The magic is GONE

I realize it was only a few short days ago when I was waxing melancholic about the end of summer, and how much I was going to miss the boys, and while that is still true in theory, the reality is that suddenly the children seem ready to go back to school.  Suddenly I am ready for the children to go back to school.  We have ten days left, and I plan on enjoying all of those days, but for the love of god, I am now ready for the regular school routine.  THE MAGIC IS GONE, people.  This may or may not have anything to do with my children suddenly becoming the world’s neediest children ever.  Mom, look, Mom, Mom, Mom, I drew a picture, Mom, Mom, it’s a picture of a roller coaster, Mom, Mom, Mom, do you like it?  Mom?  Mom?  Do you wish you could GO on that roller coaster?  Mom?  Mom?  Can I have a snack?  Can I have a treat?  Can I have a juice?  Mom?  Mom?  Can I play Starfall?  Can we play Go Fish?  Can we go bike riding?  Right now?  Mom?  Mom?  Are yetis and bigfoots the same exact thing?  I don’t think they are.  Do you think they are?  Mom?

Speaking of back to school, I bought the boys’ school shoes on the weekend.  Back to school shopping isn’t a big deal for me; in general I only really need to purchase shoes and pants with intact knees.  Although it’s August, and it has been an absolutely lovely summer – the best weather we’ve had for years – it is also the season to start thinking about snow pants and winter boots.  I do not like to be too far into September without snow pants and winter boots, just in case.  To that end, I have been browsing Sears online, as they have excellent snow pants and winter boots.  They also supply hours of amusement.  Did you know you can purchase machine washable bathroom carpeting?

Image from

Does the carpet match the (shower) curtains?  Why, yes, it does.

You can also purchase something called a Vibration Platform.

Image from

I don’t know what that is, but I’m sure it’s something great!

While browsing the fitness section, I discovered this:

Image from

I think this means the apocalypse is upon us.

Incredibly, there is an entire subsection in the women’s clothing section devoted to tunics.  Tunics, it seems, deserve a category all to themselves.  Thinking about this, it seems self-evident: a tunic, after all, is more than just a shirt.  It’s not a dress.  It’s nothing but a…tunic.  Still, does it or does it not seem amusing that there are so many tunics available for sale that they comprise an entire clothing category?

Speaking of Sears, my friend at Hodgepodge and Strawberries wrote about the Sears Wish Book.  If it seems early to be thinking about snow pants and winter boots, then it seems REALLY early to be thinking about Christmas, but her post filled me with nostalgia and happiness only obtainable through the Wish Book.  Sno-cone machines!  Gifts under $10!  Pajamas with matching slippers! 

I just wish I had a Wish Book.  Failing that, check out these images from the Wish Book published the year I was born:

This guy is bringing sexy back.  I think he grew that moustache specifically to tickle the ladies, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
Never underestimate the fashion influence that was Little House on the Prairie. 
The caption alone on this makes me feel a little insecure in my womanhood.  Sophisticated nightdressing?  I’m writing this wearing yellow pajamas with pink flowers on them.  I think I need some sophisticated nightdressing.  I think it would make me irresistable, in the sophisticated bedroom.  Perhaps I would also need a satin-like bedcover to go with the nylon nightdresses, in which case I had better do some shopping!


  1. The Wish Book…I love it. PS. I bought a new bra today and my life is transformed. PSS. Who the heck is buying the groovy pyjamas!

  2. My daughter starts school on Monday and I can’t wait.

    I wonder who actually buys these things. I can’t imagine spending money on them.

  3. When I was a kid I wanted nothing more than one of those Sears bedrooms where absolutely everything was the same colour, and the bedspread was made of sateen.

    Interior decorating used to be much, much simpler.

  4. You brought me back to the fall of 1974…the Sears Wishbook. We would wear that thing out! I must have missed the sophisticated nightgowns, but I think my father had that fake denim leisure suit…good times.

  5. Is it bad that I really want one of the dresses in the last photo? Retro glam. But seriously, the Wish Book really did used to be the wish book for me. Now I get why my kids have been reading a Playmobil catalogue for the past 2 weeks.

  6. I am a teacher and I am also ready for the summer to be over. In the distance I can see work and it looks easy. I too have become a mom to a needy 4 year old who needs me every minute and a 2 year old who yells a lot. I qualify this with I love them to bits, but need a break.

  7. LOL!

    (Summer vacation is just too long, if you ask me.)

  8. Oh, you know you want to order some of those fab looks!

    What is it with the knees of boys’ pants? Just once, I’d like it if they could wear a pair more than twice before there is a hole in the knee!

  9. I thought the sophisticated nightdressing showed actual dresses to wear out. What does that say about me that I kind of like them and would wear them out to a restaurant?

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