Weeding, Flowers, and Semi-Mindful Consumption

I discovered another, only slightly-distressing but still inconvenient victim of the Big Move this past week, with all the weeding I have been doing – hours and hours of weeding, people – and that is my trusty old nail brush. I had the cutest little nail brush in the shape of a foot – and the foot shape itself was a little pumice – that dates back to the early 2000s, and, if memory serves me correctly, was in a gift box of Body Shop items related to foot care, including what I thought was discontinued, but is only rebranded, peppermint foot lotion.

Slight digression: has anyone else noticed the rebranding and repackaging of Cover Girl items? Cover Girl has really upped its game; the packaging is so sleek and pretty now, and they have a whole new “clean” line as well. I kind of dislike the “clean” labelling because it implies anything else I put on my face is mud collected from the off-leash dog park, but my beloved Aunty C swears by their new line of clean mascaras, and I feel that is a notable recommendation, albeit not one I have personally tried. I’m a Maybelline Surreal Falsies girl, as we all know.

Anyway, back to the nail brush. I have no idea if, in my stressful packing of last year, I threw it out, or if it is just another lost item, not as soul-destroying as the bookmarks, but annoying nonetheless. I think it must be the former, because nothing else bathroom-related is missing – THAT I KNOW OF – and who is to say what my mental state was at the time? I was probably singing along to Miley Cyrus’ The Climb and crying while I packed the bathroom, so it’s perfectly possible that it hit the trash. It was somewhat stained from the time my younger son had to stain his woodworking project at home and hence used it to scrub off the chocolate-brown wood stain all over his hands, so maybe I just tossed it.

Well, when you need a nail brush, you need a nail brush, and although I generally wear gloves while gardening, I somehow still get dirt underneath my nails, which is not a look I am going for. I am trying to Consume Mindfully these days and avoid unnecessary purchases, keeping in mind that my husband will leave me and my mother will disown me if I ever do a No-Shopping Year again. I chalked this up as a Highly Necessary Item and immediately ordered one, along with some new protein powder.

Late last year, both Engie and Elisabeth (HI ENGIE HI ELISABETH) recorded their beauty expenditures, in relation to what is known as the Beauty Tax, whereas the average (American) woman spends $877 on her appearance annually, whereas her male counterpart spends $592. I was completely shocked by those numbers because I blow them out of the water. My health and beauty expenditures vary wildly from month-to-month, depending on what runs out or if my pricey hair supplements have shipped, but let me tell you, as of this moment in time I am way, way, WAY over the annual average, and it’s only mid-May. The reason I even bring this up is that protein powder expenditures are “supposed” to be included in the total, which I think is stupid, as to me this is an important way to bump up my protein for my overall health, not a beauty product. Although, now that I’ve typed that out, I guess health does affect beauty, particularly hair and skin, so FINE I WILL INCLUDE THE PROTEIN POWDER. Be right back, I have to go update my spreadsheet.

In terms of Mindful Consumption, I have been really trying to use up what I have before I purchase more of any particular item, whether it be a beauty product or anything for the household like, say, chickpeas. Of course, that makes me a little anxious because as of Friday I was down to the last can of chickpeas and I used it up to make hummus, which means no more chickpeas until grocery day. This is a stressful situation to be in. What if I want to put roasted chickpeas on something? What then? I guess I would have to suffer through until Wednesday. Other than that, this is working fairly well, except that I somehow currently have seventeen bottles of Bath and Body Works lotion. Am I inadvertently hoarding? Well, I won’t buy ANY more, at least until I’m down to three or four.

I did decide to Mindfully Purge my underwear and sock drawer. It’s a strange cognitive dissonance that I can happily add one more black top to my many, many drawers full of black tops, but I have a total block when it comes to buying new socks, panties, or – and especially – bras. After a ten-minute interval in which I a) could see the state of my pedicure through my worn-out socks, b) put my (clean) fingernail through the lace in a pair of panties and ripped it nearly in half, and c) examined myself in the mirror to see that my bra cups gaped so much that I could literally stuff my worn-out socks in there, like I was a character in a Judy Blume book, I decided enough was enough. ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH. I ruthlessly went through everything and then REPLACED all the worn and ill-fitting items, including three new bras. We all know my weird laziness when it comes to buying new bras, and here I am! I’m a new woman! One who isn’t wearing socks with holes in them or bras that are in need of stuffing.

On the topic of clothing, I love looking at what other people are wearing, not just for events, but for regular day-to-day living. I think you can tell a lot about a person and what kind of day they are having by what they are wearing at the grocery store, an outing to which is a huge part of my day-to-day life (only two days until more chickpeas). I love seeing elderly ladies all dressed up in slacks and blouses, with their hair done and lipstick on, and I also love seeing young moms with their messy buns, frazzled faces, washable outfits, and carts full of small people and Goldfish crackers. I love seeing people in their pajama pants, with a I Don’t Give A Fuck About Your Societal Rules look on their faces. There’s something invigorating about a person who will NOT conform to the Pajamas Are For Home canon.

The other day I passed a young man in the cereal aisle; he was wearing a ribbed white tank top, low riding jeans, and a pukka shell necklace. He also had a moustache and a mullet, and I reminded myself that I had not travelled back in time, young men are often in mullets and moustaches these days. I was marvelling about this to myself, wondering if I lived to 100 how many returns of the mullet I would see in my lifetime, when I found myself next to an older man, who was notable only for a scowl on his face and a t-shirt that read “I Tested Positive For Freedom,” which was embellished with a maple leaf.

Well. Fashion is there to make a statement, and that man certainly was, but what I couldn’t help but think was you’re still wearing that in 2024? Aren’t we done this by now? He was older, but there’s no reason to think he wouldn’t live another 15 or 20 years, and I wondered if he would still be wearing it then, and what, if any, the public reaction would be. Perhaps I’m overthinking this, perhaps it was just the first shirt he grabbed when he got dressed that morning. Perhaps he, like me, is trying to Consume Mindfully and did not see any reason not to wear a perfectly serviceable t-shirt, one with no visible rents or stains. Or perhaps he really wants everyone to know his particular outlook on life. I typically smile at or chat with everyone I encounter at the grocery store, but you know what, I just picked up the oatmeal from the shelf we were both looking at, and swerved around him silently.

Weekly Reading

I Was Told There Would Be Cake. I heard this woman speak on a podcast a few months ago, and immediately put her new memoir on hold. I mentioned this to Bijoux (HI BIJOUX) who told me that the author also had a book of essays, from around 2008. It was so enjoyable and fun, and gave me good nostalgia for life in my twenties.

The Interestings. My favourite kind of book is a character-driven book, and this is definitely that. I became very invested in the lives of the six – plus a husband – people who become friends at summer camp, and whose lives diverge fairly widely after they become adults. I love thinking about the roads that we take in our lives, how things change as we age, and this book is all about that. This is a very real book about the ordinariness of life, and how secrets and lies and bad decisions can haunt people for years. There is a lot in this book about envy, and how it can be poisonous, but also how we all have our burdens to bear, no matter what our lives look like from the outside.

Just in case you all were wondering, I did get almost caught up on weeding yesterday morning, when it suddenly and dramatically started to pour rain. By the time it stopped I was all showered and made up and did not feel like getting grubby all over again, so hopefully I will get caught up this morning. Although in the afternoon I had a cup of tea and the teabag said “The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgement,” and I will say, I felt judged myself. Judged by my own teabag.

Mostly, though, I am excited about the garden and about all the irises that are currently blooming.

Rex is excited about the grass.

May we all have such joy and excitement on a daily basis! xo


  1. Oh! Those photos of Rex rolling around in the grass!!! Instant mood lift! And that Elmo triptych is how I feel too :).

    I’m glad you have new underthings and a nail brush–those seem like necessities. As do protein powder and hair supplements. I should think you consume less than most just by virtue of your vegan choices, Nicole; you deserve guilt-free treats.

    I don’t mind what people wear to the store, but I really hope the people wearing pajamas to the store aren’t wearing the same pajamas when they get into bed. Shudder.

    Hey… I think Steph is reading _The Interestings_ currently!

    • Ohhhhhh I didn’t even think if they were the same pajamas or not. Well, I am in the fun stage of sweating through my pajamas every night, so not an option for me even if I was comfortable wearing my pajamas outside my house. Which I am not.
      You’re so sweet and actually, I did think of you when I saw the Elmo, because you and I are the same. xo

  2. jennystancampiano says

    Yes, I agree with Maya- if those photos of Rex don’t brighten your day, I don’t know what will.
    You would LOVE our high school carline in the morning. While I’m dropping my daughter off I get to see what everyone is wearing. There apparently is no dress code (although I’m sure they draw the line somewhere???) A popular outfit seems to be a crop top, pajama bottoms, and slippers. Then there’s super short shorts, jeans, hoodies… I don’t know how some of these people are comfortable all day. What is the temperature of the school that people can wear short shorts, or fuzzy slippers? Anyway, it’s entertaining.
    It’s so funny, because I’ve been eating a lot of chickpeas lately, and having no cans in th pantry would also make me worried. hang in there! It’s almost Wednesday.

    • Oh, there is nothing better than seeing a whole bunch of high school students in the morning! I always loved seeing the outfits. When my sons were in school it was the beginning of the giant pants/ crop tops, and come to think of it, that was a popular look when I was young! Ah, life. The circle of life.

  3. North went to school today in pajamas. (It’s Senior Spirit week and today is pajama day.)

    I’m sorry your tea bag is judging you. I used to feel judged by a mug that said “Do What You Love. Love What You Do” on days when I just couldn’t manage that.

    Rex looks like a very happy fellow.

    I will give you an update on The Interesting when we finish it but at the current rate, that will probably be weeks from now.

    • Lolololol Steph! That mug! I would have to only use it on certain days, I think. What if my teabag was in your mug? NOOOOOO.
      I will love to talk to you about the Interestings when you’re done!

  4. Rex is so joyful and I am here for it! I really enjoyed The Interestings but I think I had a specific connection to it as a lapsed theatre person. Strangely enough, it was the last time I chose a book for my former book club who detested it. Every. Single. Person. Oops!

    I live in a university town, so I am always outfit watching between my tween daughter and her crew, the “college kids” and then us townies. The generational divide is wild!

    • Oh wow, that’s a bit disappointing about your book club! But I get it because often I will be absolutely in love with a book and others will read it and hate it. So I get you!
      I love outfit watching of the youth!

  5. First off, when I glanced at the title of your post in feedly, I thought it said wedding, flowers, … and I thought – is Nicole growing flowers for someone’s wedding? Because that sounds INTENSE!! Weeding makes way more sense and sounds far less high stakes! Lol.

    We are kind of a “just in time” inventory kind of house when it comes to food because we have limited pantry space but there are things we buy a lot of and always have on hand because we will use them. I think you should not apply JIT to things like chick peas that you know will never expire in your cupboards. For us, those items we can’t overbuy are sliced black olives, beans (black/kidney/chickpeas), tomato sauce, crushed totatoes, green enchilada sauce, etc etc. I could go on but it would bore you to death. But everything else is JIT pretty much. I am kind of an underbuyer of clothes, too. I get running socks as gifts so my softs are in good shape but if not for those gifts, I’d have a very slim inventory of socks (but would not own any with holes because those get thrown away right away but it’s a sensory issue for me to wear socks with holes). I need to upgrade my bras and undies. Bras are tricky because I still feel like I am fluctuating in size a bit with my cycle and such. But I should bite the bullet and buy some underwear.

    I am also like Elmo re: flowers/blooming trees and am forever pointing them out to my children who are far less amazed by the gorgeous flowers and ornamental trees. And the lilacs have bloomed so our walks are so very fragrant!

    Lastly I do have garden bed envy. I would love to get back to gardening when I am in a different stage of life but we would need to live in a different home. Our house is one a STEEP hill so our yard is not conducive to garden plots and the kids would lose precious soccer and t-ball real estate if I tried to build garden beds that would work on our super-slanted back yard. But this is probably not our forever home because of the lot which my husband LOATHES. So some day we will live on a lot with a flat yard and I can have a garden again and that will be amazing.

    • OMG imagine having to supply wedding flowers. The stress! One day I will tell you a hilarious story from my MIL about the time in her life that she decorated wedding cakes, talk about bridezillas.
      One day you will be in my (gardening) shoes and will be able to get back into it! Just not now. But someday! I would never have been able to manage a garden this size even five years ago. Your time will come for sure!

  6. “young moms with their messy buns, frazzled faces, washable outfits, and carts full of small people and Goldfish crackers.”

    Every word of this is me. (Well, “young” is debatable. Or relative, I suppose.)

    I really really need to buy new bras. And I tried! My previous style from Knix was discontinued so I ordered a new style and it sucked! And now I’m at a stalemate again. The girls are just too big to buy bras at, say, Superstore. So I remain stuck, too fearful to order more terrible bras online and too lazy/exhausted/overwhelmed to go anywhere to try them on in person, because they’re all just going to be terrible anyway. (Harumph.)

    • It was me too, once upon a time!
      Ariana, I have the opposite problem – my breasts seem to be shrinking (as my waist disappears, it’s a…look). My fave style from Knix is their scoop neck, it somehow fits me perfectly. And I have had good luck with Shapermint (but omg they send SO many emails! So many! And I keep unsubscribing and yet they continue. But the bra I bought is great).

      • The scoop neck didn’t work on me for a number of reasons! Sigh. I was thinking about trying shapermint, so thank you for the endorsement!

  7. Awwww…I love that Elmo meme! And man oh man….The Interestings might be my favorite book of all time. I found the characters so relatable, as someone who still has three church camp friends as Facebook friends (one whom I got together with after 25 years of not seeing each other in 2013 and another met up with me when he was in town from Florida. It had to have been 35 years!)

    The garden looks wonderful. It’s not my thing and I leave it to my spouse and daughter.

    • Bijoux, I loved that book and I also found it so fascinating how the author wove in growing up, envy, and the changes between living a creative youth and the realities of adulthood. It was so great, and I was SO invested in them all!

  8. Love the Elmo meme. But those pictures of Rex take the proverbial cake. How happy and jolly he looks rolling around in the grass. Sheer delight!!

    Bra shopping is no fun, so gold stars to you!!

  9. Michelle G. says

    Look at your garden beds growing!!! Wow, they’re beautiful! And then there’s the little gnome keeping watch. Too bad he doesn’t do some weeding during the night! 🤣
    Bra shopping is the worst. Why are there so many pokey, scratchy things on them?

  10. I thought it said “Wedding Flowers” too!!!! And I wondered who was getting married because I love a good wedding yarn. Oh well – I need new glasses.

  11. Your garden is magical. I can only imagine how often you need to use your nail brush.

    I saw Cake hair products at Walgreens this afternoon and thought of you. 💕.

  12. I have absolute garden envy, though I am also understanding of how much WORK goes into having such a big and beautiful garden. For those who saw ‘Weddings’, I will say that my coworker’s daughter is getting married in her back yard, and she is SO STRESSED and spending every weekend in the garden weeding and pruning and trying to time everything to be just perfect. It’s a late June wedding, which should be perfection here, unless it’s HOT, which would be better than rain. I feel for her!

    Those pictures of Rex brightened my day for sure, thank you!

    I spend SO MUCH money on skin and hair care, and I get my hair professionally cut and colored, so my quarterly spending is probably closer to the average annual amount. I mean, just the cut and color is almost $350, and I do that about every 10-12 weeks.

    I recently went through my bras, sock, and underwear drawers and got rid of a bunch of items that were falling apart, and it’s much better in there. The last time I went bra shopping, the one I was looking at didn’t fit, even though it was the SAME brand and size as the one I was currently wearing, which pissed me off so I left.

    I read The Interestings and found it meh. I am glad for those who loved it though!

    I was a mindless consumer this weekend. I bought myself a bracelet, a scarf, and a pair of sunglasses. I did not need any of them. I will likely keep them all until I am 102, however, and will get good use out of them, so there’s that.

    I go to the grocery store almost daily. It’s how I entertain myself, since I work from home. So we don’t have time to run out of much. I do try to go through the cupboards sometimes and make something with what we have laying around, though. Hmmm. I may have some tikka simmer sauce in there…might make something with that…

    • Outdoor weddings just feel so stressful to me, and this could be because I lived my whole life in Calgary, where the weather is just so volatile. I mean, you just could not count on it! So I am stressed on her behalf!
      I feel very bonded with you now, due to both the entertaining grocery runs and the beauty expenditures! I mean, I know how averages work so I can see how some people spend next to nothing, but $877 annually just seems completely unattainable to me! And I colour my hair at home!

  13. Yay for getting the nail brush and new bras! I’ve given up on gardening so I don’t have any need for a nail brush but I did finally replace my very old bras last year AND I REPLACED THEM AGAIN THIS YEAR so I can speak to the magic of not wearing too-old bras.

  14. bibliomama2 says

    We finally (five weeks post-leg surgery) let Lucy go down the back staircase from my parents’ deck to roll in the grass and she looked delirious with joy.
    I really liked The Interestings.
    One of my favourite fancy bras had the underwire poke through and I was upset and then I did the math, and then I was still upset but realized it owed me nothing. I need another fancy black bra with pink detailing on the top of the cups now, though, stat.

  15. I love the ‘only 2 days till buying more chickpeas’ tie-in. I am in the same boat as far as bra shopping. I remember when I bought bras after I was done nursing and I had those bras forEVER and finally replaced them. I’ve really scaled back on my clothing shopping. It’s hard to resist when I find things on sale, but being too busy to go to Von Maur does help. I cannot imagine not buying clothes for a whole year – do shoes count? Because I bought some new shoes after Christmas and weirdly haven’t worn them. I never do that.

    I’m going down a rabbit hold here. Congrats on being almost caught up on weeding. Those photos are so pretty. The sky! Beautiful. And I always love a Rex pick. Both of these books sound great. I love a memoir – it’s my favorite genre.

    • A few years ago I replaced my sleep bra – which I had bought while pregnant!!! Obviously there were some changes in the girls since that time!
      Shoes did count in my no-shopping experiment, and I was pretty in need by the time my year was up.

      • Wait…you sleep… in a bra? Is this common? Did I miss yet ANOTHER critical piece of Girl Knowledge? I missed all the other ones, so it would not be a surprise…

  16. I always wonder how I get dirty hands gardening when I wear gloves, but I always do.

    I am very bad a replacing underwear too. Bra shoping especially is just not fun. I currently have make an appointment for a sports bra fitting on my list of things to do. I don’t know when that will actually happen. Undies I’ve solved by wearing only one type that I can order online, which makes it easy.

  17. I have a really problem with hoarding in relation to a scarcity mindset. The only way I can be mindful about stuff I consume is if I telly myself I can have all I want. Your pictures are gorgeous! What a garden! What a view!

    • Sarah, I had gotten so good about not overbuying until the pandemic, when it was hard to get things. And then boy oh boy, if I saw something I wanted and hadn’t been able to get the week before, I stocked up. I’m really trying to fix this now, because it isn’t hard to get things anymore. So I tell myself the same thing – I can get it next time! (and then if it’s not available I spiral).

  18. Rex! He’s always so joyful. To live his life, know his thoughts! Bra shopping is impossible, but necessary. I don’t like clothes shopping to begin with, more so when it comes to foundations. Chick peas, love ’em. Must have cans around to feel like we have a well-stocked pantry.

  19. I’m all about mindful consumption until I’m even remotely challenged. I was at my undergrad alma mater for the first time in about fifteen years. It was a weekday, the bookstore was open, and my will was weak. I spent hundreds of dollars on merch and have no regrets.

    Chickpeas are such a staple of our Costco trips. I can’t even imagine how many you buy at a time!

  20. I can’t even get over the view in the first photo and then you end with joyful photos of Rex?!?! You spoil us, Nicole!

    I love The Interestings. I just found the dynamic between all the friends to be fascinating.

  21. I absolutely love this! I only produced zinnias this year. My dad had wanted to plant zinnias this year so he could see them from the window of his den. So we decided that zinnias would be the only flowers my mom and I planted this summer. In fact, we’re giving out zinnia seeds to the guests to take home at my dad’s celebration of life. 🖤

  22. I agree that how one dress for a groceries run tell a lot of the person’s character. I can’t help but judge when someone dress up or down too much and I’d form stories in my head about the person. I have a uniform for when not working nor on vacation, jean short and t-shirt (white/black/beige), and birkenstock. it’s comfortable, classic, and presentable no matter where. I find that the casual but put together looks is the perfect balance without intimidating others. When one dresses up too much, it somehow makes the other person feel uncomfortable if the person is casually dressed.

    • Coco, I also form stories in my head! Sometimes I will even think about how a person obtained their outfit, imagining them going into a store and choosing it (“that one: the pajama pants with Smurfs”).

  23. I also wear gloves while playing in the dirt and still end up with dirt under my nails (and in my hair, on my face and under my clothes); it’s a true mystery.

    I just replaced my bras with a random Warner’s wireless bra that I love and will continue to buy forever as long as they don’t discontinue it. Now I need to deal with the underwear situation.

    I also love seeing what people are wearing. I try not to judge but, in the last week alone I have witnessed the following AT THE OFFICE! A sequin shirt fit for a night out; plastic pants, baseball caps and Bermuda denim shorts. I get that we don’t dress “corporate” anymore…but honestly.

    • Wow, that is not the office wear one expects to see!
      I have no idea how the dirt gets absolutely everywhere, but it does, even when I’m working in the garden boxes!

  24. I love that! 😘❤️

  25. I am so jealous of your garden beds. We have a kitchen garden but, it’s in the shade and gets wet, and doesn’t dry out, so veggies simply do not grow. So, wild flowers it is. Just planted last weekend. Your pup is just so adorable!

  26. Meg Wolitzer is an interesting writer. I’ve read The Interestings and The Ten Year Nap. I want to say I like her writing. I devour the books, they are well-written, and yet, she’s not my favorite. Maybe because her characters, as well developed as they are, aren’t very nice people? And I horde chickpeas. It’s one of the few items, I always keep on hand. If you have chickpeas, white beans, canned diced tomatoes, coconut milk, and jars of sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and olives, you can always make a delicious meal.

    • I agree, Laura! I read and enjoyed both of those books, and feel the same about the characters.
      You know what, I love artichoke hearts and for some reason never buy them! Must change that!

  27. I also have been in a phase where I try to think consciously about every purchase and only buy what needs replacing, but gosh, it’s hard sometimes not to buy too many backups. Jon can luckily relate (he hoards TJs cold brew coffee because there was one time – during the pandemic, mind you – where I couldn’t get any. ONE WEEK! It’s not like there were months-long shortages). Haha. The things we NEED in our lives.

    Also, kudos for getting new bras. Very important. Hard to shop for (at least for me), but necessary.

    Rex is such a cheerful addition to your blog post and I am always here for it 🙂

    • I totally understand Jon’s thinking because I get that way too. I remember something in particular we couldn’t get, and it is so hard to pass it by when I see it in the store. I have to remind myself that I can get it anytime – but then something weird will happen and it WON’T be available, and I’m spiralling back to square one.

  28. Your blurb about garbanzo beans and lotion had me cracking up. I am with you; one should always have a backup of the important things. However, it does get a little out of control, doesn’t it? I spent the last year of my time in Oakland eating through and using up all of the things that I had stockpiled, and with some (shampoo) I did not even use it all. One whole year! So basically I probably had two years worth of shampoo.

    I did better on the food items, although I was eating a lot of beans with cheese at the end! This is hard for me now, as when I see a two for one deal, I want to just buy two (why pay the same price for only one!?) but I really have no room to carry it, so I often pay more, which makes me cringe!

    • Oh yes, but I can’t imagine how you would take advantage of those BOGOs, I guess this is the major upside to carrying everything with you – you can’t overbuy! You have to naturally be a minimalist. I did the same thing – tried to go through everything before we moved – but we did end up still moving a lot of things I had hoped we would have already consumed. Oh well.

  29. You can always make me laugh: “it implies anything else I put on my face is mud collected from the off-leash dog park”. I died. I’ve not noticed the clean branding, but then again, I don’t usually pay attention to the cosmetic department, until I actually need something, which is more rare these days.
    I do hate it when I know I’ve had something for a lifetime, but then can not find it. Like, did I throw it out? How could I have tossed it? Then I determine that someone broke into our house and stole that particular item.
    I have no idea what the Tested Positive T-Shirt means. But man, seeing guys with the mullet, well, that is always cringeworthy for me!

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