March is not actually a spring month

The past few days have been just lovely around here. Snow has been melting and the sun has been shining. “Spring has sprung!” was the ill-informed chorus on the street. I was walking the dog yesterday through a brisk, cold wind that was surely an indicator that the weather was changing. I spotted many joggers of that particular breed of Calgarian who disregard all thermometers and wind chill factors in favour of sunny and clear skies, and as a result are in shorts, their bare legs purple with the cold. And, sure enough, I woke up this morning to a foot of heavy wet snow. It’s still snowing.

MARCH IS NOT SPRING. At least, March in Calgary is not spring. Nearly every year, the poor misinformed spring bulbs will make their appearance in March only to be destroyed by heavy, wet snow. Sadly, this year has been too cold for those bulbs to pop up. But, spring is coming, despite all evidence to the contrary.

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