Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Trick or Treat Edition

I never really understood Anne Shirley's feelings on October until I moved here. It is so beautiful right now, I can barely stand it. The colours are gorgeous, and every day is a little bit different. I'm becoming slightly unhinged, talking about … [Continue reading]

In It Together

I was taking a Peloton class the other day, and I noticed something. I am a person who likes to send out "high fives" to everyone surrounding me on the leaderboard, particularly people who have the same group hashtags as I do. My people! I will … [Continue reading]

Three For Thursday: Dinner, Dog, Domestic Duties

Cozy Dinner Season Begins Gardening season is wrapping up for the year, but the zucchinis and tomatoes are still going strong. You would think we would all be tired of those things, but I made a Buddha bowl last weekend and was astonished when my … [Continue reading]

Boring Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

I remember exactly what I was doing when I realized it. I was on the couch, with two babies in my lap, watching Sesame Street. What you must remember is what Gen X mothers were like, back in the early 2000s. Our generational Meh Attitude completely … [Continue reading]

Bear-ly An Update

After the neighbourhood started locking up their garbage in the spring, we hadn't seen any signs of our resident bears until about a month ago. All of the ripening fruit around here was beckoning the bears with their fruity siren songs. Three weeks … [Continue reading]

Don’t You Get Me Wrong

I was just finishing preparing dinner the other night when I heard a very familiar guitar riff. I left what I was doing to run to the living room, which sounds dramatic, but it's literally five steps away. Rewinding twenty-seven years or so, I … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Cheap Trick Edition

It's sunset season! I know what you're going to say: sunsets occur on the daily. This is true - sunrise, sunset - but since I retire so early I don't generally see sunsets from May to August. Sunrises, I see those every day. But sunsets? … [Continue reading]