Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Not all news is bad, people. Today I learned that you can make crispy pan-fried chickpeas on the stove top! Just like amazing, addictive, roasted chickpeas, but without turning on the oven! This is an incredible breakthrough in chickpea technology and I, for one, am going to try it out as soon as possible.

This week has been very fun for the boys; they have been enjoying karate camp immensely. Every day they wake up excited for what’s in store, and then every afternoon I pick them up and they are filthy, exhausted, and very happy. Meanwhile, Barkley and I have reverted to our usual school-year routine. When everyone is home Barkley finds it hard to relax: there is always someone around and who knows what adventures the day will bring? But when it’s just me and him, well. We go for a walk and then he sleeps the day away, waking only when he hears food being prepared or when he decides he’s had enough of his dog bed and goes outside to sleep in the sun.


The corner of the deck also works for napping.

Passed-out dog aside, there are so many interesting and beautiful things in the world, if you just keep your eyes open. In the words of Ferris Bueller,

Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you’d have a diamond.

Whoops, wrong quote.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Here are some of the things I’ve seen when I stopped and looked around.

Cherry’s Got Back


We can’t understand why our enrollment numbers are down.


A Perfect Avocado: Next I’m Going To Find A Unicorn


If I Eat Any More Strawberries I Will Have To Make Friends Called Lemon Meringue and Huckleberry Pie


One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others, One Of These Things Just Isn’t The Same


I’m Not Talking About Moving In, And I Don’t Want To Change Your Life, But There’s A Warm Wind Blowing, The Stars Are Out, And


So stop what you’re doing, look around, and see the amazing things in the world. xo


  1. We watched Ferris Bueller with the kids just a week or so ago and I’m so pleased to say that a) it totally stands up, and b) other than ample use of the word “shit” it’s not too bad for kid content.

    Looking forward to an update on the chickpeas when you try it out! Man, I love roasted chickpeas :).

  2. Is it strawberry season in your neck of the woods? We’ve moved on to other berries. I do love a really ripe strawberry.

  3. Just bought the most amazing strawberries and raspberries at the market today. And had gelato. Today’s been a pretty fabulous day for amazing things, actually. I bought Eve a Lush bath bomb with POP ROCKS in it!

  4. Amen! Look for the good. Find the good. See the good. BE the good!


    Also, Daaaaaaaamn cherry! 😉

  5. The perfect avocado…I’m glad you documented that b/c it’s so elusive!

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