Archives for September 2024


Just like everyone else in the reading world, I have strong preferences when it comes to certain genres and subjects. I gravitate towards those genres naturally, although I really do try to branch out every now and then to broaden my mind and my horizons. Recently Suzanne (HI SUZANNE) wrote about twenty ideas for lists […]

Nature, Nurture, Nerd

I am very accustomed to drawing a lot of attention on my daily walk, because I am accompanied by a living embodiment of a gigantic cartoon dog whose facial expression is exactly this for the duration: Every day people pass me and actually laugh at him, in a good-natured, look at that silly dog kind […]

Long and Winding Road

I was walking with a friend downtown toward my favourite bookstore when I recognized a woman passing us. Isn’t it funny that when you see a person out of context, it can take a moment to place them? Usually for me it’s someone I see from the dog park or the walking path; the person […]