Friday the 13th Fun: Ask Me Anything, and Five For Friday

It has been SO LONG since I’ve spontaneously written a post, and on a Friday to boot! Since the pandemic, I have had very limited blocks of time and physical space in which to write, and it’s all I can do to write weekly recaps and monthly Favourite Things. Do not get me wrong, dear readers, I am here to entertain, but my blog is primarily a journal of my life, and at some point when this pandemic is no longer at the disco, I will want to look back at the weekly recaps to see where we were at during different time periods.

However! The stars have aligned and I have some time and space to write, so write I shall.

Ask Me Anything

I was inspired by my friend Suz (HI SUZ) to open up this space a little by asking you to Ask Me Anything. Ask me a question and the answer will be the subject of an upcoming blog! IS there anything you don’t know and want to know? I’ve been blogging since 2008 and I’m not too shy with details, so hopefully there is a stone or two left unturned.

Five For Friday

I was also inspired by Stephany (HI STEPHANY) to write a “Five For Friday” post. Fun fact: both Stephany and Suz live in Florida, which is about as far away from me as one can get before leaving the continent. Don’t you just love the virtual world, how we can be essentially pen pals with people from all over?

1) It looks like I will be teaching four yoga classes a week, in person, starting in September. I am very mixed about it, given the current “fourth wave” of Covid cases, but also I cannot bear the thought of teaching online anymore. I know several friends who have thrived as online yoga teachers, but I frankly find it stressful and exhausting, especially for my seniors. My very favourite thing about teaching yoga is seeing my students and having that connection with them (cue The Bachelor music) and so teaching online has been very difficult emotionally for me. And yet, with Covid cases surging once again, well…I feel like I am at a crossroads, to be honest. We shall see how it goes. If I’ve learned anything over the past *checks blog* seventy-three weeks, it’s that nothing is forever and changes can always be made and I am much more adaptable than I think I am.

2) I have discovered that I am an Extroverted Introvert. I desperately need time by myself to recharge; hence my early morning rising, my affinity for solo exercise, and all the time I spend reading, but at the same time, I love people. I love being around people, and on that note, we are having dinner guests this weekend for the first time since February 2020. I’m excited, not only to see this lovely couple, but also because two of the dishes I’m making feature vegetables from my garden; specifically kale and zucchini. You guys, I have so much zucchini. I think zucchini is the most satisfying thing to grow, other than leaf lettuce, as it is so prolific.

3) Every day I feel gratitude to the universe that I do not have a nut allergy. Nuts comprise a huge part of my diet, but I am starting to move away from almond milk. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still eating almonds and almond butter, but I feel like my past consumption of almond milk is somewhat environmentally disastrous. I’ve started using macadamia nut milk in my smoothies – is it better than almond? I hope so. – and you guys, it is revolutionary. It’s so rich and creamy, with a really delicious flavour, and it has the same amount of calcium as almond milk, which is what attracted me to almond milk in the first place.

4) Speaking of calcium, I have been reading a lot about osteoporosis and menopause, and the importance of a strength routine for healthy bone density. To that end, my sons created an upper body strength routine for me and good lord, do I hate it. I mean, I’m DOING it, and maybe I’ll grow to like it, but I find strength training so very boring. I listen to upbeat music while “lifting” (can you call it “lifting” if you use five pound weights?) and that helps somewhat. It feels like a chore; any suggestions to make strength training more interesting, I’m all ears.

Meep meep! I’m a big weight!

5) My aunt sent me some royal family memorabilia, and I’m thrilled. After some thought and a poll on Instagram, I have decided that I am going to USE the mugs, maybe not every day, but I’m not going to just put them in a cupboard. Can we all agree that we should use the good things, the things that make us happy, every day? I don’t want to be like one of those old ladies who keeps the furniture covered with plastic or the table covered with a wipeable tablecloth just to “save it.” Imagine going through your whole life and dying, having never drank coffee out of your Queen Elizabeth mug. That feels tragic.

Happy Friday, everyone! I’ll be enjoying this immensely beautiful weather with a few backyard cocktails today while watching my zucchini grow. Don’t forget – ask me anything! And tell me: do you use the Good Stuff? xo


  1. I need to give my question some thought – so I may come back for that. I’m so glad you are using the mugs and your “good” things! I try to not “save” my nicer things on a regular basis – except for maybe some dishes – and the only reason I don’t use those often is because they are hand wash only – but I’m not ready to send them on to a home where they will be used more often.

    And yes, I love this virtual world where we make friends with people we’ve never met! Which works pretty well for me as an introvert. 😉

  2. I’m an extroverted introvert, too. I can talk with anyone but need my alone time to feel balanced.

    My question is: given your druthers, which book genre is your favorite? And why?

    • Great question! I love talking books! And I’m the same, I am the person at the party talking to literally everyone but then I need to be by myself to recharge.

      • Yep. Tell you what, if we find ourselves at the same party you don’t have to talk to me and vice versa. We’ll stand beside each other quietly until we have to go to talk to someone else!

  3. Oh, I like Ally’s question. I forced myself to think of one before I ‘peeked’ at anyone else’s so I came prepared. I’m wondering how you met your husband and maybe what your first date was, or if you knew right away he was THE ONE?

    I laughed at your extroverted introvert description of yourself as I’ve never heard anyone spell that out. I’m an extrovert. Married to an introvert -who can be extroverted if he knows the people and he gets warmed up, but he ‘talks’ to physical therapy patients ALL DAY. I’m ready to TALK and see adults after being with toddlers all day.

    I like my cardio workouts, but I love my strength workouts equally. I think the secret is a great instructor who keeps things moving. My fav instructor started doing her strength and/or cardio classes on FB during the pandemic. It’s my favorite thing since the pandemic began. I venmo her some money every month. SO WORTH IT. I can do a long or short class and I can do classes whenever I want. I keep notes about the classes that I like best and which ones require body weight only, so I can do those if I’m at a hotel, etc. If you are interested, maybe I can send you a link to her FB page.

    • That’s a really good question and it definitely has a backstory!

      Thanks for the strength tips, I might take you up on that! I think you’re right, I just need to DO IT and keep moving, and then it will be done! Lol!

  4. I definitely use the good stuff and wear the good stuff too, meaning I try not to save fancy things for special is too short!
    I love my strength workouts especially ones that incorporate cardio. Also emom (every minute on the minute) and amrap (as many rounds as possible) workouts can help you get in and get it if you don’t really love to train. Pick an interval, work hard and then it’s over! I used to program my own workouts for years but now incorporate peloton strength into my week. Mixing and matching with my favorite instructors keeps me very motivated!

    • Ooh, this is a really good strategy! I am definitely a “then it’s over” kind of girl – I’m going to try this! I use the Peloton “strength for runners” program but I am overwhelmed by the choices for the upper body stuff. Do you have a favourite instructor for upper body? I tried one with Selena but it was too complicated for me.

      • Hi Nicole! I love reading your blog. I have recently started with peloton (on a non peloton bike) and have been loving the arms and light weights strength classes. They are usually 10 minutes, which is doable for me as I, too, hate strength training and have to force myself to do it. I especially like ones by Leanne, Hannah F and Sam Yo.

      • Totally agree with Sarah! The short,10 minute arms workouts are gold! I don’t tend to upper/lower body splits often, preferring to do mostly full body strength (getting it allll done at once!) so for that I usually choose Jess Sims, Andy or Adrian, but I’d recommend them no matter what! 💪🏻

  5. We don’t have any china or crystal or anything of that sort, everything is for everyday use.

    The only thing I do for upper body strength is pushups against a wall and it’s very minimal, just ten, four days a week. I should probably increase it, but part of the reason it doesn’t feel tedious is it’s over so quickly. Also, you can do it anywhere when you happen to think of it. I embarrass North sometimes doing it when we’re out and about.

  6. I have all my grandmother’s Spode and my own china and I should use it more. My daughter will sometimes use a plate and a mug for meals when she’s feeling fancy and I support that. I have heard – but have never had the guts to try – that modern dishwashers and soap are gentle enough that they won’t damage the good china but I always chicken out. I would use it MUCH more often if I didn’t have to hand wash.

    Lindsey of is my favorite online exercise guru/strength trainer. She has some ten minute routines and many longer ones that go by really fast and she seems like such a lovely person that I enjoy them a lot. Videos on her website or youtube.


    What are some of your top pet peeves?

    What are, in your opinion, the best books of all time?

    What are your secrets to a happy marriage?

    Desert island foods, films, books, music?

    Do you have any life mottos you return to often? Or maybe the best/most useful advice you’ve ever gotten?

    • Oooh, I’ll look up Lindsey! 10 minutes is right up my alley. These are great questions, thank you so much!

      I have Christmas Spode that I use – two little platters – but my grandma’s china generally goes unused, I should use it.

  7. Yay. I love that you are doing this and that you found an extra day to blog!
    I’ve learned as I’ve aged to use everything and not save anything for a special occasion. Hey, isn’t waking up every day a special occasion?

    I’m equally as excited for you to have guests over AND to enjoy your lovely garden gifts.

    I can’t do nut milks as they tend to bloat me terribly, but I’ve been enjoying oat milk in either the milk form or the creamer for my coffee and it is delicious.

    I was going to ask what Ernie asked: How did you meet your husband? But she beat me to it.

    How about this: Do you have any siblings?
    I don’t recall you ever mentioning a brother or sister before, but again, I might have missed it.
    If you don’t have siblings, do you have cousins that are like siblings?

  8. I use the strength classes online. They are barre inspired and can usually be done in half an hour or less! My questions are when do you read and how do you read so fast!! When you do your AM yoga do you follow a plan or do it on your own? Namaste!

  9. I missed out on the AUA, but I think I may do something similar on my blog. It’s always fun to find out what other people are curious about! I can’t wait to read your answers.

    So excited to get a shout-out, woop! 🙂 I tend to prefer strength-training to cardio, only because it can be easier on me, lol. I do Peloton strength workouts and always laugh when the instructors are like, “I recommend starting with a light weight of around 8-10 lbs,” and I’m like, “Uhhh, that is my HEAVY weight, thankyouverymuch.” 5 lbs or bust!

    I am most definitely an introvert but I also love being around people, too! I think there has been so much discussion online in the last few years how introverts are antisocial who hate being around people, and that’s simply not true. I love being around people and having conversations – it’s just that my energy gets depleted from these interactions much faster than it does for an extrovert.

  10. Oh, I think I might be an extroverted introvert myself… I love being by myself and always solo-exercise, but I also love (my) people, who I miss dearly right now. I crave togetherness more than ever, but only with people I feel already close to (and unfortunately they’re all so far away).

    I am curious about the macademia nut milk. I’ve been using (unsweetened! so hard to find!) soy milk (from Silk) and that has been my favorite for a while, but I’d love to try something different.

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