Changing Mindsets; Forty-Seven Weeks In

I was at Costco a couple of weeks ago and something happened that hasn’t happened since February 2020. As I tried to decide if I needed two or three bags of a particular staple, I went with two, thinking I will be back here in a few weeks, I can get more next time. Did […]

Friluftsliv Fashion; Forty-Six Weeks In

Last Monday was Robbie Burns’ Day, and the entire day passed unnoticed by me. It wasn’t until Tuesday that I realized I had missed the day entirely; I usually take a few minutes to watch this video and listen to some Rod Stewart, but this year, alas. Nothing. What kind of partial Scotswoman am I? […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Covid Hair, Don’t Care Edition

This is me in January 2020: And this is me January 2021: So apparently the key to growing out your hair is to STOP CUTTING YOUR HAIR. I’ll be here all week if anyone else is looking for brilliant pieces of advice. I did like the fluffy, bouncy part of having shorter hair, but honestly […]

Brought To You By The Letter I; Forty-Five Weeks In

One of the most wonderful things about the world is that we are all so different; the world is a rich tapestry; as my grandma used to say, it takes all kinds of people to make a world. And yet, in many ways we are all the SAME; we all want to live our best […]

Johnny, You’re A Cream Puff; Forty-Four Weeks In

Last week, after a month – or was it six weeks? There was the winter break in there somewhere – of at-home learning, the boys were back to actual, honest-to-god, in-person school. Only for four days though; Thursday – THURSDAY – was a day off for “virtual grade nine tours.” My neighbour, whose three daughters […]

Shiny Happy Oven; Forty-Three Weeks In

I know that it has been a crazy week but I have a very important update: Let us all admire my gleaming, shiny oven! Cleaning the oven led to one of those If You Give A Mouse A Cookie cleaning scenarios: I soaked the racks in the downstairs bathtub, which led to the scrubbing of […]

Goals and Gratitude; Forty-Two Weeks In

Happy New Year! New Year’s is a funny thing; yes, we said goodbye to 2020, but the world did not change because the calendar did. I mean, we are still in a global pandemic and will be for a while yet. Nothing really changes on January 1, no matter how glad we are to kick […]