It’s Friday, right? Yes. It’s Friday. I’m in that happy state of mind that occurs between Christmas and New Year’s in which I’m not one hundred percent sure of the day or what I’m supposed to be doing, but it’s FRIDAY. Yes. It is. It’s also time for the Boyhouse Year in Review! Political weirdness […]
Winter Solstice, a.k.a. The Day The Vitamin D Supplement Was Meant For
Happy Winter Solstice! As of today, we will have exactly seven hours and fifty-three minutes of daylight, which is NOT VERY MUCH. However, at least we aren’t in the Arctic! And days start getting longer tomorrow, so there’s that. Also! We are in the Final Countdown To Christmas, so there is much excitement around the […]
Miracle on 34th Street, the Costco Version
“Why? Why would you do that?” my husband asked me, looking at me like I had just escaped the asylum and was planning to sell all our possessions, move into a circus tent, and eat my own shoe. The shocking thing I was planning to do, in fact, was to go to Costco on December […]
Hallelujah, where’s the Advil Cold and Sinus?
I’m going to preface this post by saying that I’m on my eighth cup of coffee and I have taken two Advil Cold and Sinus, so things could get interesting. Also we are at less than eight hours of daylight, it’s almost a new moon, and holy moly things are dark. I’ve been fighting this […]
Yes! We have no bananas! We have no bananas today.
Is Mercury in retrograde or is this the prelude to Ladies’ Holidays, I wondered blearily to myself yesterday, conceding my tiredness could also be due to general busyness, I-guess-I’m-that-age-now interrupted sleep cycles, and the pervading darkness of December. A quick check to the calendar pointed to all of the above. But that was yesterday; what a difference a […]
It’s December; what’s your Tree Decorating Personality?
The other day my husband said that the month of November dragged and dragged and seemed to go on forever, and honestly, I felt like I couldn’t relate at all. November FLEW by for me, in that I keep thinking that it was just Halloween the other day, and now it’s December. I mean, I’ve […]
Airing of the Grievances, One Month Early
I know, I know, Festivus is on December 23rd, not 22nd, which means that there is one month and one day before the Airing of the Grievances and Feats of Strength, but Thursdays are impossible for me to write anything. Therefore, the Grievances Shall Be Aired Today. Of course, because it’s me, I have to […]