Archives for April 2018

Royal Birthdays

My goodness, I have so much to say, and I haven’t had any time to say it! First of all – Royal Baby! I was on Royal Baby Watch for exactly fifteen minutes. I was in my car coming home from yoga at 6:05 am, and I heard that we were Officially On Royal Baby […]

I remember waiting for the school bus…

Two days ago I decided to take an enormous leap of faith and wash my calf-length, super-warm parka. I put it in the downstairs closet, along with my Sorels, and I hope that I haven’t cursed us all. I did leave out my other giant, but shorter, parka just in case. It’s my birthday in […]

Get it on, bang a gong.

Yesterday the 14-year-old got to bang this gong, signaling the removal of his braces: Happiness has indeed arrived! For a little while, at least. The braces, which were supposed to be on for 18-20 months, lasted 26 months and if you don’t think that extra six months is a big deal, you are wrong. Of […]

Lube, Oil, and Filter

Something happened on vacation that was both eye-opening and a little unsettling: I was universally referred to as “senora.” Now, I don’t truly believe that an almost-43-year-old-woman SHOULD be referred to as “senorita” but it would be nice, is all I’m saying. As a side note, the hostess for breakfast said brightly to me, “Hola, […]

Huatulco Heat

Well, hello! I got back Saturday night from a blissful vacation in Huatulco, Mexico, where it is gorgeous and sunny and at least 32 degrees everyday, and there are unlimited mango margaritas to be had, to cold and snow and The Coldest Easter Calgary Has Experienced Since 1940. Well. That was a bit of a […]