Archives for 2009

At least we’re not in Edmonton! Hardy har.

That’s what we Calgarians tend to say to assuage feelings of depression due to weather-related issues. There was actually some truth to that this weekend, however, since Edmonton reached a low ambient temperature of minus 46, which is really fracking cold. It was pretty fracking cold here, around the minus 30 mark. But at least […]

Christmas Music – love it or hate it?

If economics has taught us anything, it is that if there is an oversupply of a particular good, then the value of additional units of that particular good is low. This probably explains why there is so much bad Christmas music. There is an incredible volume of Christmas music and it seems to grow exponentially […]

Back to normal – sort of

I have been off my game, people. I have had one of those energy-sucking colds that, coupled with the copious amount of cold medication I have been taking, has left me wandering in a fog of my own making. I’m wondering, what day is it? What time is it? Oh, do the kids need to […]

Read this post if you want to feel better about yourself

I woke up Sunday morning still sick and achy, so I took my own patented home remedy: Daytime Relief Sudafed washed down with a pot of coffee. If that doesn’t get one moving, nothing will. So I was feeling quite energetic in a heart-racing sort of way, and thought that yes, it would be a […]

We interrupt this Christmas spirit to bring you colossal bitchiness!

This dress really wants to go to a party! I look forward to my husband’s company Christmas party for months. I look forward to dressing up, talking to grown people, and eating food not prepared by myself and which is generally very tasty. I also look forward to the open bar. Months in advance I […]

"…maybe Christmas – perhaps – means a little bit more…"

Me, looking at Jake’s school schedule: “Oh, it looks like you will be writing a letter to Santa in class!” Jake: “Does that mean I will be writing a letter to you and Dad?” Yes, well. Let’s just say that Jake is feeling a bit confused these days. If you’re four, and you have a […]

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I am someone who does not like to leave things to the last minute. I like to be organized and on top of things. So, I finish my Christmas shopping in the first half of November, I make and freeze dough for sugar cookies and gingerbread in November, I send all my Christmas cards out […]