Archives for 2009

Jake’s Jack-o-Lantern is named Chachi!

This is, I believe, directly correlated with the event of my brother and his girlfriend (very kindly) babysitting on Friday night, so that my husband and I could go out to dinner to celebrate his birthday. “I’m so excited!” I said to my yoga teacher Friday morning, “We have a date! We only have about […]

Peace, man

I heard on the radio this morning that the public at large is now supposed to avoid shaking hands due to the H1N1 virus. Instead, the piece stated, people should do a fist bump, or perhaps an elbow slap, which I, quite frankly, find very amusing. I can just picture business people in an important […]

Happy Birthday Dear Husband

Tomorrow is my husband’s birthday! The boys are giving him a box of golf balls and I am giving him two golf shirts. I’m also baking a chocolate layer cake. This is exactly the same gift and cake combination as last year, and quite possibly the year before that. I can see myself many years […]

Life with boys

Jake (coming in from the backyard): Guess what Mom? Guess what? Me and Mark are making little baby snowmans! Little tiny baby snowmans! They’re so cute! Me: Aw, that’s nice, Jake. Can I see them? Jake: No. Me: Why not, honey? Jake: Because I smushed them down! I smushed them with my boots! Later, Mark: […]

Drive Slow, Homie

When Mark was two and Jake was seven months, I received “Late Registration” by Kanye West for my birthday, and although I mostly listen to a radio station best described as “oldies” – the kind that advertises for Grey Power Insurance and the benefits of getting your prostate checked – I really enjoy hip hop. […]

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

“It’s amazing,” a friend said at school pick-up, “You can buy a goat for $100!” She was talking about the World Vision catalogue, where you can purchase livestock and building and school supplies for people in developing countries, as Christmas gifts. Nothing makes me feel more like a very spoiled North American than looking at […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

So after my pity party on Thursday, I really did sulk and drink wine and the next morning the travel advisories were lifted and we decided to make the trip! It was a great trip, the only snag being that Jake left a stegasaurus in the Tim Horton’s at Sicamous, and when we went there […]