According to Buzzfeed, Elvis is my boyfriend from a past life.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I had full intentions of writing an emotionally-charged gratitude/ thankfulness post, but then my post-Blissdom cold morphed into a Super Cold which left me unable to sleep or function in a semi-coherent way. I was also at my in-laws’ for five days and now I’m catching up – again – on the mountain of laundry that somehow appeared although I actually did laundry twice whilst at my in-laws’. I also cannot comprehend the date: how is it halfway through October? Jake was looking at his calendar last night and said “Hey, it won’t be too long until Christmas, and then I get a new calendar. The year is just flying by!” Tell me about it.

I’m thankful for many things, not the least of which is the approximately one hundred pounds of apples I currently have in my house, and the fifty pounds of grapes. Fruit leather, coming up. Now that I think about it, I really am not sure why I thought this was an appropriate amount of fruit to take home, but there it is. My husband suggested last night that I make some grape juice, but the thought of the juicer and the insane cleanup afterwards just seemed overwhelming, especially after we spent the majority of the day in the car. Fortunately there was not much traffic, and so my husband had very few people to swear at; another thing to be thankful for.

I was so sick last week that I actually missed a School Council/ Parent Association meeting. Such a thing has never happened before. I made it to the meeting, but my friend looked at me and said “Um, I think you should go home. NOW.” Meanwhile, I blinked at her uncomprehendingly. What? Nicole doesn’t understand. By all accounts it was quite the dramatic meeting so I guess it was for the best, since I probably would have passed out, drooling on my notes, while the activity took place. Staring blankly into space and drooling is probably not the best way to chair a meeting, although it might be an interesting experiment.

There was a music tag game going around last night, in which one puts their music on shuffle and notes down the songs that come up. It’s quite an interesting portrait, this peek into people’s playlists. Here’s mine, and I must note that I thought I had written down ten songs, but it was pointed out to me that I actually wrote down nine. I was a queen in calculus but apparently I can’t count to ten. I blame the road trip!

Nicole’s Shuffle Playlist: My Personality, as represented by music

Dreadlock Holiday (I don’t like reggae. I love it.)

Islands in the Stream (Sail away with me. To another world.)

Fast Car (Take your fast car and keep on driving.)

Me and Mrs Jones (We got a thiiiiiiing going onnnnnnn)

Nights on Broadway (Blaming it all on the nights on Broadway. Blaming them love songs. Blaming them straight to the heart songs)

Linda Put The Coffee On (I got sunshine and red wine, a friend of mine taking it easy)

Thrift Shop (Is that your grampa’s coat?)

Over My Head (And it sure feels nice)

BUST A MOVE (Okay smarty, go to a party.)

When I did this exercise, I actually fretted for a moment, as to whether or not I should post these songs. I mean, Islands in the Stream? Really? There are two ways to face it: with total confidence that this is a fabulously eclectic collection of music, or with shame. I’m going for the former.


Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. First of all, I love reading your posts no matter when (or where) you write them. I felt you should know.

    Secondly, I also wanted to write a tear-jerker of a post on TG Day, but I was just so happy “be” ing that it felt forced, so I wrote what was in my heart on the TwK FB page. 🙂

    Thirdly, I *love* that you included your playlist! 😀 I just posted mine this morning and a dear friend took the bait (even though these things are generally annoying) because we make exceptions for musical memes!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Fall!

  2. Okay, here goes:

    1) So Far Away– Carole King
    2) Uptown Girl- Billy Joel
    3) Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me- Joni Mitchell
    4) I Lost It- Lucinda Williams
    5) Wings of a Dove– Dolly Parton
    [God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen– Ricki Lee Jones]
    6) Scamp- Freakwater
    7) Move Over– Janis Joplin
    8) Song to a Seagull- Joni Mitchell
    9) The Circle Game- Joni Mitchell
    10) Don’t Forget About Me– Dusty Springfield

    I didn’t count “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” because if I’d been shuffling for real, I would have skipped it during any time before American Thanksgiving and the first week of January or so. It’s true I have a lot of Joni Mitchell on my iPod, but it’s probably not 30% of the total music. (When I got it for Christmas from Beth 3 years ago, it came loaded with almost 20 JM albums, as part of the gift.) Also, I have some men other than Billy Joel on there. Right now for instance, my larger music collection is shuffling on the computer right now and it’s playing Lou Reed.

  3. bibliomama2 says

    WTF IS IT with the super cold? If only snot could power the electrical grid. And no power in heaven or on earth could make me reveal what is on my ipod. I try to never let it play when other people are around. Even my own children judge me for my musical choices.


  1. […] how I brought home 100 pounds of apples and fifty pounds of grapes from my in-laws’? I juiced the grapes (most of them, the rest I either ate or gave away to […]

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