Archives for 2013

I can see for miles and miles

Last weekend I went to Saskatchewan to visit with my grandma, as well as with my cousins, aunt, and my brother who moved from the big city to a small town and is now realizing that everyone on his block knows what he is doing at any given time. He has also nicely transitioned to […]

Wordless Wednesday – Summer Vacation


The Opposite Of Extreme Makeovers, and a Giveaway!

Lawsy, I’ve been busy – relatively speaking – since returning from vacation. It’s amazing how much piles up after an eight-day hiatus from the homefront. I’ve been multi-tasking like a motherfucking riot; taking the boys to the playground while mentally composing posts, responding to constant “fun facts” about animals while making 16 litres of tomato sauce, preparing frantically […]

Vacation Nicole versus Regular Nicole

Vacation Nicole 1) Vacation Nicole drinks Palm Bay at 10:00 in the morning with her father-in-law. She has a second one at 11, followed by a few more later in the afternoon 2) Vacation Nicole goes down waterslides and gets her hair wet in the wave pool. 3) Vacation Nicole eats six giant Greek salads, made […]

"The REAL Reason He Never Texted" – page 136

A few weeks ago, I was feeling kind of blue, and so my husband took the boys for an outing and came home with snacks and a magazine for me. Cosmopolitan magazine. Husband: Isn’t that the magazine you always read at the hair salon?Me: No, that’s People.Husband: Well, same thing.No, husband, it is not the […]

Gazing at you, I get the beat.

It turns out I am easily unmoored.My parents took the kids up to the lake yesterday, and I was faced with thirty childless hours in which to get some things done. Productivity! It’s actually amazing how much can be accomplished when the children are not around. It’s also kind of startling how much of my […]

Boy oh boy!

I feel the same way about the safe arrival of the royal baby that I did about the royal wedding – it’s happy news. In the midst of so much tragedy, sadness, and overall gloom that we hear on the news every single day, the arrival of a baby is such a joy. My grandma […]