Archives for 2009


I was jealous of my husband every single day when the boys were babies. Every single day when he would leave for work, I would envision his life of freedom: walking to the train station unencumbered by double stroller or diaper bag, a ride on the train with nothing to do but listen to his […]

Mr. Carpet Cleaner

For the first time in about a year and a half, I have clean carpets. Hoo boy! Nothing says “1950’s housewife” like the excitement I felt about getting the carpets cleaned, with the exception of maybe obtaining some kind of household appliance. And let me tell you, the excitement was contagious. It was like the […]

Inner Peace

I had the good fortune to attend a workshop/discussion with Kino Macgregor, an amazingly talented and lovely yoga instructor. The majority of the discussion centered on transformation and cultivating inner peace and acceptance. It was incredibly inspiring, and it really is how I strive to live my life, with compassion and mindfulness, although I will […]

Father’s Day

Father’s Day dawned, like it frequently does here, with a torrential rainstorm and gloomy grey skies. Fortunately, I have lived here long enough to know that you never should plan any outdoor activities in June, i.e., a barbeque, without having a bad-weather Plan B. Actually, forget June, that rule applies for any month in this […]

Lest you think I was bragging…

When my husband got home after my fabulous day on Monday, he said “It’s interesting. It’s hard to know who I’m coming home to.” What? Just because I was competing, and won a blue ribbon, in the Wow I’m Bitchy Today Contest on Sunday, which was immediately followed by my blue ribbon win in the […]

Game on, summer, game on.

Because my personality type can be best described as “A”, I had written down “playground” in my agenda for today, the first day of summer vacation. Even writing this, I feel a bit lame. I mean, “playground” on the to-do list? But hey, we all have our quirks, right? Even if mine tend toward the […]

School’s Out for Summer!

It was the last day of preschool today, but don’t worry! I am not going to regale you with some melancholy post about the passage of time, boo hoo, my kids aren’t at preschool anymore, boo hoo, I have to figure out some good summer activities, etc. Instead, I’m going to regale you with some […]