Harry: Look, when the shit comes down, I’m going to be ready for it. That’s all I’m saying! Sally: Well, in the meantime you’re going to ruin the rest of your life thinking about it. Sally and Harry were discussing death, but I think these viewpoints can be utilized more generally, or, at the very […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Oooh, It’s October Edition
At the risk of sounding like an incredibly demented Little Miss Sunshine, I do not have a Least Favourite Month. I don’t have a Most Favourite Month either; I love April because it’s my birthday, and December because of Christmas, I love July and August because of the heat and summery vibes and I love […]
Just Me Or Everyone
In beginning of The Blind Assassin, my favourite book of all time, there is a scene where octogenarian Iris is presenting an award at the local high school, watching the graduates file on stage. Up they trooped, solemn and radiant, in many sizes, all beautiful as only the young can be beautiful. Even the ugly […]
Gratitude and Grievance
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Yesterday my husband and I took a ten hour road trip to visit my parents. It was a gorgeous drive but I am a tiny bit tired; not, however, as tired as I was Saturday morning when I was woken up several times by a pack of howling coyotes in the vineyard. […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Wake Me Up When September…Wait, September Is Ending Edition
What a month September has been; oddly enough, it simultaneously feels like it flew by, and that it was three months long. We packed so much in, and now my already tenuous sense of time is completely warped. Everything already feels like it happened so long ago. Was it only three and a half weeks […]
The Bear Necessities
There are so many ways in which Younger Nicole would not recognize Current Nicole, and one of those ways has to do with animal care; specifically, I am now a person who brushes her dog’s teeth. Fourteen years with Barkley and it would have never occurred to me to have a tiny toothbrush and a […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The New House Edition
First of all, thank you to everyone who has reached out to me about the fires. It means so much to have so many people thinking of me and my family. We are all safe and the situation has improved vastly. Tuesday morning I was walking Rex and I realized that I could smell air, […]