Pretty Nice Little Sunday

It was a big weekend at the Boyhouse with lots of things to celebrate. Twenty-three years ago yesterday I was wearing this outfit: And then twenty-one days ago yesterday this guy made his entrance into the world: The truth is that ever since our son was born our wedding anniversary has been kind of eclipsed. […]

You Can Find Me…

In Da Club I am thrilled at the response to my yoga post! Don’t you just love the thought that we are all in our own separate lives, but yet together? I like to imagine you all just adding touches of loving-kindness and asana throughout your day. I think we could have a monthly check-in, […]

Festivus, But Without Grievances

So, an anti-Festivus? One week ago today I finished the second draft of my novel. It was my goal in 2024 to write one draft, and now I have finished two, right in time to enjoy the holidays and a break before my revising and editing course starts in January. To say I’m pleased with […]

One Day In Your Life…

Aficionados of obscure Canadian bands from 1988 will certainly be singing along to that title: …shouldn’t be a problem. One day in your life, shouldn’t cause you pain. Because it’s one day that you might never be around here, and I’ll never ever see you again. Well. That got a little dark for a minute. […]

Seasonal Specialties

It’s that time again! Did I scream a little in delight at seeing them in Costco? Yes I did. Did the woman who was looking at them curiously step away in low-key alarm? Yes she did. No matter. Kalette season is absolutely glorious, and those little cruciferous treats are a glowing light in the darkness. […]

Three For Thursday: Dinner, Dog, Domestic Duties

Cozy Dinner Season Begins Gardening season is wrapping up for the year, but the zucchinis and tomatoes are still going strong. You would think we would all be tired of those things, but I made a Buddha bowl last weekend and was astonished when my son said that the zucchini was a great addition. I […]

Nature, Nurture, Nerd

I am very accustomed to drawing a lot of attention on my daily walk, because I am accompanied by a living embodiment of a gigantic cartoon dog whose facial expression is exactly this for the duration: Every day people pass me and actually laugh at him, in a good-natured, look at that silly dog kind […]