft Decorative Gourds

My outdoor decorative gourds may be falling victim to predators, but my indoor ones are thriving!

Aren’t they cute? Many thanks to my dear friend Taryn (HI TARYN) who sees soft, snuggly pumpkins and immediately thinks “Nicole!” After looking at the screamfest in my front yard, it’s nice to know that I could cuddle a pumpkin to sooth myself to sleep, if need be.

Oh, who am I kidding. I’m essentially comatose and dreaming of folding laundry by 9:05 pm every night.

Spooky Season Is A Chilly Season

At least, it is where I live. There is a bite in the air, the mornings are frosty, and I would describe my daily walks as “crisp.” Time to layer up, buttercup! This hat was made by my friend Jeni at Chickadee Crochet – she’s got the cutest hats and headbands (HI JENI).

She also has adorable slipper socks that I’m coveting.

Dry, Cracked Lips Are Also Spooky

Are beauty products on theme with Spooky Season? Well, this is orange, so on point? I have been dying to tell you about O’Keeffe’s Lip Repair. I live in a very dry climate, and when the weather starts to turn it gets even drier. Let’s throw some mask-wearing in there, and we have ourselves some very dry, cracked lips. This product is amazing.

For years I have raved about O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet, which works miracles on dry, cracked feet. I don’t know why it took me so long to buy the lip product, I should have known it would be great. I use the little pot at night and the stick first thing in the morning and voila! Lips are repaired.

Happy Halloween, everyone! What are you doing for it? I have been stockpiling full-size chocolate bars over the past little while – I want to be a Fancy Lady with full-size chocolate bars and also I think kids deserve a big treat after going through our yard – and I am going to be handing them out with mask and tongs, like last year. Because nothing says spookily festive like The Plague! xo


  1. North is going to school in costume on Friday, as there’s a contest and they will go trick-or-treating. They just found out they can’t go to our town’s parade and costume contest on Saturday afternoon because of a conflict with play rehearsal and they’re pretty disappointed, as it was cancelled last year and it’s a big deal to them.

  2. bibliomama2 says

    I didn’t realize you actually didn’t create that scene on your front step by yourselves. That’s funny that you have drive-by Halloween decorators. Your decorations are great. We’re skipping the major decorating and costuming this year but we have a couple of pumpkins out and some candy – I’ve had candy for weeks and only eaten my first mini chocolate bar today, that’s self control, right?

  3. Your guys REALLY get into the Halloween spirit (pun intended), don’t they? I have yet to buy candy (because I don’t want to be tempted). Sadly, we get very few trick or treaters….mainly just the kids in our cul de sac. Lucky for them because I am VERY generous with the candy since I know they are the only ones we will most likely see.

    My go to for dry lips is Blistex (not the chap stick kind; the kind you squeeze out) and that stuff flat out WORKS.

  4. I love the drive-by Halloween rascals. So very funny.

    For Halloween we have nothing planned . . . unless you count GOING TO DALLAS. Currently in a cab with Coach enroute to O’Hare. Do I sound excited? I did laugh out loud in the cab at the man spreading remark. Coach teaches a class tomorrow and I was able to arrange to go with him fairly last minute. We fly home late tomorrow night so short but sweet. My good friends, who I babysat for and who were instrumental in helping me survive high school, live there. I will be hanging with them while he teaches and maybe spending some time poolside as the weather looks gorgeous.

    I JUST discovered O’Keefe’s lip stuff. I have the exact same tube. Life changing. I was dumb and managed to sunburn my lips pretty badly in early Sept. My upper lip was numb for so long I thought it would never recover. Enter O’Keefe’s. All better.

    I don’t do much for Halloween now that costume making is no longer required. The avocado – too cute. The grandson of my Dallas friend is dressing like Elvis and it is a hoot. His dad is in a rock band. So fitting.

  5. I love all of your Halloween decorations! We didn’t do anything outside of the house this year, which makes me a little sad. We’re going to get pumpkins and carve them this weekend. I’m grateful for homes like yours that put us in the spirit and make us smile. 🙂

  6. Your photos show a very spooky place [excluding the photos of you of course]. We’re not doing Halloween this year, again. It used to be my favorite way to see the neighbor kids, but with barely over 51% of this county’s residents completely vaccinated, we’re going to pass on trick or treat.

  7. I love your yard and your enthusiasm. It makes me very happy. My walks this week have been very happy, too, with all the leaves turning such beautiful colors, and so many yards full of Halloween happiness and horror. I love this season. I love your manspreading skeleton, who died, no doubt, while in the midst of a lengthy mansplaining session to a female expert in the very topic he recently saw an article about.

    We are STILL not handing out candy, and STILL have no Halloween candy AT ALL in the house. I suppose I will content myself with buying some on sale after the holiday. It is very rainy and dreary here, but I have a terrible cold so I am not complaining about the opportunity to sit on my couch.

    Happy Halloween! Hoping it is clown and cannibal free!

  8. I’m so glad I found your blog! You’re hilarious… subscribing via Feedly because I need this in my life 🙂

  9. Please tell me it’s one of your ‘men’ who are murdering the pumpkins.
    I love, love, love your festive yard; they really go ALL OUT. The clown? He should be removed for life.
    The hats are adorable on you-keep that head warm.

    Fancy full sized bars: YOU ARE AWESOME!

  10. Wow, that is so awesome how you guys decorate your house. I’d totally taken a picture if I lived – and had done my Halloween run – in your neighborhood. Hahaha, that skeleton is manspreading, indeed.

    Also, how is it November already???? WAAAAHHH!

  11. OMG, I loooove your home! Some of the houses in my mom’s neighborhood get really into the Halloween spirit but they have nothing on your home. How fun!!

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