Archives for 2009

Those damn hippies

My husband likes to blame much of society’s ills on what he calls the “hippie generation”. Every time he does, I giggle a little inside, because the term “hippie generation” makes him sound like he’s an extraordinarily crotchety 75-year-old, and while I did bag myself an older husband, he’s not a senior citizen for goodness’ […]

The sun’ll come out….sometime….

I don’t write much when I’m sad. I don’t mind writing about being sad, but I don’t like to write when I am currently sad. There is a reason for this. I feel, I really do, that I am an extremely fortunate person and that I have more than most. I mean, I have a […]

All Timmy wanted for Christmas was TIME

Did you see Grey’s Anatomy last night? If you did, and you are a parent, you probably know what I’m going to talk about, and it’s not the explosion of pregnant TV actresses (what is up with the girls on How I Met Your Mother? Don’t drink the water on THAT set.) Anyway. On Grey’s, […]

The Queen and I

Queen Elizabeth II and I have something important in common; we share the same birthday, which is today! By writing this, it is clear I am not the type of person who coyly skirts the birthday issue, or likes to keep birthday celebrations to a minimum as my husband does. No, I’m the type of […]

What I Did Today

A little while ago, an article was circulating entitled “Why do friends with kids never have time?”, all about stay at home moms and what they do all day. I agreed with the article’s general sentiment but thought it was a bit mean spirited and maybe even a little self-righteous. I mean, really, unless you […]

Stars – They’re Just Like Us!

So yesterday I was in the hair salon, getting my inch or so of pure grey roots coloured, when I reached for salon-type reading material: People and US Weekly. Let me preface this by saying that tabloid magazines are a bit lost on me, as I rarely know who any of the celebrities are and […]

Three Confessions That Make Me Feel Weird in the World of Mothers

1) I can’t stand being called “Mommy”. It’s “Mama” or “Mom”. No “Mommy”.2) I can happily hold someone else’s baby without actually wanting a baby of my own. Yesterday I held my cute little nephew at Easter dinner, and later whispered to my husband “I’m really glad we don’t have babies anymore”. And believe me, […]