Bits and Bobs; Seventy Three Weeks In

Bo Duke Channels Elvis On the long drive home from vacation, I learned that John Schneider – of Dukes of Hazzard fame – had a hit song in the 70s, covering Elvis’ It’s Now or Never. Not only that, but he had a fairly successful career as a country singer AND co-founded the Children’s Miracle […]

Pandemic Vacation Reading List

In my last post I alluded to the books I read on vacation; I said I had some recommendations and also a controversial opinion. The great thing about living in the current age is, when it comes to books, there is something for everyone, and we don’t all have to like the same things! I […]

Vacation, Mostly; Seventy-One and Seventy-Two Weeks In

Hi! On Saturday we returned from almost two weeks away, staying in our vacation house, spending time with family and friends. It had been almost ten months since my mother-in-law had seen her only grandchildren, so it was really lovely. It was a pretty busy two weeks, as we are doing an extensive addition and […]

Face Facts; Seventy Weeks In

I was hiking with the boys and, as I always do, I greeted a pair of women we passed on the path. We exchanged some pleasantries about the day and the steepness of the hike – we hiked Prairie Mountain, it is straight up and straight down, with zero gentle switchbacks – and then we […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Life-Changing Edition

Okay. We all know that my half-Scottish ancestry, coupled with my somewhat austere Norwegian ancestry, has made a strange consumer of me. Whereas I have more yoga clothes, black footwear, and black sweaters than you could literally shake a stick at, there are a few items that I am so reluctant to purchase that the […]

My Own Mask Mandate; Sixty-Nine Weeks In

The mask mandate in our city was officially dropped this week; when I went to the grocery store on Wednesday I counted six maskless faces. I will say I find it strange and startling to see actual faces indoors, which goes to show how quickly people adapt to their circumstances. After all, a year ago […]

Refreshed and Rejuvenated; Sixty-Eight Weeks In

Thank you all so much for weighing in on last week’s question! I am cautiously optimistic and hopeful, and also clinging to my mask collection. I did take advantage of the Big Reopening in one way, and that was to visit my parents for four nights. It’s interesting; I am a person who thrives on […]