Cash Cab, Here I Come.

I’m so glad there are so many of you on the same page as me, in the “ladies’ holidays” way. It makes me feel much less insane, although the word “peri-menopause” is coming up a wee bit more than I would like it to. As an aside, my grandma had some very helpful advice regarding alleviating those menopausal symptoms: a late-in-life pregnancy. Apparently, getting pregnant in your mid-to-late 40s is a guarantee that your menopausal symptoms will be minimal.

I feel like this advice isn’t really going to work for me.

In any case, I am having a much better week and I’m in the throes of excitement since bright and early tomorrow, I leave for The Big Smoke, for the Blissdom Canada conference. All indications point to this being a very enjoyable time, except maybe from the point of view of my husband and children. The children in particular have said several times how SAD they are going to be and how much they are going to MISS ME, and while I appreciate the sentiment, it’s not like I’m throwing them to the wolves. Jake offered me the remaining quarter of his strawberry Tic-Tacs, and Mark gave me a partially consumed package of Ice Breaker Sours, so I would have something to eat on the plane; this, along with my husband offering me his fancy noise-cancelling headphones, makes me feel like I’m travelling in style.

Although the boys are going to MISS ME SO MUCH, they are pretty excited about one aspect of me visiting Toronto: Cash Cab. The Cash Cab is in Toronto and I will need a taxi, therefore I could be on Cash Cab. I don’t have the heart to tell them that the likelihood of a taxi at the airport being the actual Cash Cab is very small, since exhausted travellers would probably not take well to being dropped off in the middle of the highway with all their luggage, in the event that they give three incorrect answers. Secretly (or not so secretly) I wish I could be on Cash Cab. I think I would totally rock it.

The boys seem to have inherited my love of game shows. During the Christmas holidays I love to watch The Price is Right with them, and not just because Christmastime seems to be the time for Firefighter’s Day. Much to the irritation of my husband, we like to watch Wheel of Fortune and, less often, Jeopardy. I have never told them that I once was on a game show: Spelling Bee. Anyone who grew up in Calgary in the 1980s might remember our beloved Ed Whalen hosting the game show for kids. Our team made it three rounds before we were cut, and I’ve always been a little disappointed we didn’t go all the way. I’m not sure, exactly, what we would have won had we become Spelling Bee champions, but I’m sure it would have been amazing.


  1. We could always send out a whole bunch of tweets asking Cash Cab to pick you up at the airport.

  2. At first I thought he’d offered your one quarter of one TicTac, not a quarter of a package, which is something my kids would totally do. Have fun!

  3. Me and the kids also love Cash Cab – but I thought it had moved to Vancouver. All of the more recent episodes we have seen are in Vancouver. In any case, if you do find the Cash Cab I’ll be eternally envious.

    We sometimes actually play Cash Cab in the car – I resorted to this once on a long car ride and now it’s become a tradition. We play for real money – five cents a question, working up to a dime per question. Each kid gets their own question so it’s age-appropriate. I ask them trivia about TV shows, history, words in French, math questions – sometimes we bring the BrainQuest so we have a stack of questions at the ready.

    Is that super geeky? Eeek.

  4. I just Googled, and it turns out they ARE back in Toronto after a season in Vancouver!! You MUST find the Cash Cab. Also – it’s a Toyota Sienna. I totally HAVE a Toyota Sienna!! I am THISCLOSE to fame and fortune. Am totally having disco lights installed in my ceiling!

  5. I love that Lynn had to ASK if that was super-geeky. LOVE.

    Eve is sad that I’m going away again, since we were just away two week-ends ago. Angus didn’t eat all my vanilla yogurt this week for a change, so maybe that’s his way of saying he’ll miss me too. Probably not, though.

  6. Look I hate to crush on the possible method of alleviating menopause, but I had Youngest at 40 and I don’t seem to have any relief on the PMS/period crap so ….

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