It’s been three weeks since we got home from Italy, and the whole trip feels like a dream.

We had a little extra time in Monterosso al Mare, a tiny town in Cinque Terre, before our boat left to take us back to Manarola, so we and our guide wandered around, poking into little shops. I was specifically looking for Christmas ornaments, but I stopped when I saw a display of gnomes or, as they are called in Italy, gnomi. The gnomes were embroidered with thing like I Love My Cat and Best Grandma, all in Italian. As I started to turn away, one caught my eye:

FRIENDS. I hysterically showed my husband, who assumed that it was part of a display with names from Abby to Zachary, but NO. This was the only named gnome in the entire display and, possibly, in the entire town. I don’t know how or why but it is not for me to question fate.
We didn’t bring home many souvenirs; along with the Nicole Gnome (Gnicole Gnome?) we bought a few gifts for the boys and a couple of tiny Christmas ornaments. We were very limited on space as we had decided to continue our Carryon Only tradition, which was a definite choice for three weeks away. By nature I am not much of a light traveller, but I have become one. In fact, I viewed the whole trip as a challenge, and in the end it felt like my very limited selection of clothing was actually kind of freeing.
I wore a fleece dress on the plane and packed two t-shirt-style dresses, along with a pair of jeans and pants, four tops – two short-sleeved, two long – and a sweater. I wore boots on the plane and packed a pair of shoes, and that, along with socks, compression stockings, and underwear, made up the entirety of my wardrobe for three weeks.
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Pack Light Edition
Backpack, Backpack
Once we were in Italy, we traveled almost exclusively by train or on foot, and to that end we didn’t want to be dragging around wheeled suitcases on cobblestone streets. We splurged on carryon sized backpacks that had extra safety precautions in place, like interlocking zippers and clips, to foil any would-be pickpocketers. This turned out to be a brilliant idea. In addition to cobblestones, there were so many uneven paved surfaces, stairs, and – in the case of Siena’s train station – series of escalators, and having backpacks made travel so easy. They were pretty heavy and not super comfortable, and I think the most we walked with them without a break was about two kilometres, so they wouldn’t be ideal for a major backpacking trip. However, they were perfect for our purposes, although they were smaller than regular carryon suitcases, meaning that I had to be extra efficient with packing. I also took a medium-sized crossbody bag to use as a purse.

I have been a fan of packing cubes for a couple of years now, but Elisabeth (HI ELISABETH) introduced me to the concept of compression packing cubes, and wow, did they ever make a difference. I was able to squeeze all of this into my backpack; it was not effortless, but I did it!

The Laundry Never Ends, Even In Italy
There is just no way to pack enough socks and panties to last for a three week trip. Well, there is, but not in a way that is conducive to using only carryon luggage. These detergent strips work pretty well for bathroom-sink-laundry; it’s easy to just tear off a small piece, and it dissolves quickly. I personally prefer a more scented detergent, but this got the job done.

Face It
Typically when it comes to makeup I am an Ilia Super Serum Skin Tint gal, but that product does not travel well. The bottle always seems to leak, and the last thing I wanted was a bunch of Bom Bom coloured serum all over my liquids bag. Yes, the colour I use is called Bom Bom, what of it?
Anyway, since I was limited on liquids, and I wanted to bring little containers of my favourite Prose hair products, I needed to be efficient. I was looking for something that would be a primer, sunscreen, moisturizer, and makeup all in one, which is a pretty tall order. To that end, I headed to Shopper’s and was immediately accosted by a gorgeous Estee Lauder representative named Olga who bossed me into trying their Futurist Hydra Rescue.

Let me tell you, friends, Olga knew what she was doing. This stuff is incredible; it’s moisturizing, has great coverage, lasts all day, and has an SPF 45. She took one look at me and assessed my colour, and when I poked at another tube on the display, she said No! This is perfect shade for you. And you know what, she was right.
This product is even more expensive than Ilia, which I think is plenty pricey, but it really goes a long way volumetrically. Olga showed me how little I needed – A drop! You need only a drop! More than that, you look like clown. – and again, she was right. Most of my trip was spent outside in the sunshine, and my skin stayed dewy and protected, with JUST A DROP.
Totes Cute
When I was sixteen, I was in Rome on a school trip, and let me tell you, it was a blast. My friend Danna (HI DANNA) and I were the recipients of a LOT of male attention, being cute sixteen-year-old girls and all. Truthfully more attention was focused on Danna, with her beautiful Nordic features and waist-length blonde hair, but everywhere we were, we heard “Ciao, bella!” It became our catchphrase.

I saw tourists walking around with tote bags all over Italy, emblazoned with pictures of landmarks and, yes, of David and his penis. I think it’s kind of tacky to use a Rome tote bag while in Rome, but I knew I would want this for my daily life when I got home. It folded up well so I could semi-easily squeeze it into my very packed luggage. Did I really need another tote bag? No! But it’s really sturdy and it has a zipper on top, which feels handy. It’s the perfect size for library hauls, but most of all, I like walking around announcing Ciao Bella to the world.
Spritz and Soup
Here’s the most obvious statement one could possibly make: the food in Italy is divine. Everything is absolutely delicious and, strangely, reasonably priced. I partook in so many amazing meals, and most of them consisted of pasta and wine.
One thing I hadn’t tried prior to our trip was an Aperol spritz, which is possibly the most deliciously refreshing beverage one could consume. And consume them I did!

My husband bought Aperol and prosecco so we can make these at home. Now, will they taste as good as the ones in Italy? It’s doubtful. But I am a Determined Woman and I will Give It A Try.

A non-pasta comestible I became obsessed with was pappa di pomodoro, a Tuscan soup made with tomato and – wait for it – stale bread. Does it sound weird? Yes. Is it incredibly delicious and do I wish I could be transported back to Tuscany to eat it? Also yes! I did attempt to make this at home, but it was like the time I tried rice milk ice cream: sadness in food form. My husband suggested I drink half a bottle of Chianti and then try my homemade pappa di pomodoro in order to accurately compare the two, but no. I’m just going to hold the savoury soupy memory of it in my heart.
Outfit of the Month
You know I wasn’t going to leave you hanging after telling you what I packed for the trip! I got so much wear out of this black tee dress THAT HAS POCKETS, and as a bonus I wore it with my full-length compression hose on days where we’d be standing a lot. After years of having only thick beige compression hose, I finally sprung for a couple of pair of black ones which just look like regular tights. Those boots are Sorels; they are unlined rain boots and they really go with so many different outfits.

I brought along my favourite blanket scarf, and of all the things I packed, this was the item that was used the least. We had really warm temperatures everywhere except Venice, and we were given blankets on the plane, so I didn’t really need it. Still, it looks cute with the dress.

November has just flown by, what with the trip, and catching up from the trip, and having a semi-breakdown about the postal strike, but here we are in the holiday season! What are your favourite things right now? Tell me everything. xo
Where did you get that t shirt dress? It is so cute and the fact that has pockets really takes it to another level!! We just booked a couples trip to Mexico with friends in March and something like that would be perfect for me!
Olga sounds amazing. I love to be bossed around about skincare. I know so little about it and have a very minimalist approach to it but if someone says I absolutely need to buy something, I probably will. Especially if she has a Russian accent which I assume Olga did.
And wow, the Italian gods were shining down on you. A Gnome with your name on it? What a perfect souvenir!!
Sorry to hear you couldn’t recreate the dish that you loved. I had a similar experience making a Greek dish Phil loves – I’m blanking on it but it’s eggplant-based with many layers and wow it was a disappointment. Which is too bad because it was so. Much. Work. We decided it’s best to leave it to the Greeks.
It’s Thanksgiving here today so I would be remiss if I did not tell you how thankful I am for you! Your posts are always a ray of sunshine and I get such great book recs from you! And you know what is ‘not safe for Lisa’ (I’m looking at you, All Fours!).
Oh Lisa you are too sweet! I am so thankful for you too!
The t-shirt dress came from Columbia Sportswear, I ordered it online – it was clearance, but maybe they’ll still have a similar product. I feel like you’d love it.
Olga WAS amazing and I kind of want her advice for other aspects of my life! Also that makeup is really really good.
Is the dish you are thinking of moussaka?
Yes!! It’s moussaka! It was good but took so many hours so to feel like it wasn’t worth the work was tough!
Ok I will check out Columbia!
I love this post of course! I am with you in so many ways. I am fully Team Backpack, as I can run up and down stairs or cobblestones with no problems, or go through subway turnstyles and other things like that easily. Also, I am team Carry On Only, and pretty much never check a bag, except recently when I had to check my bike and I hated it (although, props to WestJet, the bike came out pretty fast after the flight, but it cost me an extra $150 to check it). I am also team compression packing cubes! Not only do they help to save space, but I like having my things compartmentalized (I’ve been made fun of for my “bags within bags” before). They just keep things tidy.
I don’t really use too many beauty products, and am a fan of buying as I go, especially for a longer trip. Bonus points if you find something abroad that you didn’t use before, and three cheers to Olga!
I love the gnome and I always think of you when I see one anywhere! I don’t really buy things when traveling, but that seems like it was made to be. If I ever found anything with my name on it, I may change my tune.
Well, to be fair, it would be pretty hard to carry on Bob the Bike. I don’t think he’d fit in the overhead compartment.
I thought of you all the time as I was packing, I thought “If Kyria can bike for months across the continent with like four shirts, I can certainly pack for three weeks!” I found it very freeing to have such a limited number of items to choose from, which is the opposite of what I thought would happen.
That’s great. I am so proud that (a) you thought of me and (b) you did it and (c) you liked it. I do think it is more freeing, and you make the choice before you leave and then you stick with it, saving you from having to make decisions while traveling.
I was surprised at how freeing it was!
Nicole, that gnome! What a funny coincidence.
I have been noticing a lot more gnomes in the U.S. in the past six months or so. They are everywhere. The pictures I’ve sent you are just a small fraction because I don’t want to take over your wall, but my mother-in-law’s house (where I am now) is full of them and I’m pretty sure it’s a new development.
Oooh I like your MIL’s style!
I guess gnomes are on trend right now and I’m here for it!
That Nicole gnome is leaving me boggled. BOGGLED!! I even searched online for “what does Nicole mean in Italian,” just in case it meant, like, “angel” or “cute” or something someone might put on a gnome with a bunch of other gnomes that did not have names on them. But no!! Some craftsperson was apparently DIVINELY INSPIRED to make ONE named gnome!!
Swistle, I did the same exact thing. I thought, this must mean something because how can it just be here with the “amo il mio gatto” gnomes. But it doesn’t! And I looked all over the shop to see if there was another gnome display that had names on it BUT THERE WASN’T. It feels like some kind of divine intervention for sure.
Gnicole Gnome is amazing! As is your packing strategy – I’ve never been away for so long and it’s so interesting to see how people manage clothes and necessities. One of my favorite things right now is a warm cup of tea after taking the dog out in the morning – my tea seems so satisfying and purposeful after, haha!
This was the longest trip we’d taken since 2001, I think? I think it would have been tricky if I was packing for different weather zones, but it worked well!
That gnome is perfect!
We are Team Carryon. That’s mostly because of my husband’s bullying (can you believe the first big international trip we went on, I insisted on taking a checked bag), but now I wouldn’t have it any other way. It really IS freeing, and it’s so nice to bounce off the plane and walk by all the poor saps picking up checked bags – or, worse yet, discovering their bags didn’t arrive.
I LOVE packing cubes and like Kyria tend to use them to organize by types and sometimes pack packing cubes inside other packing cubes! I have quite a collection now. Though I inherited a hand-me-down luggage from my husband and it has almost built-in packing cubes, so I might not use them quite as much moving forward?
Packing cubes inside other packing cubes. PACKING CUBES ALL THE WAY DOWN! I have a really pretty set of Tiffany blue ones, but now that I’ve used those compression ones I don’t know if I can go back!
Built in packing cubes, I can’t picture how that works?
Nicole Gnome! How perfect.
I go back and forth on packing cubes. I like them for organization if I’m taking a suitcase, but when I’m just using my backpack (which is for all of my short trips), I feel like the shape of the cubes doesn’t work with the shape of the backpack. Oh well.
Ciao bella!
Oh, no, I totally see how they wouldn’t work for that! Our backpacks were shaped a lot more like suitcases, so it was perfect.
I drank Aperil Spritzes all over Italy & we got the supplies when we returned too. Let’s get together soon and drink them together! Ciao Bella!
BELLA BELLA. Yes. We need to do this. WE NEED TO DO THIS! I’ve got the Aperol and prosecco!
HI, Nicole, long-time reader, first-time commenter! (commentOr? Oh, well.) Love the stories of your travels and OOTDs and food and Aperol Spritzes, which now I must try. Just a quick question if I am not being too intrusive (too late, I know if I say that, I am undoubtedly doing that). Why the compression hose? You don’t have to answer. I have a condition that makes it necessary for me to wear them, and just curious to know if you are a fellow sojourner in that world, or if it is by choice, or if it is none of my business.
Hi Laurie! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I don’t mind talking about compression hose at all! I have varicose veins and circulation issues, so I worry about blood clots on flights. I had extensive varicose veins all over both legs that I had stripped in 2011, but unfortunately that was not the end of it. I developed more several years ago and it is not treatable, given my history. So I wear medical grade compression hose while flying or in long car rides, and I have some lower grade/ running style compression socks that I wear if I’m going to be standing a lot at home (like if I’m making a big meal and will be on my feet for a while.). Maybe you have similar issues? I haven’t had DVT – yet! – so I wear the hose in the hopes to stave it off.
Nicole, thank you so much for your reply. Bit of a backstory: my mom had varicose veins and had them stripped (horrible word) in the 1960’s, so you can imagine what she went through. So I am now 70 – major trauma year, never worried about birthdays before this and now I am all “what is the meaning of life?” and “what is my legacy going to be?” – BUT I also have lipedema in my legs, which thanks to the gods of Instagram, is becoming a disease that is so much better known – so I pretty well wear compression hose all day every day. I have had two liposuction surgeries for it – one covered by the Canadian medical system, the second not; Canada has a lot of pressure on its famed “free” medical system lately – and am hoping for a third lipo to trim things down before I give it all up and decide to let all vanity out the window and go gentle into that good night. Your writing is amazing. I look forward to each blog post and thank you for sharing.
Oh gosh, lipedema sounds dreadful – very painful! I hope your third time is a charm.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reaching out!
OK, Nicole, you must have know that I was going to die when I saw your new gnome! I mean, COME ON!!! That is the most amazing, wonderful, magical thing to happen – as if that gnome knew you were coming to Italy and it wanted to relocate to Canada and live in your house with all your other gnomes and your sweet puppy! I can’t get over it! I can’t even think about what you wrote about packing and all that because I’m too obsessed with that gnome!!
And another coincidence is – I just wrote my blog post about Gnomevember! And I called you Gnicole in it!!!
Michelle, you can bet that I could not wait to tell you all about the new gnome! Isn’t that amazing? It was meant to be! I also can’t get over it because HOW DID IT HAPPEN??
I just read your post and omg it was even better than I could have hoped!!! xoxoxo
I am honestly one of the lowest maintenance women (I can get ready to go out on date night in 10 minutes) but I still don’t know how people do carry ons for long trips. I use the biggest suitcase we own for 4 day trips🤣
Bijoux, that is too funny – it’s like we are the reverse of each other. I am NOT low maintenance and it takes me a WHILE to get ready, but somehow I’m able to cram everything into a carryon.
I have the same skincare bag for travel!!! how funny! I use packing cubes too to organize things, will try the compression one.
I bring minimal skincare/makeup when traveling, no time for that and always on the go.
I wouldn’t want to carry a heavy bag for daily walking, but I understand if you are on the go all the time.
That skincare bag is so perfect! The little containers are a nice flexible silicone too, so they squish down when empty.
Compression packing cubes! I did not know they were a thing, but I NEED them. I traveled to Europe with a backpack many moons ago and it was great – two kilometres still sounds like a long enough distance while carrying three weeks’ worth of stuff on your back.
“more and you look like clown” lol. My Ilia shade is Diaz, and if I use to much I also look like clown.
I had an Aperol spritz for the first time in Vegas a few years ago and I agree, they are fabulous.
I love that we are Ilia twins!
Allison, you need these cubes! They zip down so small. I could not believe how well they worked!
O.M.G. The Gnicole Gnome!!!!!!! That is hilarious. And so mysterious. Why was there only “Nicole???” It was obviously meant for you.
You’re the only one who looks incredible cute wearing compression stockings. And, you’re a packing inspiration. I’ll bet those backpacks were heavy with everything you crammed into them!!!
Jenny, they were pretty heavy! But 2 km isn’t so far to go, and most of our walking from train to hotel was less than that, so no big deal.
The gnome! Why was it there? Why was there only Nicole? I don’t know but it feels like a sign!
Wow that is quite a story about Gnomi Nicole – he was just waiting for you! I have done only carryon for all our travel except when we go to Mexico first 3 months – then I need multiple wardrobe changes. We did two Camino de Santiago (Spain & Portugal). You carry everything you need on your back; a lesson in minimalism for sure. Basically you bring only 2 of each item of clothing. Wear one set, wash at night and switch to the other- same two outfits for 3 + weeks. Once we finished we had a couple more weeks vacationing so I bought 1 dress and a bit of makeup. It’s certainly a different way to travel.
Oooooh I want to do the Camino too! Maybe one day.
Yes, I’m not sure I could pack for three months in a carryon! Or if I did I’d be buying things I guess.
I appreciate your travel suggestions. I know that you looked pulled together in all the photos of your vacation you shared on IG. Travel takes planning, something you excel at. I’m surprised you’ve not had an Aperol spritz before this. It’s my go-to hot weather cocktail. *cheers*
Ally, I’ve always been a G&T or margarita gal in the hot weather but THINGS HAVE CHANGED! Aperol spritz is so refreshing. I wish we could have one together!
Nicole that gnome was MEANT to be yours!
Thanks Gigi I think so too!
What a trip, just reading about makes me want to go explore too! Love Aperol spritz, with crisps, preferably in the sun after a long walk around the piazza, si? 🙂
Hanna, you’re 100% spot on – perfect for apres walking around the piazza!
I will be referring to this when I go on my trip – I’m a terrible packer and feel like I need to bring a whole pharmacy with me just in case. I would love to do carry on!! Where did you find the backpack? We have some carry on style ones but this one looks very compact!
Hahaha I figure I can always buy something if I need it BUT there are a few things that I know I’m going to want from home, so I make space for them. I think the backpack is PacSafe, it has all sorts of little security measures to deter theft.
Oh, a BACKPACK carry-on really takes things to another level, doesn’t it? I am so impressed about how you packed for three weeks. I’m trying to pack for 4 days on a cruise ship and I know it’s going to be a struggle to get everything in my carry-on (HAHA I AM SO BAD AT PACKING). Compression cubes are genius – I’ll have to look into those if I plan a longer trip like you took!
Compression cubes are SO great, Stephany! They make packing so much easier.
That gnome was meant to be yours!! 🖤
It’s fate!
Only you, Nicole, could find a gnome with your name on it. In Italy, no less! You are a wonder, indeed. 🙂
Aww thanks Anne!