We had an enormous snowfall last week; look how pretty our outdoor Christmas ornaments were! We are in full-on winter mode now, with snow and cold and traffic snarls. Despite the enormous inconvenience and physical exertion that come with such snowfalls – traffic! shovelling! taking ten minutes to put on outdoor clothing for a twenty-minute […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Tiny Secret Festive Edition
Next week parent-teacher interviews are held at the junior high, and I had a notification from the school that booking for said conferences started today. I knew that already, of course, and had it marked on my calendar. The usual start time for booking is 7:00 am, but in the notification it said that bookings […]
Maternal love = creepy clowns
Time just flies by, doesn’t it? Next week is Halloween already, and then we are into the Christmas season! I know many of you think that November 1 is too early to start thinking of Christmas, but in this world I think we should all just take joy where we can find it, and meanwhile, […]
Passionate about poinsettias
Every week, every single week, without exception, there is a day in which I think next week things will slow down and I won’t be so busy and even though I know it’s not true, it somehow keeps me going. I am currently in the pre-long weekend am I going to have a nervous breakdown? frame of mind. […]
Leaning in to the Sexy Librarian Look
You people who don a cozy sweater and scarf and then head off apple picking, whilst sipping your pumpkin spice lattes and kicking around leaves? I envy you. Well, not the pumpkin spice latte part – pumpkin spice is NOT my jam, I am, as we all know, a mint chocolate girl – but the […]
To grow out my hair or not grow out my hair, that is the question.
I love being a woman, make no mistake about it, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a man. I know, objectively, that men do feel concern about their appearances, just like the rest of us. I’m sure men harbour feelings of dissatisfaction with their looks; perhaps they look ruefully in […]
Reality Bites
My husband got home from work and turned on the television. I heard familiar music and turned to look at the screen. Me: That’s weird. What kind of football is on Tuesday nights? My husband: Um, Monday Night Football. It’s Monday. Who among us has not woken up Thursday morning, thinking it was Friday? It […]