What’s the opposite of a hypochondriac? Whatever it is, I think I am one. I had my annual physical this week, and my doctor has started giving me the lab requisition prior to my appointments, so we can discuss the results together. I have never had any issue with my lab work with one exception: […]
Bits and Bobs, June-Style
Happy June! Here Is The Envelope, And I Am Pushing It To The Max June 1st is typically considered Calgary’s Safe Day To Plant Out Tomatoes And Other Delicate Plants, but Danger Is My Middle Name and so I planted out mine on May 31. I do like to live on the edge, and so […]
1/4000, But Hopefully 1/5200
Since about July of last year, my mom has been asking me if a) I thought my older son would have a graduation ceremony, and b) if so, would they be able to attend. Every time she asked, I had to shrug and say I had no idea, because honestly, who could tell anything that […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Daily Glow-Up Edition
You’re already beautiful; the makeup is just for fun. This is what my friend Dan Thompson used to say, and it’s so true. Makeup, to me, is fun, but I have a small confession to make: I actually don’t feel like ME without makeup on. It’s not that I don’t believe that I’m beautiful without […]
A Week of Spring Outfits; 114 Weeks In
The other morning after class I complimented one of my ladies on her cherry-red top. She always looks good in one of her several red, pink, and purple tops, but that morning she looked particularly glowing and lovely, and I told her so. She thanked me and then said, “Well, Nicole, you know, I’m a […]
You Could Stuff A Throw Pillow With That Chest Hair; 113 Weeks In
I was planning to post a Week of Spring Outfits, but this is what it looked like at the beginning of the week: Although the week ended in a spring-like fashion, I thought the early part would overlap too much with my Week of Winter Outfits, what with my winter boots and warm sweaters. But […]
It’s All Right, I Think We’re Going To Make It; 112 Weeks In
A couple of weeks ago our neighbourhood had an outage with our internet service provider; the outage went from 10:30am to after 5:00pm. It’s really amazing how many things are attached to our internet service: TV, the landline, the Peloton. The boys came home after school and were shocked – SHOCKED – that there was […]