Up The Irish

Today, in addition to making three dozen cupcakes and a loaf of banana bread, I am going to try my hand at Irish Soda Bread, in the festive spirit of the day.  I am also making kale chips and roasted asparagus, which count as festively Irish because of the green colour.  I am in general not a fan of potato dishes, so green veggies and soda bread is about as far as I go in the St. Paddy’s department.  I don’t even wear green, which is due to the fact that my wardrobe is almost exclusively grey and black.  This brings me to another point: it’s all the rage these days to wear a certain colour on a certain day to show support for various causes (purple for gay rights, pink for anti-bullying, etc.) and I’m sorry to say I almost never partake.  It’s not that I don’t support those causes – I am all for gay rights and anti-bullying, of course – but I don’t actually have the appropriate clothes.  So here’s what I’m wearing on St. Paddy’s Day:

Festive Irish wear – complete with fluffy dog!  This is also week four of my “growing out my goddamn hair” and I’m feeling pleased with it.  It’s growing!  Hair grows!  Regretsy no more!
It has been a very, very shitty week in the Boyhouse, but I am TIRED of being a little black cloud of sadness.  Last night I drugged myself and slept ten hours, and today I am filled with optimism! and cheer! and so instead I am going to transform myself into my usual ray of sunshine and tell you all the happy things about this week, as well as a few things I find cheering. 
1. Mark’s birthday party is tomorrow and of the fourteen children invited, thirteen of them RSVP’d by the date specified on the invitation.  This is surely a new record.  I’m taking an extra goody bag just in case but hooray for people adhering to basic societal expectations!
2. The boys’ class put on a play about the history of Calgary, and Jake was genius – GENIUS, I SAY – as Inspector Brisbois, head of the Northwest Mounted Police and builder of Fort Calgary.  He even wore a handlebar moustache.  Perhaps he is a future Movember participant? 
3. Report cards came out yesterday, and much to my surprise, Mark is apparently gifted at thermometer reading.  Several sentences were devoted to Mark and his ability to accurately read a thermometer.  He is the go-to person when classmates have questions about temperatures. 
4. This makes me laugh every time I look at it:
Although the other explanation is “rich” and/or “titled”.
5. I found this picture of Barkley when we first got him:
CUTE!!!  Wook at his widdle face.
And…that’s it.  I have been in a bit of a funk, so I would love, love, love it if you told me some cheering/happy things going on in your life.  xo


  1. Anonymous says

    I am surrounded by strong women who make me feel supported and add a little laughter to each day. One of those women is you. xo

  2. My kid puked in the car and i had to clean the car seat. No, wait, that wasn’t happy. Let’s see…..I couldn’t sleep the other night so I am super-cranky. No, WAIT….that was bad, too. Hey, I have it! I went to a fiber “farmer’s market” (local wool and other thingummies) today all by myself and almost bought a spinning wheel!

  3. We had an angry birds themed party. It was a huge success. They spent 20 minutes with green balloons tied to their ankles trying to pop each other’s balloons. I almost couldnt talk I was laughing so hard.
    This morning the 5yo was super clingy so I asked him if I could have 5 minutes alone to pray. “sure.” he replied. Just not now.”
    Shoot. He is 6 now. It is going to take a while to get used to that.
    Hang in there positive patty!

  4. I am no help. Because I have been in a funk all week, too. Misery loves company?

  5. Vagina.
    For some reason that word just makes me all sorts of giggles.
    And peen.
    I know…I’m ridiculous.
    I’m sorry you’re feeling funky. It sucks being in that “zone”. Have you done something for yourself? Take a mommy time out? This may sound impossible but it really is…schedule one thing that you enjoy doing every day and do it. It can’t be chore related. So for example, I’m a dork so I schedule an hour to scrapbook. Don’t laugh.
    It gives me something to look forward to…and it picks me up.
    Know I’m always here for you ya emo…kidding. i do own a lot of black and grey too.

  6. It was TWENTY FIVE degrees in Ottawa yesterday. My kids were in the backyard in shorts and bare feet, covered in melted popsicle. This has been the craziest winter EVER but I will take it.

    Hope things are sunny and warm in your corner of Canada too (or at least, a little sunnier and a little warmer, soon).

  7. Oh my god, allow me a minute of awe over the fact that 13 of 14 parents RSVP’d by the date specified. That would be a first in the history of my kids’ birthday parties! Stunning.

    Afraid I don’t have anything funny to relate although I had an interaction with a soccer parent at my son’s practice on Friday that bordered on a SNL skit about obsessive soccer parents. At first it was kind of intimidating but the longer it went on, the more it entered surreal/amusing territory. That’s relevant to nothing other than I still can’t get over it three days later.

  8. Wait! My husband just sent me this and it made my morning. Hilariously random. Enjoy:


  9. Your dog is so cute in that picture as a pup.

    Maybe you should get some colored hair ties so that you can spice up your grey/black wardrobe when you need/want to.

  10. Mmm, banana bread..

    That tweet cracked me up too. LOL!

  11. Hmmm…I was sure that I’d left a comment on this post. Erm. Now I’m beginning to doubt my sanity.

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