Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Thanksgiving Edition

With the Thanksgiving weekend, the amazing streak of weather has ended, leaving us with mostly bare trees and, well, some snow. I’m not sad, though; I knew the streak would end and I’m just happy, in a We’ll Always Have Paris kind of way. “You do realize, this is what it’s like in the rest […]

Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse; Twenty-Nine Weeks In

Two incredible things of note happened this week: I got excused from jury duty, and my son shaved off his moustache. I am a woman who believes strongly in body autonomy, and that everyone should be able to express themselves via personal style, and yet. Yet I am happy that he – voluntarily, I hasten […]

One More For The Road; Twenty-Eight Weeks In

As anyone who knows me is aware, I always have a song stuck in my head. Always. I like to think of it as the Soundtrack of My Life. The last few months, I have had snippets of the Hamilton soundtrack stuck in my head, and not just the big ones like Here comes the […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Fall Fruit and Fashion Edition

It has been one of those “Lemon, it’s Tuesday” kind of weeks, for no particular reason. Nothing has been happening out of the ordinary, which, these days, ordinary is kind of extraordinary, but there has been nothing I can put my finger on to indicate why this week has felt extra long and strange. All […]

Bizarre Even For These Days; Twenty-Seven Weeks In

This has been a bit of a bizarre week, starting with a phone call cancelling an appointment due to an unbelievably scary accident, happily segueing to a midweek birthday, followed by a letter summoning me to jury duty, and then finishing with a pre-dawn visit from the fire department due to our carbon monoxide detector […]

Like A Half-Birthday But Less Festive; Twenty-Six Weeks In

So, for those of you who are counting, 26 weeks is exactly half a year. Six months of this pandemic! Back in March, six months felt like The Worst Possible Scenario. Now it is Just Life and I don’t think at all at how long this will go on; no one knows and speculating isn’t […]

Science Is Magic; Twenty-Five Weeks In

I, Too, Get Cold When It Is 72 Degrees Outside As my husband and I were out for our daily constitutional, an older lady in a fabulously bright pink jacket was walking down the sidewalk towards us. I stepped off the sidewalk to give her a two-metre bubble, and said “Oh! I LOVE your pink […]