Three For Thursday: Dinner, Dog, Domestic Duties

Cozy Dinner Season Begins

Gardening season is wrapping up for the year, but the zucchinis and tomatoes are still going strong. You would think we would all be tired of those things, but I made a Buddha bowl last weekend and was astonished when my son said that the zucchini was a great addition.

I have filled my freezer both with bags of grated zucchini and roasted tomatoes. The garden has produced more tomatoes than anyone could possibly consume, and that is coming from someone who can consume a lot of tomatoes. I don’t want to can them, and so I roast them with olive oil and freeze them; pureed with pasta water and a little bit of goat or cashew cheese makes for a really incredible sauce. Roasted zucchini goes great with it!

I still have some cilantro, but I feel like its days are numbered. I love it sprinkled on top of stir-fry. Note that there is zucchini in there.

My second planting of kale, spinach, and lettuce has been prolific, but I think this might be the last big homegrown salad of the year. It will be strange to buy greens again.

For the record, there was no zucchini in that salad.

The Grocery Shopping Never Ends, Neither Does The Laundry

The garden has definitely had a huge impact on the amount of produce I need to buy every week, but even so, I am constantly astounded by the sheer volume of groceries I buy for our household of now-three.

I went to Costco on Tuesday, which wasn’t the best idea given I was having the kind of day that was just filled with constant tiny annoyances. Typically I launder all the sheets on Tuesdays, and I decided to throw in my duvet cover and pillow shams as well, which resulted in said duvet cover and my fitted sheet cannibalizing all the other linens. While they were, unbeknownst to me, becoming a tangled, soggy mess in the dryer, I blithely thought to launder the pillows as well, which kept unbalancing the washer load. When the washer was stuck in spin mode at the four-minute mark for over twenty minutes, I clued in that something was wrong. By the time I resolved these very minor, but annoying laundry crises, I was not in the best mental space to tackle Costco, but I did it anyway.

My thinking was that Tuesday was far enough ahead of the Thanksgiving weekend, and that it wouldn’t be too crazy, but I was wrong. I was wrong. It turns out every elderly, slow-moving, sample-eating, spatially-unaware person in the surrounding area ALSO thought Tuesday would be far enough ahead of Thanksgiving to be a good time to go to Costco.

Now, listen. One day, hopefully, I will be one of those elderly, slow-moving people in Costco, stocking up to host the whole family for a holiday meal. Hopefully we all will be! But as god is my witness, I will never stand in the middle of the aisle eating a dixie cup filled with a sample of ravioli or frozen mixed vegetables, I will never take two carts, trainlike, and block off the entire frozen fruit section, and I will never angle my cart sideways in the produce section and then leave said cart to check on my husband in baked goods, while clusters of people become stuck in the giant refrigerator, experiencing the Costco equivalent of road rage when they are just trying to get a goddamn bag of broccoli, Carol.

I was trying to be zen about it. I mean, it’s not like an extra ten minutes was going to kill me. All the same, I had to go into the Christmas section to calm myself down. I was incredibly soothed by the displays, and I considered buying myself a giant Snoopy-themed holiday gift basket, but decided that $39 was too much to spend on something filled with things I have no use for, like hot chocolate bombs and marshmallow cookies. Still, the mug was cute.

Since the closure of Hallmark stores several years ago, I have not been able to find really nice gift wrap for birthdays and such. I always wished that Costco would make a non-holiday version of their high-quality gift wrap, and people! They have! If I hadn’t been so annoyed by my fellow aged shoppers, I would never have soothed myself in the Christmas section, and I would have never found a three-pack of beautiful, double-sided paper. The universe works in strange ways.

Two Year Rexaversary

Two years ago today, we were given the most wonderful gift: Rex. I am grateful every day we were chosen to be his family.

Rex is the epitome of joy, and I feel like we could all take lessons from him. When I open his crate in the morning, he reacts with such excitement and happiness to see me, and that sets the tone for the day. Every single thing is exciting to him: walking, gardening, getting a treat, finding a stick, and sitting with me while I write, fold the laundry, or make dinner. He loves to go for car rides; it doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s with me. He is just pure cheer and joy, and we love that giant fuzzy goofball.

How lucky we are. How grateful I am. Happy Thanksgiving, friends. xo


  1. I love all those beautiful salads and bowls! Such gorgeous healthy delicious meals! I am getting up into the “approaching elderly” stage (I guess) but I still like to go through all grocery stores esp Costco at warp speed. I find myself grinding my teeth at those who meander. Your description really made me chuckle. Happy Rexaversary!

  2. If we lived near each other you could trade me zucchini for basil. It’s the only thing from the garden that I’m don’t know how to keep up with. The cherry tomatoes are still producing at a moderate but declining pace and we have hardy herbs that will last into the winter, but the basil will die soon and there’s a lot left.

  3. Oh wow! That buddha bowl looks absolutely fantastic!!

  4. Awwww. – happy Rexiversary! What a wonderful addition to your family!

    I am once again in awe of your zucchini. And that Buddha Bowl looks SO GOOD. Omg. Are those LENTILS?! I want to make that immediately.

    Loved this description: “duvet cover and my fitted sheet cannibalizing all the other linens” Yes. WHY does this happen?!

  5. Michelle G. says

    You crack me up, Nicole! This: “which resulted in said duvet cover and my fitted sheet cannibalizing all the other linens.” 🤣 And this: “It turns out every elderly, slow-moving, sample-eating, spatially-unaware person in the surrounding area.” I’m envious of your freezer full of tomatoes and zucchini to enjoy all winter. Happy 2nd Rexiversary! He’s such a darling. Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving! ❤️

  6. The veggie Buddha bowl looks incredible. And the portrait of people stuck in a giant freezer at Costco is hilarious but sad. I do not belong to Costco and have no plans to join mainly because I heard that the one in central jersey is not for the faint hearted. And of course, happy 2ns Rexiversary! What a gift he is.

    • Daria, I understand. This Costco serves a very large area – the next closest one is two hours away. So it gets pretty insane in there. But! I try to just expect insanity and then it is a lot better for me mentally!

  7. Oh and happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

  8. Your Buddha bowls look so delicious!
    Happy second Anniversary to Rex! I can’t believe it’s been two years!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, my friend! 😘

  9. Thanks for the note about wrapping paper. We do not have a costco membership but my MIL does and adores that place. I had heard about the Christmas wrapping paper so asked her to get me some birthday wrapping paper and each time she goes she tells me they do not have wrapping paper. Phil, Taco, and Joan are going to Costco this weekend so I asked Phil to check on the wrapping paper sich again and he is just so confused about why I keep asking her to look for it. I guess I stupidly assumed that Costco would carry all sorts of wrapping paper. I explained how much I pay for the tiniest roll at Target. He now kind of gets it but probably not really because he’s probably wrapped 2 gifts in his life. So I am glad that a) wrapping paper is out (because I want holiday wrapping paper) and b) they will likely have birthday wrapping paper.

    I think I would probably blow a gasket at Costco if I encountered those slow moving people blocking lanes and such. Patience is not one of my virtues… I fear my MIL is one of those people who are cluelessly blocking traffic…

    Oh how I wish I could swing by and take some garden-fresh tomatoes off your hands!!

    • Their holiday gift wrap is so good, and such a good deal. I mean, a three pack weighs like ten pounds and will probably last you for a while. I think my last three pack lasted about five years. AND NOW I HAVE NON-HOLIDAY GIFT WRAP.

  10. Happy Rexaversary! And happy Thanksgiving, too.

  11. Aww! Happy Gotcha Day to you and Rex! He’s a keeper!

    I didn’t know Hallmark stores were closing? Fortunately, I will never need to buy gift wrap again as it was one of many things my mother hoarded.

    I will never understand why elderly people shop at Costco, Sam’s Club, etc. What can they possibly be doing with those giant packages?

  12. Birchwood Pie says

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Just once I think that you and I should be obnoxious Costco shoppers just to see what it’s like. Who knows, maybe it’s fun to block the aisle and chit chat while eating samples? How can we know unless we try it?

    I really like the idea of roasting tomatoes and then freezing them. That seems like it would give you a fighting chance to use most of them and that they will taste better than if you tried to can them. Sheesh I don’t want to can anything.

    Two years of Rex! We’re almost at nine months with Doggo and although oof having a puppy was rough, she is such a joy and I adore that the first thing that I do every morning is to go downstairs, let her out of her crate, go outside with her, and then we usually have a bit of “girl time” together before the guys get up. She’s starting to get less “velcro-y” and will sometimes hang out without me now. Sigh, I suppose it’s a good thing but I do kind of miss the 24/7 company.

    • I really don’t like canned tomatoes! Or, not enough to go through the hassle. If I need canned tomatoes, I’ll buy a can of tomatoes – I don’t think there’s much difference. But roasted tomatoes! Yes please.
      Maybe when you come to Kelowna we will go to Costco and just join the crowds meandering around. Who knows, maybe it IS fun!

  13. when they are just trying to get a goddamn bag of broccoli, Carol. LOL LOL LOL

    I also LOVE Costco paper and am going to stock up on the non-xmas variety! thanks for the tip

  14. Next time I get a dog (note: I’m never getting another dog) I want a happy, cheerful dog who is excited to see me! Look at that doggy smile!!

    I was driving to work this morning behind someone going 10 miles per hour under the speed limit and I was channeling my inner zen Nicole. Calm breathing. Reminding myself that it’s a beautiful day and I was not in a hurry. Relaxing my jaw. Remembering that the person driving the red pickup truck in front of me probably has other worries besides inconveniencing me. And you know what? It worked! I turned up my music, rolled down the window, and it was sort of like coming home from work rather than going to work! And I arrived at work happy! Like Rex!

    • IT REALLY DOES WORK! I am so happy to read that. I often think “what difference will five minutes make?” and basically it will never make much of a difference.
      I have to tell you that I always said I would never have another dog, after Barkley. I lasted…just over three months!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Rex Gotcha Day!!! I adore Rex… and you know, as Max has gotten to full size, I’m beginning to see some Rex in him :). Max too is such a happy, goofy fellow. (He has extreme motion sickness though, and is different from Rex in that important aspect.)

    And Nicole, your garden’s bounty is spectacular as are all the meals you made–they look so colorful and delicious!

  16. bibliomama2 says

    Aw, Rex’s gotcha day, so awesome. I love coming home and having Lucy meet me at the door with her whole butt wagging.
    I sort of think the grocery-store/Costco meanderers thing (Jody and I call them Cheese Tourists) might be more personality-related than age-related, but man, is it frustrating. I just don’t understand how people can be that oblivious to what’s going on around them.
    Happy Thanksgiving! So grateful for you. 3 <3

    • I call it “doughnutting” because Rex’s whole body becomes a doughnut shape when he sees me. It’s really cute, it’s like he wants to sniff me and also wag his bum on me at the same time. I guess he has good spinal flexion.
      Grateful for you! xo

  17. I am so envious of your produce. We have no garden and groceries are so expensive and I love tomatoes and zucchini and why are both SO DARN EXPENSIVE IN THE STORE.
    I don’t have a Costco membership anymore. For starters it’s an hour from my home, but mostly my mental health was too fragile to survive it. I find Costco so overwhelming and fraught with temptations (sure I’ll buy this $50 bag of bulk chocolate things I’ve never heard of before this moment) and overstimulation.

    So happy for you, for Rex, and for this special anniversary.

    • OMG buying zucchini in a store, nooooooo! If only I could send you mine!!!
      Costco can be overwhelming, especially one so far away. I find I go frequently enough that it’s no worse than going to Superstore. I think that’s the key! Obviously not a good solution for you though.

  18. jennystancampiano says

    Honestly, just seeing the photos of Rex filled me with joy (especially the close up of his face.) Happy Rexiversary! I would ask if you’re doing anything special to celebrate, but my guess is there’s no need, since everything is special to him.
    There’s obviously something wrong with me, because other than Rex, the thing that stood out to me was “Snoopy themed gift basket.” Really??? I want one! I want to go to Costco and walk through the Christmas section! (It’s OCTOBER, Jenny. Calm down.)

    • Yes you’re right – every day is kind of special, so it was just the same for us!
      I would have bought the gift basket BUT it was two of the same mug plus a cookie jar, which would be fine, but the rest was filled with cookies and hot chocolate bombs that no one would have eaten, so it felt like $39 was too much for what I wanted!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Rex-a-versary. He’s so cute. I got a good chuckle out of your description of the slow moving, older folks at Costco. I see that breed at times and wonder about a life when time is of very little importance. Hard to imagine, but yet – one day it will happen.

  20. Ug your comment about Costco makes me want to go on a rant about people in general. I do sometimes park my cart to run into the fridge section, since everyone else is in there with their carts and it gets quite crowded. However, I park it on the side, not blocking anything and make sure there is tons of room around it (like in the main produce section, not in one specific aisle.) However, I do sometimes see people do what you are saying, or the worst is a couple with a cart and a kid walking side by side in an aisle and not moving over.

    However, I think Canadians (at least on the Western half) are pretty polite in general, but I have been to other countries where people just push you out of the way, cut in front of you, jostle you or are completely oblivious to other people. Like I said, not that it doesn’t happen in Canada or the US, it does, but some places really require a huge amount of patience, which to be honest with you Nicole, I do not have a lot of to begin with. I try to stay away from grocery stores for at least a week before any holidays too. Which reminds me, I think I am going to have to go grocery shopping today! EEEK.

    • I understand what you mean, it can be frustrating. I just try to be patient and breathe through it – what else am I going to do? At the very least, I amuse myself by peeking into other people’s carts as they block my way. I’m always interested to see what other people are buying at Costco!

  21. Your salads look delicious, but I admit that I’m ready for warm cozy dinners now. People at Costco vary so much. Sometimes I feel like I’m among my own, while other times [like your situation] I feel like an alien from another planet. Or maybe the other people are the aliens and I’m the real one?

  22. Happy Rexaversarry! He’s such a handsome guy!

    I had to LOL about your duvet cover cannibalizing the other items in the dryer. I guess that’s where the “fun” with the sheets happen! Ha!

    Oh, your meals look so good! I love the idea of picking fruit and veggies from my garden. I gardened for 2 yrs (I think starting in 2020) but we have too many bugs that eat the leaves of my plants and it became more of a frustrating thing instead of a fun thing. I loved harvesting, though; I think I loved it just as much as the eating, I think!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

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