I know we all say this every single month, and probably will say this every single month until we shuffle off this mortal coil, but can you even believe that it’s the end of May? Technically, I guess, we refer to the specific month that we are at the end of, not specifically “May.” However, it does feel like every time a month ends no one can believe that the month is ending already, because life is but a time-lapse video of pages flying off a page-a-day calendar, so rapidly that we cannot even, we cannot EVEN. And so it is that Saturday is June, and it’s time once again to talk about my Favourite Things.
This month feels especially fleeting, as I was travelling for almost half of it, and the other half seems to have been spent frantically catching up on all the things I missed while travelling. When I think back to our trip, it feels a bit blurry and fuzzy, like I just woke up and am half-remembering a lovely dream I had. It just seems like it was so long ago already!
The last day of our trip, we drove from Montreal to the Ottawa airport, where we flew to Calgary and then on to Kelowna so, as my husband pointed out to a Very Tired Me, we were in four provinces over a 14 hour period. It’s just like one of those old Bust Loose! European tours in which the clientele visit 9 countries in 8 days, but without the alcohol poisoning and casual sex.
Side note: I never did one of those tours as a youth (or as an older person, I hasten to say) but stories, I have heard them. Hey, if you did, I would love to hear about it! I love stories about my friends and their wayward youths, they are my favourite! And here are the rest of my Favourites, for the month of May.
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Four Province Edition
I’m Glad We Were Here Together In Our Nation’s Capital

I used that line from Forrest Gump – god I love that movie, no apologies – many times when we were in Ottawa, both in my head and outwardly, the latter only a few times, as my husband is pretty tired of hearing me talk about the Lieutenant Dan character arc, which inevitably follows any quotation. (I was supposed to be Lieutenant Dan. You are STILL Lieutenant Dan). We are here, in our nation’s capital! I texted the boys, who probably just rolled their eyes as they pressed “like” on my message. Anyway, when it came to Ontario I loved seeing Allison (HI ALLISON) and the Parliament buildings, but my Favourite Thing about the province was – wait for it – the Niagara wine region!

Every once in a while, I will read an article about the dangers of alcohol consumption in general and the negative effects of it on a woman in perimenopause in particular; I will wake up in the middle of the night after a couple of glasses of red wine drenched with sweat, and I will briefly consider a wine-free life. But you know what? I love wine. In fact, I Fucking Love Wine. All week I look forward to Friday when I crack open a bottle and pour myself a nice glass as an end-of-week treat. I especially look forward to it when I know I have a bottle of my Very Favourite Wine, Vineland Estates Cabernet Franc.

I have already discussed how special that winery is to me, but I don’t think I can reiterate enough how delicious this wine is. It is not available for purchase in BC, for long, boring, stupid reasons, and so we had some cases shipped home, including some white and rose. I am not typically a rose gal, but Vineland Estates makes an absolutely wonderful one, so maybe I’ll get myself a Rose All Day tee to wear while sipping.

If Only You Believed In Miracles, We’d Get By
I grew up in the Lutheran church, and let me tell you a little something about Lutherans: they are a very practical, prosaic people. They are not interested in wasting resources on external ornamentation or frivolity, to say the least. There’s going to be a cross, and a couple of stained-glass windows, and maybe a painting depicting the Crucifixion and a banner sewed by one of the ladies in the congregation, but that’s pretty much it.
The first time I remember being in a non-Lutheran church was when I was sixteen, and that non-Lutheran church was St Paul’s Basilica in the Vatican. Go big or go home, I always say. I remember being absolutely overwhelmed with the incredible, excessive beauty of the Basilica, and so began my lifelong interest in visiting historical cathedrals. You might think that I should have saved something as momentous as St Paul’s for later in life, but sometimes life is mysterious and the road is long and winding.
On our trip to Quebec we drove the extra 30 km outside of Quebec City to visit the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre. It’s one of the biggest churches in Canada and has the reputation for miracles, attracting pilgrims from all over. The front of the church has a display of crutches, canes, and walkers that were left by pilgrims who did not need them anymore.

Now, I am not Catholic, nor have I even attended a church service in many years, but I do believe in a higher power and I do believe that sometimes, things happen that cannot be explained by our practical world, and maybe those things are miracles. I mean, who knows? The power of the mind is very strong, and while I wouldn’t rely on miracles, I wouldn’t reject them either. Of course, I am a person who, in the vein of Mary Oliver, thinks that seeds sprouting, flowers blooming, and the sun rising and moon falling are pure, everyday miracles, so I might not be that discerning. But just because science or logic can explain something doesn’t mean it’s not miraculous, and, in an opposite vein, sometimes miraculous things happen that cannot be explained by science or logic. In any case, no one builds a church like the Catholics, and I felt myself in awe of the beauty.

Across from the church is a hill, and there are life-sized Stations of the Cross built into it beside a memorial chapel. Walking through the Way of the Cross, I thought of my grandma Fern and missed her terribly.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
One of my very Favourite things to do when I visit my parents – other than eating, drinking, and spending time with them – is going to Bentley, Alberta, which is home of Merry’s Mercantile. My friend Merry (HI MERRY) has a wonderful little boutique that is filled with absolute happiness, and it changes all the time: she sells clothing and home goods, gifts and cards, retro treats and vintage goods. Salvadore the gnome came from there, and my mom and I drive out whenever I’m visiting. This time we took my aunt as well, and had a great time. Something always speaks to me in her little shop, and this time it was this mug:

I mean. Was it made just for me? It feels like it. I also bought a matching one for my aunt, which says “Because I’m a fucking lady, that’s why.” What can I say, it felt right.
And just because we are talking about Merry’s Mercantile, I thought you would all be interested to see Salvadore in his new environment. Finally, he’s finished with the Menopause Manifesto!

Inch By Inch, Row By Row
On my birthday, we planted the seeds for the garden, and everything is up and growing, with the exception of the oregano, which I have since replanted. My very first harvest was last week, and it was cilantro! Longtime readers will remember my indoor cilantro garden, which I no longer have – and I have missed fresh cilantro so very much. It feels like an absolute gift to just go out and cut some at a whim.

We also have so much kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce already. We had our first kale harvest on Sunday, and another of kale and spinach on Tuesday, and you can barely tell that I cut it, we have so much in the garden. It’s all salads, all the time around here now.

Outfit of the Month
I am so proud of myself for travelling for two weeks with only a carryon. As a former overpacker, I feel like I have made a significant shift in my life, and as god is my witness, I will never check a bag again, if I can help it.
Let me tell you about this coat: it is a workhorse. I bought it from Lululemon when my children were in preschool, and I think it still looks pretty great. It’s waterproof and lined, so it was perfect for this trip which was relatively cool and sometimes rainy.

I mostly wore it with jeans, a black top, and Skechers, which were perfect for walking around. Since we were outside touring around most of the time, almost every single photo of me is in this coat. I hope it lasts me forever.
May was such a fun month, but I am looking forward to a quieter existence for June. We will be sticking close to home, which, although he is a good traveller, I think Rex will be happy about.

What have you loved this month? Tell me everything. xo
Ha ha, well so much good stuff here, but I have to start with- I love the mug! And the one you got for your aunt as well. Also- Rex in the car! Once again you made my day with this photo.
Ah, your garden!!! That big bowl of greens looks incredible. You’re inspiring me to eat more salads. My greens will sadly be coming from the grocery store, but it’s better than nothing.
You’re right- no one builds a church like the Catholics. Your photos are beautiful!
We love our salads around here! Grocery store greens, well, that’s what I do for most of the year, and they are just fine! Not as exciting as garden ones, but not bad at all!
What have I loved this month? My birthday! But we’ll get to that tomorrow . . .
I love wine so much, so I’m right there with you, girl! I can give up my sugar and salt, but I’m going to continue to ignore all warnings about alcohol, because WINE! And champagne (or bubbles, if we’re not partaking the French version). Have you been to Napa/Sonoma? My favorite place on Earth!
I should have known you were a Lutheran girl! Just about every ancestor of mine was Lutheran. I was baptized Lutheran, but then my family strayed into non-denominational territory when I was a pre-teen. After I married a Catholic, we settled on Lutheran, so my kids were also baptized Lutheran. Now, we go to a hippy-dippy Lutheran church with a band, so it’s not my grandparents’ Lutheran church, but we still do the Nicene Creed 🙂 But I’m amazed by the beauty of cathedrals and love to visit them. And hey, I believe the human body is a miracle in itself, so I absolutely believe in miracles.
A beautiful post to end the month. The picture of you holding the wine bottle is gorgeous and could be a magazine ad! XOXO
“not my grandparents’ Lutheran church” for some reason, this cracked me up. I have the mindset that a person still needs to dress up to go to church (as I said, it’s been a while) and I know that’s not the case!
I have not been to Napa/ Sonoma but I think I would love it!
Well, in May we had two family birthdays and Mother’s Day, North finished high school, and we got kittens, so it’s been quite the month around here.
The only edible thing in our garden right now is several kinds of herbs since I finished the kale that overwintered. We have three tomato plants in the ground and a bunch of cucumber, sunflower, and zinnia seedlings in pots waiting for plots to be prepared.
I wonder if my kale will overwinter? Time will tell!
It has been a huge month for you, Steph!
That picture of Rex. I mean. Nicole. BREAKING THE INTERNET WITH CUTENESS.
What a lovely Favourite Things recap. I just got home from a long walk with a friend who was in Old Quebec City last weekend and she was raving about it and I told her I knew someone else who had just been to Quebec City and raved about it and I really MUST get to Quebec City so I can rave about it.
The mug is perfect!
We love cilantro and a bunch from the store is always too much to use up. I have two brown thumbs, but I should start growing some cilantro somewhere! Maybe a pot on the deck? I need your advice!
That coat looks fabulous!
A pot on the deck would work great, I bet. You certainly don’t need much space for it. I guess my advice is to just plant it and see! It can be replanted frequently. I think cilantro from the store just never tastes quite as good as the fresh kind, it has almost a completely different flavour.
I too am in denial that May is ending… While not nearly as epic as your four-province tour, I enjoyed traveling to Arizona and celebrating birthdays (my firstborn, my mom), belated Mother’s Day, and starting our veggies in the garden.
Please share your cilantro tips! We use a ton of it in the South Asian, South-East Asian, and Mexican inspired food we make, but I can never get enough from our plantings and always have to resort to buying bunches at the store.
I chuckled at you going from your Lutheran church to THE VATICAN! Catholic spaces are so ornate (the chapel was my favorite place when I was in school), but even so, I thought the Vatican was a bit over the top.
Thanks for the lovely pics of you, Nicole (and the ones of Salvatore and Rexie too)!
I don’t have any good cilantro tips! I just plant it…and that’s kind of it? But I know once the heat kicks in it’s going to tend to go to seed. I just cut it a lot, I guess?
Hi Nicole! First time commenting…loved everything here. The wine, the cathedral, the mug, the cilantro!, the salad, Rex. Oh! And Salvador’s of course. My best ever thing that happened this May is my daughter had a baby boy! He is a very cute calm unfussy guy and I can just hold him and stare at him for hours. And I’m loving the longer days and nicer weather too.
Hi Deedee! Thanks so much for reading and for commenting! Congratulations on your grandson! What wonderful news. Awww. That is just such lovely news to read, and I am sure your daughter enjoys having you hold him (and stare at him!), as well as having you around!
I love that mug, although I feel like my energy has been more aligned w/ the … phrase than ‘peace, love and happiness’ of late, if I’m being honest. But that doesn’t apply to my home life – that’s all related to crap at work. I so wish I could teleport myself to your deck for a Friday ladies wine night because I am sure you could relate to some of the crap I deal with given that you worked on a trading floor so dealt with similar types…
I have tried to grow cilantro in the past but it seems to go to seed right away so I have given up! But it’s hard to grow anything at our house. I tried growing basil and something ate all of it, even when I shook cayenne on the leaves! I imagine it was a rabbit or squirrel. The squirrels made a whole in our compost bin (Minneapolis has city-wide composting so it’s a plastic bin similar to a garbage bin). Last week Phil saw a squirrel sitting on the top of the compost bin, chewing on a chicken bone from the compost! He tried to caulk the lid and they ate right threw it that night. The squirrels are vicious!
Let’s see, best part of May… probably not traveling the last 2 weeks? I haven’t had a 2 week break from traveling in quite some time and I have another week free of travel next week! I also love my new Hokas and have really enjoyed my runs lately as the weather has been gorgeous! We’ve had a ton of rain so everything is very green and lush.
Lisa! I would love for you to teleport to my deck. I’m sure we could share LOTS of stories.
Squirrels are SO destructive, we have tons but this is the first year I don’t resent them as they are eating all the little maple spinners that have fallen off the trees. The spinners are messy so the squirrels are actually…helping? Also Rex has a lot of fun chasing them. The garden is completely fenced off, and I guess a squirrel could climb over or squeeze through but so far they haven’t. Fortunately. In Calgary we once stored a light-up Christmas snowman on our deck and a squirrel ate the hat and chewed all the wires.
I was just thinking this morning that I need to bring a mug to my office because my thermos keeps my tea SO HOT that it is not drinkable for HOURS in the morning and I need it faster and it will cool down faster in the mug. So basically I want that mug. But maybe, probably, it’s not work-appropriate.
The previous owners of our house planted arugula in the beds by our back door. My husband and I are anti-arugula and the smell can be quite overwhelming. I have tried to kill the arugula many times, but it just keeps coming back. Will this be the year the arugula fails to return? I don’t know. But greens are hardier than you think!
I love arugula but yes, it is a very strong scent! And I didn’t really know it would come back year after year so maybe I should plant it myself. Greens are so hardy, especially kale and spinach, in my experience.
You need a new mug! I wish you could come with me to that store, I think you would love it. Lots of vintage stuff too!
Yay, May! My bday AND mother’s day– fave month and I CANNOT BELIEVE IT IS OVER, EITHER. Love these pictures and love that it is fully spring and you are wearing a substantial coat in all pics– my kind of weather
Hahaha well early May in Canada can be pretty chilly – and QC is pretty cold at the best of times!
OMG I totally laughed out loud at many points in this post! I’m with you…I’ve gone through many phases of reading all the literature on alcohol consumption especially because I’m such a health nut/fitness lover (just like you) but….I f’ing LOVE wine. And cocktails. And I deserve some treats! So I’m so happy to read that you got to go to your favorite winery and shipped cases home. You deserve it! Totally love and relate to that mug too!!
Oooh I love a good cocktail too. And guess what Kat – today is Friday! *throws confetti, pours wine and cocktails* *realizes it’s 4:50 in the morning* *sips coffee instead*
What a beautiful church! We went to St. Joseph’s in Quebec up high on a hill and it was so beautiful and peaceful, aside from all the tourists like me 🙂 I can always rationalize a glass of wine even though I also try to lead a healthy lifestyle because (speaking of miracles) JESUS TURNED WATER INTO WINE so it’s Heaven sent!
Quebec has so many beautiful churches!
Lol, I guess wine is heaven-sent, I never thought of it that way!
I love this! I don’t remember if I told you, but my goal for the next 10 years is to spend at least one night in every state and EVERY PROVINCE so I will be coming back to these posts to reference them. Some people that I met on Pelee Island last summer talked up the Niagara region, so it’s high on my list. I WILL GO THERE AND I WILL DRINK THAT WINE!
My favorite part of May was of course my Wisconsin trip. Tomorrow I’m headed back there for more adventures and more meetings of Cool People. My other favorite part of May was hanging out at home and watching the puppy grow up. She made so much progress and has gotten so much bigger.
You didn’t tell me that and I’m so excited to hear about every single travel!!! You are an inspiration!
I’m with you on wine! I would never give it up. I did once in my early twenties go on one of those European hop on hoo off tours (not QUITE as horrendous as the one you mention but almost!). One night in Barcelona I drank ALL the Sangria and woke up in my hostel bunk the next morning covered in my own vomit (sorry my 10 other bunk mates!) and took two full days to recover, and it was a LOOONG time until I drank Sangria again!
I LOVE that mug, so good! And I’m inspired by the fruits of your garden, amazing! I must plant my own.
OK now I’m heading up read your Montreal recap!
Oooooh that is a rough lesson on the easy-drinking ways of sangria! It’s so delicious and easy to drink, so I can see how you got yourself in trouble! I bet you had a massive headache too!
I love seeing your travel pictures. I’m not a big traveler, which is why I enjoy reading blogs. I feel like I’ve been places without leaving my cozy room. Thank you for your service. 😘🤣
I love that you still have the coat from when your kids were young. This is the best advertisement demonstrating why you get what you pay for.
There’s nothing quite like garden-fresh food. I’m envious, but I also understand how hard you worked to get that food. Enjoy!😘❤️
*takes a bow*
I love that coat so much and they don’t make it anymore! I know lulu is expensive but I have so many items that are over a decade old that still look new.
I seriously need both mugs in my life.
I can tell you that not all Catholic churches are ornate and beautiful. Sometime, who knows when, there was a period where churches were pretty puritan – I’ve been to at least two around here and it was weird not to have all the stained glass, etc. But the older churches in this area are gorgeous.
What warnings about alcohol? That is blasphemous and I refuse to acknowledge them.
Blasphemous indeed!!!! You and I shall turn a blind eye.
Oh yes, totally agree with you on wine. I am not a big drinker and I have decreased my wine drinking as I’ve got older, but I will not be giving it up entirely.
I’m so envious of your garden harvest. I have just put in my kale and lettuce for winter so they need a few more weeks before I can do any harvesting. I love coriander so much, but if we grow it here in summer it bolts in about two weeks, but it’s winter here now, and this has reminded me that I need to throw a pile of seeds into my garden. Rocket is also one that needs to keep for the cooler months here.
That photo of Rex is just adorable. Our dog is not a good traveller—he doesn’t get carsick, but is never relaxed in the car.
I find it so interesting, climates that can grow gardens in the winter! Kale and lettuce do so well in cooler temperatures, it is so fun to grow them. The cilantro is doing great now, but I’m sure when the summer heat kicks in it will start to bolt as well.
I did a bus tour! It was a Contiki tour and it was for 9 days and went through 7 or 9? Countries. I went by myself at 23 and loved it. I didn’t get alcohol poisoning but another Canadian girl did in Switzerland and the tour guide had to go to the hospital with her. I am sure there was a lot of other random frolicking and ‘silliness’ that went on as well. I think convincing my mom that the tour guide looked after us was likely the only way she didn’t completely freak out that I was going to Europe on my own for almost 3 weeks. (I went to visit a friend living there as well.)
Anna! This is a great story!! It sounds like it was such a fun experience for you (ugh for the other Canadian girl!)
Interesting that you live overlooking a winery but your favourite wine is one you can’t get. I also LOVE red wine. I don’t think you have to worry about your consumption with your once weekly wine night! I am going to buy a bottle today and try your fave wine. (So silly that you can’t get an Ontario wine in B.C. And vice versa). Really. That coat is so cute and wow have you got your moneys worth out of it!
Don’t get me wrong, I do love Okanagan wines, and I do love the wines from the neighbouring winery. But! I just love Vineland so much and wow, what a bummer we can’t have Canadian wines all over Canada. It’s ridiculous, honestly, but I am thrilled that you’ll try my fave!
Your vacation was one of a lifetime. You saw so many sights and took wonderful photos. I’m with you: But you know what? I love wine. I do too and considering I’m healthful in other aspects, plus not convinced a little alcohol does a soul/body wrong, I continue drinking.
I agree that if you’re going to see your first non-Lutheran church, you did it best. What a fun memory, unexpected personal revelation in this post. 😁
Thanks so much Ally. I agree – I lead a pretty healthy life, and part of that healthy life is allowing myself treats like red wine!
The coat is so cute. I love it. I bet it will last you forever, if it’s lasted this long. 😉 What a great trip. The church is beautiful. I have visited many beautiful churches while traveling in Europe. It never gets old. I’m laughing at you sharing Forest Gump quotes and believing your sons are eye rolling while liking the messages. So funny. Love the mug. So much.
I sure hope it will last me forever, Ernie! Things don’t last the way they used to, but this is going on 15 years now!
I LOVE that coat! I once read somewhere that one should have a great coat for vacation because it will end up in all the pictures.
I think my Husband is growing things in the backyard, but I just let him do his thing and if he remembers to harvest it, I’ll cook it up. If not, well, at least he had fun playing in the garden. Kale fresh from the garden tastes *so* much better than the stuff in the grocery store! Seriously people would eat more kale if they all just grew it themselves.
I think my favorite thing in May was all the people I got to hang out with while working on my latest show.
It’s so true about the coat! I think there is one photo of me without it on.
I think everything tastes so much better out of the garden, but kale particularly is so much more tender!
I love visiting churches if for the architectural beauty alone!
The bounty of your garden is amazing and I hope to one day cultivate a garden like yours. Until then, I’ll buy arugula and kale and spinch a plenty from the supermarket/Farmers market 🙂 (Kale lovers unite!).
Your Lululemon coat is super-cute and if it helped up that long, also worth the expense!
Mmmm kale is just the best!
I know Lululemon is expensive, but wow does it hold up over the years!
I love all your garden goodies! I wish we live close by so I get try your greens.
I loved seeing old friends in May, despite being a hectic month in term of work, I got to enjoy bonding time with old friends.
Oh I would love to share my greens with you – I have so much!
What a wonderful trip you had – and you got so many beautiful pictures! Of course, you know that Salvadore was my favorite part of this post! ❤️🤣He’s the perfect gardening companion. Your harvests look amazing, and I’ll bet your salads are delicious. Do I see some type of muffins in the background?
Yes! Those were banana muffins, so yummy. Michelle, I need to do a whole post on the gnomes in their new environs!
Who in their right mind could ever tire of Lt. Dan quotes? WHO?
Oh, that cathedral is amazing! We saw so many in Spain, my head is still spinning at the beauty of them: The Catholics know what they’re doing!
I love that Lulu coat! It’s great when you have a workhorse that you really enjoy.
Yay for your first harvests!
Cheers to June!
Suz, that’s what I say! I love that movie so much and could tear up just thinking about that friendship arc.
What an AMAZING month, and an AMAZING trip. Also, look at all that your garden is producing ALREADY!!!!! What a happy garden!
I visited a Catholic church in New Orleans and it was just STUNNING. I’m always in awe of those churches!
Your garden is killin’ it! Look at all those greens. That’s a whole lot of fresh salad to eat. <3
That mug is amazingggg!
Russian Orthodox Churches are so, so gorgeous- inside and out. Onion domes and all. It is beautiful but Russian orthodoxy is such a dark, dark religion. I can’t lol
I loved so many things this month… Seeing our cat curl up and expose her belly in the sunshine. Seeing my son build Legos. Visiting NY Botanical gardens and wishing my garden would look like that 😉 The beach, of course. Thank you for this beautiful post, Nicole!
Oh yes, they are beautiful, I haven’t been in one but they sure are outwardly lovely! I don’t know much about Russian Orthodoxy as a religion though. Catholicism definitely has a dark past as well.
You had a lovely May!