Girls! Gone! Wild!

Today is a full moon and I follow with yogic tradition to not practice but take rest on moon days, which means that I slept a full hour and a half later than normal. Pure luxury! Since it is Spring! Break! and we had nowhere in particular to be today, I fulfilled my dream of leisurely coffee drinking; sipping eight – eight! – cups while watching Breakfast Television, or what I like to refer to ironically and with air quotes as “the news”.

Digression: while in university I was friends with a girl who referred to Entertainment Tonight as “the news”.

Speaking of Entertainment Tonight masquerading as the news, remember the OJ Simpson trial? I…don’t really, at the time I was much too absorbed in the fascinating dual worlds of the history of economic thought and step aerobics to pay much attention to it, but I do remember that beach bum houseguest Kato Kaelin, in all his dimwitted glory. I was startled to discover, many years later, the numerous careers that were launched due to a grisly murder trial. For example, Star Jones?

Digression to digression: how strange is it that OJ was acquitted at that time, yet the vast majority of the general population believes him to be a grisly murderer?

Wow, how did I get there? Eight cups of coffee is too much, people, especially when coupled with ninety extra minutes of sleep.

So, spring break good news and bad news.

Good news: The zoo was fantastic yesterday, we had an incredible day. It was the kind of day that I don’t trust myself to talk to people because I would surely boast about my amazing kids and their fantastic personalities and how wonderful they are. I even said to my husband that I felt sorry for him that he is not the stay at home parent.

Bad news: Karma. Today the boys have been fidgety, quarrelsome, and moody. They are DRIVING ME CRAZY. Crazier than normal.

Good news: We made caterpillars out of egg cartons!

Bad news: The groomer was sick and Barkley still stinks.

Good news: The weather was decent enough to send Mark outside to play, which improved his mood immensely. I watched him run around the yard with several garden implements, pretending to shoot and destroy various imaginary aliens.

Bad news: He accidentally hit himself in the head with a garden implement and had to come inside, where he and Jake played for all of five minutes before the game dissolved into an angry argument.

Good news: I baked a yummy looking loaf of bread and a banana loaf.

Bad news: I am not enjoying playing endless games of dinosaurs and killings that the boys are requesting of me, but yet I am acutely aware that they will not want to play with their mother much longer. Melancholy.

Good news: We still have seven days left of spring break, and it is a full moon, and I am focusing all my positive energy on tomorrow; tomorrow is another day.

Good news: We are having a great time!

Bad news: You can’t tell from the picture that this is a parasauralophus.


  1. I AM SICK OF DINOSAUR PLAY, TOO. Have you tried yet making the dinosaurs hug and cooperate and play nicely? I did. Don’t bother.

  2. Swistle’s comment totally made me laugh out loud.
    Thank heavens that it was a nice day. I kicked mine outside too.

  3. We’re just getting into the dinosaur play. My sister is getting married in Calgary this fall and I have full plans to take my son to see the dinos at the zoo. And I am the only one that thinks it’s weird there’s a dinosaur section at the Calgary Zoo? I always thought of a zoo as being a place for live animals not large plastic sculpture but what do I know.

  4. Ha! Swistle, I have tried that too! “And now they are friends.” “Now he got eaten by his friend!” Cue hysterical laughter.

    Marilyn: Hoo boy, if you think the prehistoric park is weird, you should come here during Stampede! It’s a whole new world, one with lots of cowboy hats and wranglers on otherwise professional people.

  5. where, oh where, does one go to see a parasaurolophus? Oscar would pee himself. flat out.

  6. oh. reading the comments. apparently the Calgary Zoo. go figger. don’t you guys already have Drumheller close-ish? couldn’t you send us some darn dinosaurs out east?

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