Archives for 2009

Junior High and Anthony Michael Hall

I was recently party to a conversation with regards to junior high school. A woman I know was discussing the school we both attended, and she stated “Those were still the best days of my life”. People, I was astonished. Junior high? I myself was so miserable in junior high that I almost can’t comprehend […]

Two Batmans – No Robins

Today was a good day, actually a very good day, as opposed to yesterday which was a very bad day. Anyone who is or was a stay-at-home mom can understand how a day in which nothing significant happens can actually be a great day. In the past half hour I have heard phrases uttered such […]

Eat, Pray, Love – BLAH

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE getting new books at Christmas. I just finished one such book – The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – and I have a word of advice: don’t bother. What a bore. Predictable storyline, boring and unsympathetic characters, and a literary style (using letters and correspondence […]

Picky Eaters Unite!

So I was reading this local parenting magazine, and I came across an article on picky eating. Since my children will not even eat macaroni and cheese – macaroni and cheese! Nectar of the comfort food gods! – I read every single picky eating article I come across. After reading, I realized that it was […]

Where would we be without informercials?

So Rob is at a hockey game tonight, and I just finished my standard “Rob’s not here” meal of pita and Greek salad, I’m counting down to bedtime while my children are, strangely enough, playing a game in which they are hammering something – what? – through the holes in their play workshop, and laughing […]

Old Man Winter is an asshole

With the giant lottery draw this past weekend, I reflected, as I always do, on what I would do with the jackpot if I actually purchased a ticket and subsequently won. My conclusion: I would get the f*** out of Calgary. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice city and everything, somewhat friendly people, etc., […]

Addendum to the Pina Colada song

So, I’m still singing the Pina Colada song, and I still have no idea if that is its actual name or not. If I wasn’t so lazy I’d google it, but alas. The thing about that song is that it is nearly impossible to sing along without belting out in an impassioned way “IF YOU […]