Kermit Lives On

Given that I am a person who cannot read horror novels, watch anything even remotely upsetting on television, or even read the news, it is surprising that I am a good person to have around in an emergency. I’m very calm and logical in the face of medical distress; I can’t see blood on TV, […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Not Quite In Style Edition

One of the best things about aging is that I no longer care about being in style. I said this to my husband, who vehemently disagreed that this was the case, leading to an involved conversation about semantics. I maintain that having personal style and caring about how a person presents oneself is very different […]

Pretty Nice Little Sunday

It was a big weekend at the Boyhouse with lots of things to celebrate. Twenty-three years ago yesterday I was wearing this outfit: And then twenty-one days ago yesterday this guy made his entrance into the world: The truth is that ever since our son was born our wedding anniversary has been kind of eclipsed. […]

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (a meal plan)

I had the most delightfully social week, with visits and connections and gatherings every day, culminating in the most wonderful girls’ night out on Friday night: a candlelight tribute to ABBA, as played by a string quartet. I love music generally, almost all genres, but I really love disco, and ABBA specifically. We all dressed […]

Five For Friday: The Pandemic Habits That Stuck Around For Five Years Edition

Yesterday marks the five-year anniversary of the first of many Covid lockdowns. I have been reflecting on the pandemic a lot lately because of this; for me as for most, it was a time of despair, depression, anxiety, and fear. I have also discovered that I have a lot of shame and embarrassment due to […]

Feeling Salty

Grumpy McGrumperson How are we all doing with the transition to Daylight Saving Time, I ask as I drink my third cup of coffee and glare angrily off into the dark morning? I swear to god, I swear to GOD that the next person who says “we do this for the farmers,” I will murder […]

Books, Books, and More Books: Vacation 2025 Reading

On my recent vacation to Mexico, I got so much reading done; even for me, it was a lot. There are a few reasons for this: a) I get up way earlier than anyone else in our group, and so I read until breakfast and then I read until our friends finished breakfast, b) we […]