Lucky Number Seven

It was Jake’s seventh birthday yesterday!  For the past week I’ve been reminiscing about my pregnancy and his birth: how I craved and ate a jar of Cheez Whiz a week, disturbingly enough; how I became a completely crazed hormonal being the day before going into labour, alternating between being annoyed at everyone in the world and sobbing with terror that all of the twenty or so people I had as back-up babysitting alternates would simultaneously be unavailable to take Mark and I would have to take him with me, or, worse, have the baby in the bathroom; how I thought a second baby would be easy because I’d already had one, only to discover that nothing prepares a person for looking after a one-year-old and a colicky newborn.  Most of all, I remember how I felt that Jake completed our family.
Jake shares a birthday with Prince Harry, and I like to say that he’s OUR Prince Harry – the madcap younger brother who shows that sometimes it’s way more fun to be the spare than the heir, so to speak.  Jacob even means “second son”, which I thought was very cool.  I can’t ever imagine life without him, he’s a great kid, even if I’m kind of expecting naked Vegas party pictures to surface in a couple of decades.
Touchdown, age eight weeks.

In the stroller, age seven months

Hanging out, age one.

The least-terrible two year old.

LEAVE ME ALONE, age three

A four year old superhero.
Hanging at the playground, age five.

At Elbow River, age six.
Going out for a birthday dinner, age seven.


  1. Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel says

    Love this post. What a wonderful commentary on your life with Jake. It will be amazing for him to look back at these pictures and the many phases he went through. I cannot even imagine what my boys will be up to when they are seven.
    Happy Birthday Jake!


  2. Aww, that series of pictures made my feelings come out of my eyes. 🙂

    Happy birthday, Jake!

  3. Wow time goes by way to fast. Beautiful photos. My son is about to turn 7 too. I can not believe it.

  4. Gah! Birthday posts are so stressful. I’m happy Jake is growing up and yet I’m sad that it’s happening so fast!

  5. Rachelradiostar says

    Awww what a darling boy xx

  6. Happy 7th birthday, Jake!

  7. Jacob means second son? Scuse me while I call my friend Collette and tell her she named her firstborn TOTALLY WRONG.

    Happy day of birth to the two of you.

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