Friendship Friday

Gonna put the world away for a minute. Pretend I don’t live in it. Sunshine gonna wash my blues away. – Zac Brown Band

There is a distinct lack of sunshine right now, both literally and figuratively. This was the view from my back yard at 11:00 this morning.


And this is what my living room looked like at noon.


It’s hard to feel upbeat when everything seems like it is going to hell.

Last night my husband and I went to see the Zac Brown Band in concert, and while it’s been about twenty years since I was at a concert, it did seem to me like it was the greatest performance I had ever seen. Incredible talent, and so entertaining, the band mixed their own fantastic music with very interesting covers of other artists’ songs, such as Into The Mystic, Enter Sandman, Jack and Diane, and Teenage Wasteland, of all things. They also covered The Devil Went Down To Georgia and it was, in my humble opinion, the best showcase of musical talent possible. I felt so incredibly happy and exceedingly lucky, and at one point I closed my eyes and just willed myself to remember it forever. I looked around at all the people dancing, singing, and cheering – the whole Saddledome full – and then I thought of crowds just like this being attacked.

It was not a good thought.

But there is nothing I can do, not really. I cannot do anything about a monster who murders a five-year-old girl and her mother, I cannot do anything about a sick fuck who walks into a party not three blocks from my house and murders five young people just starting out in life. I cannot do anything about terrorist attacks, mass shootings, or racially-motivated killings.

What I can do is make my own little world a little better, I can make my own circle happier, and in the absence of actual sunshine, I can make my own. That is all I can do.

My mother-in-law called me the other night to tell me that she was out and was waited on by someone, she said, who was Just beautiful, just like you, and she had this big beautiful smile, and I said to her, you remind me so much of our Nicole. I thanked her very much for saying something so kind, and she said Well, dear, with this world the way it is, I think if you THINK something nice, then you should SAY it.

She’s absolutely right. Sometimes people need to be celebrated, and sometimes people don’t even know that they’ve affected your life in a positive way. You have to tell them.

Friends Who I Want To Thank

About ten years ago, my friend Eera (HI EERA) brought me a whole bunch of beautiful columbines from her garden. They bloom beautifully every year, and every year I think of Eera and her love of gardening. I want to tell Eera that even though we haven’t seen each other for years, I think of her every time the columbines blossom, and reseed themselves. Thank you, Eera.


My friend Karen (HI KAREN) who is the hardest-working person I know, just became a registered nurse. Congratulations on all your hard work, Karen! You’re a living, breathing example of how motivation and hard work can pay off.

My friend Sharyl (HI SHARYL) is a yoga therapist who works with stroke survivors. Her work is an absolute inspiration to me, and I only wish I could be half the teacher she is.

Blogs That I Am So Happy To Read

Gwen (HI GWEN) and I work together at YMC, and we bonded right away over our mutual love of avocado and coconut. Gwen has a beautiful food blog as well, and whenever a new post pops up it makes me so happy. Thank you, Gwen.

Dawn (HI DAWN) and I are new friends; we both contribute at Life in Pleasantville, and I have just discovered her lovely blog. I love the name as much as I love her delicious-looking photos: Cupcakes and Tiaras. Two of my favourite things! Thank you, Dawn.

I don’t know the ladies behind Finding Isvara, but this is a fabulous blog for us yogis, especially Ashtangis. Check it out, yoga friends!

It’s been a quiet day at home; the kids and dog are at Camp Grandma, but it won’t be quiet for long, so I will close for now. Thank the people in your life who maybe don’t have any idea how much they affect your life. Thank YOU, all of you, for being kind and reading this blog. xoxo


  1. Anna Braun says

    Thanks for writing this blog, I often share so many of the same sentiments as you do. It’s a pleasure to read. 🙂

  2. Hi Nicole! You are one of the sweetest, kindest person I know. Though we live so far away, you are right, our bond over avocados and coconuts is a strong one 🙂 We’re all lucky to have you in our lives as well xoxo

  3. Nicole you brighten up my life daily X

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