Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Travelling Light Edition

It's been three weeks since we got home from Italy, and the whole trip feels like a dream. We had a little extra time in Monterosso al Mare, a tiny town in Cinque Terre, before our boat left to take us back to Manarola, so we and our … [Continue reading]

Seasonal Specialties

It's that time again! Did I scream a little in delight at seeing them in Costco? Yes I did. Did the woman who was looking at them curiously step away in low-key alarm? Yes she did. No matter. Kalette season is absolutely glorious, and those … [Continue reading]

Five For Friday: The Costume Change Edition

Typically, I go through what the Edies would call four Costume Changes a day, which might seem excessive, but I don't see any way around this. But this week, on Wednesday, I had FIVE Costume Changes, which felt like a perfect topic for today. … [Continue reading]

Smash That Subscribe Button

Back when the kids were in elementary school, my favourite fundraiser - even considering my eight solid years running the Scholastic Book Fair twice annually - was the magazine fundraiser. I loved choosing magazine subscriptions and I loved the … [Continue reading]

The Books I Read On Vacation: Italy 2024

As a general rule I vastly prefer paper books to an e-reader, but when it comes to travel, I am devoted to my Kobo. It's just so brilliant; I can take many books with me, without taking up any luggage space. I had been happily curating my library … [Continue reading]

The People I Meet On Vacation

On the very first leg of our journey to Italy, as we settled ourselves into on the plane, three women took their seats in the row in front of us. They were all very attractive and stylish, and approximately ten to twelve years my senior. One of them … [Continue reading]

Five (times two) For Friday: The Arrivederci Italia Edition

WELL HELLO THERE! Where have I been? I spent just shy of three weeks in Italy; it was a dream vacation and I will remember it forever. Of course, I am in the what are words and how do we use them phase of jet lag, and so behold, I give you a … [Continue reading]